Chapter 859 Frozen

"Hey, hello..."

Qiao Ye yelled towards the ground twice, hoping that Zhang Liwang could respond by himself, but unfortunately, Zhang Liwang's voice did not sound at all.

"Damn it!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to let Tension King die just like that, because this guy is still useful right now.

Qiao Ye wants to use King Zhang Li as a navigator, and it turns out that the knowledge mastered by Zhang Zhang Wang is still useful in this sea.

And now, just entering the sea of ​​blood, his navigator is about to turn into a pile of bones?

Qiao Ye used the black halberd to hit the bone fragments hard a few times, but when she found it was useless, she could only turn around and leave!

Zhang Liwang still needs to be rescued, but since the bone fragment cannot be broken easily, other methods can only be used, such as going to the next floor through the stairs.

From the current point of view, the cabin of this ghost ship should have three floors, and King Tension should have fallen to the bottom. Qiao Ye's only hope is that King Tension will not be slaughtered by those skeletons before he arrives.

But at this moment...

The moment Qiao Ye was thinking, the wall on the side of the corridor suddenly made a loud noise, and then it shattered, and a tall skeleton rushed out suddenly and hit Qiao Ye's body.

Qiao Ye was slammed against the wall on the other side, and the next moment, the skeleton jumped on Qiao Ye's body without a weapon in its hand. The skeleton pressed Qiao Ye's shoulder like a wild beast, and opened its mouth to move towards Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye bit down.

Qiao Ye quickly turned his head, and the skeleton hit the wall. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye curled up his body violently, and after gathering his legs, he kicked hard on the skeleton's chest.


With a loud crash, Qiao Ye kicked the skeleton away and crashed it back into the wall on the other side.

After one blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop, and swept the black halberd forward.

Boom, boom!

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand slashed at the skeleton's body continuously, but he could only scrape some bone fragments from the skeleton's body.

In fact, the attacks of those skeletons are not very difficult to deal with. Basically, they are just flying one after another. If there are weapons around them, they will pick them up and use them, but that's all.

These skeletons don't seem to have much ability, that is, close combat, or the kind that doesn't have a lot of brains, similar to the attack method of wild beasts.

Of course, people are skeletons after all, so it's only natural that they have no brains.

The trouble with those skeletons is that their bodies are too hard to be easily destroyed, and if they cannot be defeated, those skeletons will keep standing up.

Just like right now, after being hit by Qiao Ye several times in a row, the tall skeleton shook its body, nothing happened at all, and quickly got up again.

But at this moment...

The skeleton had just pounced on Qiao Ye, when a beam of aurora suddenly appeared, flying out from the side, hitting the skeleton's body, and directly blasting the skeleton away.

Qiao Ye looked to the side, but it was Polaris who shot in time, and the skeleton was blown away with one shot.

However, the skeleton struggled on the ground for a moment, twisted its body, and soon got up again.


Before Qiao Ye could make a move, Polaris suddenly tapped his toes, and leaped forward. The speed was very fast, and after an afterimage was brought out, he went directly to the side of the skeleton, and grabbed the skeleton. head, and pressed the skeleton against the wall.


Click, click!

Suddenly, a layer of crystals appeared on the skeleton's body, and began to spread along the skull's head, and soon spread all over the skeleton's body, directly sealing it up.

When Polaris let go of his hand, the skeleton's body was completely sealed by crystals, making it unable to move.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up immediately. Why didn't he think of this way? Since it can't be easily destroyed, then there is no need to destroy it. It is enough to make those skeletons incapable of fighting.

"Go, follow me!"

Qiao Ye greeted Polaris, and went directly behind the wall where the skeleton smashed before.

This is still a cargo hold, the other party has some boxes and barrels, but it is empty.

The supplies piled up here should be the supplies needed when going to sea, food and fresh water, after endless years, of course they are long gone.

At the same time, bone fragments appeared in the cargo hold here, spreading towards the surroundings. It seems that the bone fragments did not just want to cover the previous cargo hold and trap Qiao Ye and King Tension, but the entire ghost ship. Rapid ossification.

However, there were no bone fragments on the outer wall. Qiao Ye came to the edge of the wall, clenched his fist, and punched it directly, smashing the wall.

After the wall was broken, a large amount of rainwater floated in.

The torrential rain outside the ship still hasn't stopped, with the sound of wind, rain, and thunder and lightning.

Qiao Ye took a look, then pressed one palm against the wall.

The Dragon Demon Claw can become a flying hook. After Qiao Ye pierced the part of the claw into the wall, the frontmost claw was separated from the finger, and five very thin iron chains appeared, although each one was about one-fifth of the size of the tail finger. It is only the width of one, but it is also made of special materials, which is extremely strong.

After doing all this, Qiao Ye jumped down, borrowed the iron chain, swayed from side to side in the rain, and then slammed into the hull below.


Qiao Ye slammed into the hull of the boat, broke the hull, turned over and entered the cabin on the bottom floor.

As soon as he entered the lowest cabin, Qiao Ye saw a large area of ​​skeletons, and there was a hole in the ceiling in front of him. It was obvious that the skeletons above had rushed to the lower floor.


King Zhang Li's shout sounded, and the Beast Emperor was completely surrounded by skeletons at the moment.

Although the white ape was brave and flew up the stone pillars, as long as those skeletons approached, they would be swept away by one blow, but it was useless. Come up, Tension King can't rush out at all.

Therefore, seeing Qiao Ye, Zhang Li Wang seemed to have seen a savior. Although he could not do anything alone, but with Qiao Ye, it is still possible to kill a way out.

When Polaris slid down from the upper floor, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, retracted the claws of the Dragon Devil's Claw, and then strode forward.

The black euphorbia turned into black smoke and disappeared. At the same time, behind Qiao Ye, the spirit of the gods bloomed with brilliance, flying behind Qiao Ye's back, quickly drawing lines one after another, drawing a magic map!

And at the moment when the ten thousand dharma spiritual diagram appeared, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pressed forward!

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!


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