Chapter 858

Watching Lin Ziyi leave first.

Qiao Ye straightly jumped up and stabbed the ceiling with a halberd, forcibly poking a hole in the ceiling.

Qiao Ye shouted at the others: "This way!"

Jin Shengyi grabbed the head of a skeleton, smashed it out, and then came towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately swung the black halberd in his hand.

The two had a tacit understanding. Jin Shengyi stepped on Qiao Ye's halberd pole. With a flick of his wrist, Qiao Ye lifted the halberd pole upwards and sent Jin Shengyi out of the hole.

Qiao Ye turned around and said, "Come again!"

Qin Jianchuan followed closely, using exactly the same routine, Qin Jianchuan swept out dozens of sword qi with one sword, preventing those skeletons from getting close, and took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement and leap forward.

Qiao Ye stretched out the black halberd, and asked Qin Jianchuan to use his strength to send Qin Jianchuan out of the cargo hold.

Tension Wang picked up another box, rushed towards Qiao Ye and said, "Boss, there is me."

Tension King asked the white ape to clear the way for him, jumped to Qiao Ye's side, stepped on Qiao Ye's halberd, and...


After Tension King jumped up, there was a loud noise, and then he fell straight back to the ground.

"My nose..."

Tension King covered his face, then looked up towards the top of his head.

A thick bone fragment appeared on the ceiling, spreading along the ceiling, sealing the hole that Qiao Ye poked.

Qiao Ye frowned, waved and chopped again.

The black halberd was filled with smoke and headed into the air.

The black smoke turned into a crescent-shaped arc blade, and slashed towards the ceiling again. At that time, there was a "boom", and the moment it hit the ceiling, the arc blade condensed by the black smoke shattered directly, turning into smoke again and dissipating. Able to cut through the ceiling.

Qiao Ye frowned. The bone fragments covering the ceiling were as hard as the bodies of the surrounding skeletons.

Zhang Liwang got up from the ground and said: "It seems that the two of us are going to die."

Qiao Ye glanced at Zhang Li Wang, you are a beast emperor and the leader of a big pirate, can you have something to do?

Qiao Ye looked around while blocking the rushing skeletons with his halberd.

The bone fragment was spreading like a living thing, and it looked like it was going to cover the ceiling and the wall, trapping the two of them here.

However, although the covering speed of the bone fragments is fast, it cannot cover the entire cargo compartment in an instant.


Qiao Ye let out a low snort.

Polaris seemed to have sensed it in his heart, and before Qiao Ye yelled out, he had already entered the fighting state, with the crystallized crossbow in his hand facing the side and rear, aiming slightly, and then pulled the trigger.

Boom, boom!

Two beams of aurora flew out in an instant, passing through the cargo hold.

The bodies of those skeletons are indeed unbelievably hard. The aurora beam of the Polaris bombarded the bodies of these skeletons, but they were unable to crush the bodies of these skeletons. They just pushed those skeletons away, and then flew to the surrounding walls. Just go up.


Two beams of aurora hit the side wall, and after a loud noise, a big hole was blasted out of the wall.


Qiao Ye quickly ran towards the big hole, and jumped out before the bone fragments spread to that area.


Qiao Ye supported himself on the ground with one palm, and his whole body rolled in the air, hitting the wall of the passageway in the corridor, and then stabilized his body.

Polaris and Tension King also jumped out and followed.

However, this is clearly not the end!


Those skeletons rushed forward crazily, and even because they rushed forward too much at one time, they all crowded into a ball and got stuck in the broken hole.

Qiao Ye patted Tension King's shoulder with the back of his hand, then pouted to the side.

This is a dark cabin passage, obviously not the one they came from, Qiao Ye recalled the direction, it should be the opposite direction from when they came.

However, Qiao Ye is not worried. This kind of cabin passage will separate the cargo hold into different areas, but the ends of the passage are the same, and they are all entrances and exits leading to the upper cabin, and then you can go back to the deck along the stairs.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye took out the spirit paper of summons.

It's not that the spiritual paper of communication cannot be used in the blood sea, but that it cannot be sent back to the battlefield of the Nine Realms from the blood sea.

The reason is actually very simple. Since the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, the Nine Domains are equivalent to nine separate worlds, and they are not in the same space. Therefore, when we were in the Demon Realm, the general spiritual papers for communication were also It can't be used, only special ones can be used, and it's not very easy to use.

The same is true for the blood sea. The blood sea is located in the outer sky of the three realms. It should belong to the boundary area between the nine realms and the three realms. It is connected to the divided nine realms and belongs to different worlds. If the summons were to return to the Nine Domains Battlefield, the Blood Sea would of course be even more impossible.

However, if the target of the subpoena is also within the sea of ​​blood, it is another matter. The subpoena spirit paper can still be used, or in other words, the communication methods of all domains will not be affected.

Qiao Ye naturally wanted to send an interrogation to inquire about other people's situation. Lin Ziyi, Qin Jianchuan, and Jin Shengyi also responded quickly. The three of them have now arrived at the cabin on the first floor and are walking to the deck.

But at this moment...


There was a sudden loud noise, and then Qiao Ye heard Zhang Liwang's shout.

Looking back, there was a hole in the floor under Zhang Liwang's feet, and a bone hand came out from under the floor and grabbed Zhang Liwang's ankle.

Tension King pulled his thigh and struggled hard, trying to pull his foot back, but the bone hand was so powerful that he refused to let go.

at the same time……

Zhang Liwang's white ape ran up from behind and rounded the stone pillar.

"don't want!"

"don't want!"

Qiao Ye and Tension King shrank their pupils, and then shouted in unison.

Unfortunately, it's over!

Bai Yuan waved the stone pillar, intending to help King Zhangli smash the bone hand.

Qiao Ye didn't know if the back of the bone hand was broken, but a big hole was made in the floor by the blow. King Tension screamed and fell to the cabin on the next floor with his white ape.

Qiao Ye quickly ran to the edge of the cracked floor, just about to jump down...

Click, click!

Bone fragments emerged from the edge of the hole, spreading rapidly, filling the hole in an instant.

Qiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly transformed into a black halberd, which fell towards the floor.

Boom, boom, boom!

Qiao Ye smashed it several times in a row, the bone was extremely strong, and the halberd blade could only barely shake away some fine bone chips when it was cut on the bone. easy thing.


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