Chapter 860 Deck Battle

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand and danced forward, and then, a large piece of frost and snow suddenly appeared and rushed forward.

Click, click!

The sound of freezing continued to resound from the ground, a large expanse of silver-white frost covered the ground, and a thick fog of frost formed around it.

When the frost mist rushed forward, covering the bodies of those skeletons, countless frost flowers covered the bodies of those skeletons, freezing them up.

The frost cover can't kill the skeletons, and it's even impossible to seal those skeletons forever, but it will be enough for a moment.

As long as the skeletons are frozen in ice for a short time, and then take the opportunity to leave here, Qiao Ye's goal will be achieved. Anyway, they have already got the treasure in this ghost ship.

"come out!"

After freezing all the skeletons, Qiao Ye yelled at Tension King.

Tension King quickly jumped on the back of the white ape, and the white ape jumped up, grabbing the surrounding objects, and jumped out from the top of the skull.

When Zhang Liwang came to him, Qiao Ye said directly, "Go, go directly to the deck!"

Qiao Ye came to the hole in the outer wall of the cabin, lifted the dragon's claws, and then fired five sharp claws upwards, hanging directly on the railing of the deck.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards Polaris, and when Polaris came to him, Qiao Ye hugged Polaris' waist, the dragon's claws tightened quickly, and Qiao Ye walked towards the deck.

As for King Zhang Li, don't worry about this guy, his white ape can climb the hull directly.

And after coming to the deck...

Just as Qiao Ye jumped onto the deck, a rusty knife appeared in front of Qiao Ye, and fell towards Qiao Ye.

It was a skeleton with a knife, and it suddenly launched an attack when Qiao Ye stepped onto the deck!

Crystal chips flew in Polaris' hand, and a long crystal sword quickly appeared in Polaris's hand, and then blocked Qiao Ye.


A crisp chime sounded.

Polaris blocked Qiao Ye's knife. In the next moment, Qiao Ye raised his leg and kicked the skeleton, kicking the skeleton backwards, and then took advantage of the momentum to get on the deck.

After arriving on the deck, Qiao Ye couldn't help baring her teeth. The deck was also densely packed with skeletons. Not only the bow, but also the narrow deck areas on both sides were occupied by skeletons.

Amidst the roar of the torrential rain, the sound of fighting could be vaguely heard from ahead.

Seeing another skeleton rushing towards him from behind, Qiao Ye quickly waved his hand, and a frost mist overflowed from Qiao Ye's palm, freezing the rushing skeleton.

at the same time……

Suddenly there was a sword chant in front, and a large piece of sword light appeared, sweeping around, and the skeleton fell down like cutting grass.

Qin Jianchuan took the opportunity to jump up, jumped onto one side of the mast, and then raised his sword to sweep again, one after another, the sword energy continued to slash downward.

Polaris transformed into a second crystalline long sword, protecting Qiao Ye's left and right sides, blocking the surrounding attacks, and at the same time buying time for Qiao Ye to accumulate frost.

After a while, the cold air on Qiao Ye's body became stronger, and he pushed forward, and the surrounding skeletons were frozen into ice sculptures one by one.

At this moment...

The white ape jumped onto the deck with King Tension on his back, raised the pillar in his hand and swept across, sweeping the frozen skeletons off the ship and into the sea.

"Hello!" Qiao Ye raised his head and shouted, "Where are the others?"

Qin Jianchuan also saw Qiao Ye, and pointed towards the bow of the ship: "It's all at the bow, we are surrounded."

Qiao Ye nodded and walked forward.



The rusty and mottled machete suddenly passed Qiao Ye's eyes. The moment Qiao Ye was about to hit it, Qiao Ye fell backwards, turning into a posture of an iron bridge to avoid the blade, and then put his hands on the ground , kicked the skeleton's chest with both feet!

Polaris' defense is airtight, preventing those skeletons from getting close to Qiao Ye at all.

The sudden skeleton fell from the top of Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye looked up, but there were some skeletons climbing up the mast, and immediately shouted at Qin Jianchuan: "Be careful of your back!"

Those skeletons climbed up the mast, trying to attack Qin Jianchuan from behind.

Qin Jianchuan immediately turned around, gave a low shout, and slashed with the sword in his hand!


There was a sound of sword cries, and Qin Jianchuan slashed towards the rear with a sword, and a sword aura more than ten meters long appeared, directly cutting off the rear mast.

The mast fell backwards, with a bang, and pressed against the deck, making a loud noise.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, using the aura of all phenomena, the whole person floated into the air.

During the torrential rain in the sky, there were suddenly large hailstones, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and large swaths of frost appeared around Qiao Ye, rushing out towards the front.

The deck of the entire ghost ship was covered with a layer of frost at this moment, and the sound of freezing continued to resound, and as the frost pushed forward, the skeletons continued to freeze, turning into ice sculptures one after another.

After freezing the skeleton, Qiao Ye shouted forward, "Let's go back to the Manshen!"

Qiao Ye fell on the railing close to the Manshen, and jumped back to the Manshen with a strong leap.

Others also took the opportunity to jump over, and after landing on the deck of the Manshen, Qin Jianchuan raised his sword and directly cut off the three hook-throwing ropes hanging on the bar of the Manshen.

Zhang Liwang rushed to sail, trying to get rid of the ghost ship, but...

It's not over yet!

The ghost ship followed up strangely, neither fast nor slow, just parallel.

at the same time……

The skeleton frozen into an ice sculpture on the ghost ship trembled slightly at this moment, and cracks gradually began to crack on the ice.

Those skeletons gradually broke free from the shackles of the frost, and then came to the edge of the ship's rail, and jumped over from the ghost ship in a frenzy.

"Not good!" Jin Shengyi shouted, "They want to board the boat!"

This was a forced connection, and the moment those skeletons jumped over, Qiao Ye and the others also shot at the same time.

Jin Shengyi kicked a skeleton, and before it was about to hit the deck, he kicked the skeleton away, and with a plop, the skeleton fell into the sea.

On the other side, Qiao Ye also swept across with his halberd, slashing fiercely at the jumping skeletons, and sending them flying into the sea.

Skeletons fell into the water constantly, but this level was obviously not enough.

Those skeletons followed each other completely, and more skeletons still jumped onto the deck of the Primal God.

Qiao Ye's eyes were a little cold, and the magic map behind him unfolded again, preparing to freeze the skeletons again and throw them into the sea.

But at this moment...

The torrential rain that fell in the sky that day seemed to be a little smaller, and the clouds gradually dispersed.

A ray of sunlight suddenly shone down.


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