Chapter 857 Mutation

When Tension King bit the bullet and lifted the box up, he took a special look at the skeleton and found that the skeleton did not show anything, so he tried to throw the contents of the box into his spatial treasure.

As a result, the whole box just disappeared, and the skeleton also remained silent.

In this way, everyone else is at ease.

Although I don't know what's going on, but in the eyes of Qiao Ye and the others, that Gu Kulou is a boy who gives away money. If that's the case, then there's no reason to hesitate, just move it!

Isn't that why they came to explore the blood sea?

Moreover, these things are not only valuable as treasures themselves, but also have research value if they are brought back to the mysteries of the world.

Qiao Ye and the others immediately dispersed and carried the boxes.

The skeleton didn't move at all, as if it was silent, Qiao Ye and the others didn't care how they moved it, so of course it had to be emptied.

"Look this way..."

At this time, Qin Jianchuan suddenly shouted, and then pointed to a skeleton in the deepest part of the cargo hold.

The skeleton was tall, almost two meters tall, and it could be seen that it should have been a rather burly man before he was born.

At the same time, in front of the skeleton, there was a book, which seemed to be made of sheepskin, and the skeleton held a sword in its hand.

The light red scabbard of the sword looks a bit old, but even so, it can still make people feel the sharpness of the sword.

Qin Jianchuan excitedly said: "The sword is showing its sharpness before it is sheathed, this sword is extraordinary!"

It is impossible for a swordsman not to love swords, and so is Qin Jianchuan. The sword immediately attracted Qin Jianchuan's attention.

Qin Jianchuan came to the side of the skeleton, stretched out his hand, and took the sword from the skeleton's hand.

Just at this very moment...

It was as if a strong wind was blowing in the cargo hold, and the oil lamps hanging around began to sway continuously with their wicks, becoming flickering and flickering.

Everyone was shocked for a moment, stood up and looked around.

The entire cargo hold suddenly became gloomy, the oil lamps flickered continuously, and suddenly...

A sitting skeleton suddenly grabbed a rusty knife beside it and slashed towards Jin Shengyi.

Jin Shengyi was startled, but his reaction was extremely fast. He quickly leaned back to avoid the knife.

Click, click, click!

There were crisp sounds all around, and then the skeletons in the cargo hold moved one by one, including the skeletons that brought Qiao Ye and a group of people in before, and at this moment they moved again and turned to everyone.

Puff puff!

Groups of will-o'-the-wisps constantly lit up in the eye sockets of those skeletons, either coming with bare hands, or picking up weapons.

Qiao Ye and the others retreated one after another and quickly gathered together.

"What's going on?" Zhang Liwang swallowed his saliva and said, "Didn't they let them take it? This is not allowed to take it again? Skeletons can't go back on their word."

Qiao Ye looked at Qin Jianchuan and said, "Give me the sword!"

Qin Jianchuan handed the sword to Qiao Ye. After Qiao Ye took it, he handed the sword forward. Almost instantly, the approaching skeletons stopped in unison, and the ghost fires in their eye sockets also froze. Instantly extinguished.

However, Qiao Ye withdrew the sword, and the will-o'-the-wisps burned again in the eye sockets of those skeletons, and they started moving again.

Qiao Ye quickly passed the sword forward again, and the skeletons stopped moving.

Lin Ziyi said: "It seems that the sword cannot be moved."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Shall I return the sword?"

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Qin Jianchuan and said, "Go back?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Otherwise?"

"Have you ever thought that what you are not allowed to take must be better than what you are allowed to take?" Qiao Ye threw the sword at Qin Jianchuan, and then said in a low voice, "Kill!"

The moment Qiao Ye threw the sword back to Qin Jianchuan, he stretched out his hand to hold it forward, and a wisp of black smoke appeared, entangled Qiao Ye's arm, and then, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand in the black smoke and held it in vain. Pull out the black halberd from it, and sweep it forward forcefully.


A skeleton was hit hard by Qiao Ye's halberd, and its body shook for a while, but it didn't fall down, nor did it fall apart as Qiao Ye imagined.

Qiao Ye glanced at his arms, the bodies of these skeletons are so hard!

Almost instantly, the group of skeletons moved again, and the will-o'-the-wisps in their eye sockets ignited again, and kept flickering. When approaching the front, one could feel that the group of skeletons in front of them seemed to be full of anger.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, the halberd in his hand swept across again, chopped on a skeleton, cut the skeleton back, and then jumped out, directly out.

When the others saw this, they took action one after another without any hesitation.

Qin Jianchuan thrust the ancient sword towards his waist, and then pulled out his saber.


A sword of light and cold!

When that sword came out, there were countless sword glows around it in an instant, and it slashed out in all directions.

Jin Shengyi's whole body glowed, and he punched forward. The golden brilliance instantly turned into golden fist shadows and blasted forward, constantly hitting the surrounding skeletons.

Lin Ziyi is light and light, and has no intention of fighting. Holding Xiao Ji, countless phantom butterflies suddenly appeared beside her. After circling Lin Ziyi for a circle, under the dancing of phantom butterflies, Lin Ziyi's figure suddenly disappeared. Go directly over the skeletons and come to the stairs in the cargo hold.

Bang, bang, bang!

The white ape of King Zhang Li beat his chest, then swung the stone pillar and swept it away, pushing away the surrounding skeletons.

And Tension King...

The old boy took the opportunity to carry two more boxes and stuffed them into his space treasure.

Everyone showed their abilities, but...

That group of skeletons was more difficult to deal with than imagined.

Qin Jianchuan's sword light swept across, repeatedly slashing at the skeleton's body, without even a trace.

The skeletons in front of Jin Shengyi and Zhang Liwang kept being brought down, but...

Click, click!

Those fallen skeletons kept twisting their bodies, and soon got up again.

In front of Qiao Ye, a skeleton had its head cut off, then the skeleton bent down, picked up its own head from the ground, pressed it on the neck, and pushed the head back again.

"Don't love to fight!" Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and then said: "These guys are not easy to kill, let's go back to the boat first!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he swung away the rushing skeleton with a halberd.

"You go first!" Qiao Ye shouted at Lin Ziyi, "Go back to the Manshen."

Lin Ziyi wanted to come back to help, but was stopped by Qiao Ye.

Lin Ziyi has already reached the stairs, there is no need to run back and get himself into a tight siege, it is better to take Xiaoji first.


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