Chapter 856 Skeleton

There is actually nothing to see on the deck, there are dark holes everywhere, large wooden barrels used to hold fresh water or wine are poured on the deck, and there are some rusty weapons, which can be said to be clear at a glance.

So, after seeing no problems on the deck, Qiao Ye pouted and gestured towards the cabin.

It was still Qiao Ye who took the lead, Lin Ziyi led Xiaoji, Polaris was in charge of the rear, Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi stared at the flanks from left to right.

Although they haven't acted together for a long time, the tacit understanding between them is still good.


Qiao Ye opened the cabin door and walked into it.

After entering the cabin, Qiao Ye felt something was wrong.

If everyone thought it was a ghost ship before,

Dilapidated, decayed and musty!

The surroundings were still dead silent, and there was no sound to be heard, only the sound of "da da" footsteps and "creaking" wooden boards sounded abruptly, singing a song of dead silence with each other!


"Eighteen sailors have come out to sea, hey, give me a jar of wine, I can ride the waves and ride the wind without turning back, hey, oh, a jar of wine..."

In the quiet passage of the cabin, a faint singing sounded suddenly!


There is no one here, and there is no breath of living people, but at this moment, a faint singing sound appeared.

Looking at the empty cabin passage in front of them, everyone felt chilly.

Qiao Ye glanced at the others, but still picked up the oil lamp and walked slowly forward.

Crunch, crunch!

Qiao Ye stepped on the floor, and the old floor kept making harsh sounds.

The cabin passage was extremely deep and secluded, as if there was no end in sight, suddenly...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt that his shoulders had been tapped, instinctively turned sideways, and slashed out with a palm knife, but suddenly missed.

Qin Jianchuan stepped forward, took a broken bone hand from Qiao Ye's shoulder, and then pointed upwards and said, "The one that fell off, don't be too nervous."

Qiao Ye looked up and said, "Why are there bone hands on the ceiling?"

The others looked at each other and looked up at the ceiling.

The ceiling doesn't look like anything special, there are no holes, and there are no other bones.

Since I can't see anything...

Qiao Ye threw away the bone hand, turned around and prepared to move on.


The moment Qiao Ye turned his head, there was a skull head in front of his eyes, which almost stuck to Qiao Ye's face!

Qiao Ye was really taken aback, it was too abrupt, she couldn't help but took two steps back, colliding with Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi.

Lin Ziyi even screamed and almost fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Xiao Ji's face was calm, as if she had seen the skeleton long ago. As for the alien, this guy hugged his tail and shrank into Lin Ziyi's skirt.

color dog!


Very calm, anyway, Polaris usually has a frosty face, never expressive.

As for the tension king...

He was almost running back to the entrance of the cabin!

Really what to do, run away from the first place!

In fact, this has nothing to do with courage, but a pure instinct. After all, they are all people who have seen storms, how could they be afraid of a skeleton?

It's just that the thing in front of him appeared too abruptly, just raised his head, and appeared in front of everyone so suddenly.


Click, click!

The skeleton turned out to be alive. After taking two steps back, the skeleton held an oil lamp in its left hand, raised it high, and gestured toward the passage with its right hand.

Jin Shengyi whispered: "This seems to be signaling us to follow him."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Follow him and see what happens."

The skeleton itself is nothing to be afraid of, but the way it appeared suddenly startled everyone, and it will be fine after being scared.

Seeing the skeleton moving forward, Qiao Ye took the lead and followed.

There are some sleeping cabins in the corridor, and some of the doors are rotten. You can see the inside, but there is nothing special about it. Some ordinary furniture and decorations are already rotten because of their age.

All the way to the end, the skeleton was illuminated by an oil lamp, leading Qiao Ye and the others directly down the stairs.

The cabin on the next floor seems to be a huge cargo hold. It is obviously much brighter here. There are oil lamps hanging on the surrounding pillars, and in the cargo hold...

There are skeletons everywhere!

There are at least a hundred skeletons densely packed in the cargo hold, some are sitting on the ground against the ship wall, some are lying on the ground, some are still standing even though they are dead, and some have completely broken bones. , scattered on the ground.

In addition, this cargo hold is also full of densely packed boxes. Because of the passage of time, those boxes look very old, some are still closed and seem to be locked, and some are just opened.

Qiao Ye glanced at an open box, her pupils shrank involuntarily.

The box was packed densely with all kinds of treasures.

Although a lot of dust has accumulated and it is covered by cobwebs, I don't know if it can still be used, but what if it can be used?

This is a whole box of treasures, and this is just the box that Qiao Ye saw.

So, what about the other boxes?

Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi looked at the boxes around them, and couldn't help but swallow their saliva. If these boxes are full of treasures, even if most of them are damaged, only one tenth of them are intact. Huge windfall.

Tension King leaned closer to Qiao Ye, rubbed his hands, and whispered, "Move? It's just a skeleton!"

Qiao Ye naturally understood what Zhang Liwang meant. It was just a skeleton that seemed to be alive. As long as this skeleton was killed, they could empty everything here.

But at this moment...

The skeleton backed away a little, then reached out and gestured towards the box.

Qiao Ye and the others were stunned.

After a while, Qiao Ye tentatively asked, "Can I take it?"

The skeleton shook its body slightly, and then not only pointed at the box that Qiao Ye was looking at, but also pointed to other boxes.

Qiao Ye said, "Can we all take it?"

The skeleton slowly walked aside, as if expressing his attitude.

Tension Wang said happily: "I got rich, I got rich this time."

Qiao Ye turned to Tension King Nunu and said, "Then you take it!"

Zhang Liwang's face suddenly turned ugly, and he smiled wryly: "Boss, don't you want it?"

Qiao Ye said: "If you take this box, it's yours. If you don't want me to hang you at the stern of the boat to feed the fish, you can choose for yourself, whether you want the baby or feed the fish."

Wang Zhangli looked at the skeleton, gritted his teeth, and stepped forward to lift the box.


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