Chapter 855 Ghost Ship

Tension King explained: "Mine is a treasure vessel with a defense array, which will be opened automatically when it encounters an attack. The wind and waves are not an attack. This shaking is a phenomenon that occurs after the defense array is activated."

Qiao Ye said: "It's raining, someone attacked us?"

Zhang Liwang shook his head and said: "Generally, no one will seek death. In this case, they won't be able to get any good results. Let's go to the deck to see what's going on?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Let's go."

Several people quickly filed out of the cabin.

After leaving the cabin, there was continuous sound of heavy rain all around, even speaking loudly to be able to hear clearly, the rain kept hitting the deck, crackling.

In addition, it can be seen that there is a very faint light curtain on the outer circle of the ship. This is the effect of the Noble Phantasm, and the defensive formation is formed by itself.

Qiao Ye was not very surprised to be attacked. Before Qiao Ye, many people had already entered the sea of ​​blood. There may not be many people in the Demon Realm, but the Beast Realm is not fortified, and they can enter from the ruins of Linhai City.

Moreover, it is hard to guarantee that the sea of ​​blood is not dangerous, will it be attacked by sea beasts?

"Look..." Qin Jianchuan suddenly pointed to the side and rear: "There is a boat there!"

Everyone quickly came to the side of the deck and looked in the direction Qin Jianchuan pointed.

The outline of a ship could indeed be seen in the rainstorm, and it was not too far away, but because of the rainstorm, it was impossible to see clearly, only the outline of a ship could be seen.

However, one thing is certain, the ship is obviously much larger than Zhang Liwang's pirate ship, a five-masted sailing ship, the height of the hull is at least five or six meters higher than Zhang Liwang's Manshen, The length of the hull can also grow seven to eight meters, just looking at the outline is several times bigger!

Qiao Ye said, "Did the opponent attack?"

Zhang Liwang said: "It should be? However, it seems that it only attacked the one time just now, and the opponent seems to want to move closer to us."

Qiao Ye said, "What should we do?"

Qiao Ye is still very kind. Qiao Ye doesn't understand matters at sea, and neither do the others. King Zhang Li is the only one who knows. At this time, of course, Wang Zhang Li should be consulted.

Zhang Liwang spread his hands and said: "When I used to go out to sea, there were only three situations when I encountered other ships, pirate ships, navy ships, and merchant ships. Sometimes pirate ships fight, sometimes they don't fight. Look at each other's pirate flags. Is there any hatred? Whether it is provocative or not, the naval ships will of course fight if they can, and if they cannot fight, they will flee, and of course the merchant ships will directly rob."

Jin Shengyi said: "Do you think any of these three situations are applicable now?"

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be applicable." Zhang Liwang was dumbfounded for a moment, and then said: "When the unknown ships encounter each other, they usually have to wave the command flag, and then wait for the other party's response. I can't see it either."

Lin Ziyi said: "Could it be because of this that the other party's attack is actually to make us pay attention to them?"

Zhang Liwang spread his hands and said, "It's hard to say."

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and then said, "See if that ship will approach you."

Facts have proved that Zhang Li Wang is still very experienced. He only looked at the other party's course and concluded that the other party wanted to get closer. In fact, the ship was indeed approaching very quickly.


Qiao Ye and the others gasped involuntarily.

The ship was extremely dilapidated, the hull was old and decayed, and even the hull was damaged everywhere, and big holes could be seen everywhere.

Even, the canvas on the mast was not put away because of the rainstorm, but it was already rotten, and there was no sail on the mast at all.

Qiao Ye and the others looked at each other, it seemed...

A ghost ship!

After the ghost ship quickly approached, it looked very strange.

Just relying on the Manshen of Qiao Ye and the others, they ran parallel to the Manshen, neither fast nor slow, just running side by side with a distance of five or six meters!

This is an inconceivable thing. In such a rainy weather, it is impossible to control the speed of the ship and let the two ships go side by side.

Being able to do this means that the heavy rain and hurricane have no effect on the ghost ship at all.

Qiao Ye and the others looked at Zhang Liwang, who smiled wryly and said, "Don't look at me, I have never encountered this kind of situation before. This is not something that can be encountered during normal navigation. Things like ghost ships are not safe. It’s a legend, and it’s the first time I’ve seen it too!”

bang, bang, bang...

When several people were wondering, a few throwing hooks suddenly flew out of the ghost ship, fell on the deck of the Primal God, then tightened, and hung on the railing of the deck.

Zhang Liwang was shocked and said: "Be careful, be careful, they are going to connect the strings!"

King Tension immediately called his white ape holding a huge stone pillar out of the beast cage, and then stared at the ghost ship.

Qiao Ye and the others became extremely vigilant.

The few people stopped talking, and apart from the sound of the huge wind, the sound of rain water constantly hitting the deck, and the sound of waves hitting the ship, no other sounds could be heard.


Time continued to pass, but there was no movement. It stands to reason that the other party used the hook to catch the string, so he must have used the rope to slide down to the Manshen.


Nothing at all!

The ghost ship just ran parallel to the Manshen without any reaction.

Lin Ziyi whispered: "Does it mean that we want to board the boat?"

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, and said, "I'll go up and have a look first."

It's not a problem to be followed like this. After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Ye stepped forward alone, grabbed the rope on the throwing hook, jumped suddenly, and turned onto the ghost ship.

Coming to the deck of the ghost ship, the deck here is also dilapidated, with signs of cracks everywhere, and there are big holes one by one. Some places have sunken, and the rainwater has accumulated puddles.

the most important is……


Qiao Ye raised her head and looked around vigilantly. The huge deck was empty, and there was no one at all.

However, Qiao Ye didn't feel that there was anything dangerous.

Qiao Ye observed for a while, then poked his head out from the deck, stretched out his hand, and motioned for others to come up as well.

Others also climbed onto the ghost ship along the rope, then looked up and looked around.

The surroundings are empty, except for the rain that keeps falling.

The whole ship was extremely hazy, and the surrounding rain seemed to separate the world, dividing the world into the world inside the ship and the world outside the ship.


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