Chapter 862 Island

"You have absorbed the dragon fish paperweight (fourth grade), and the absorbed martial soul value: 2,500,000 points."

"You have absorbed Qinse Yupei (fourth grade), absorbing martial soul value: 3100000 points."

"You have absorbed the dragon and phoenix army-breaking dagger (third grade), and the absorbed martial soul value: 5800000 points."


Qiao Ye went back to her cabin, absorbed her share, and then Qiao Ye couldn't help feeling, no wonder one by one went crazy and wanted to come to the sea of ​​blood.

It turns out...

All this is indeed worthwhile!

Qiao Ye took five of the twenty-two treasures, one of which was a third-grade treasure, and after absorbing the five treasures, Qiao Ye's martial soul value increased by more than twelve million!

Or it can be more intuitive, Qiao Ye's goal is the nine-turn golden body, good guy, on the first night of entering the blood sea, one-third of the distance from hitting the third rank has been done.

Even, if it wasn't for the twenty-two pieces of treasures shared by everyone, Qiao Ye would be able to upgrade the nine-turn golden body to the third rank now.

This kind of harvest is simply unimaginable, and entering the secret realm a few times is not as good as going around the blood sea.

the most important is……

The ghost ship is not an isolated phenomenon, but such opportunities are really everywhere in the sea of ​​blood.

Blood Sea's Baby is mainly divided into three parts.

The first part is the cultivation resources produced by the blood sea itself, such as blood sea secret stones and the like.

The second part is the people who have been in and out of the sea of ​​​​blood and were finally buried here, and their ships. The ghost ship belongs to this category.

The third part is the people who used to live in the sea of ​​blood. According to the literature records, this part of people is divided into two types. People from the Nine Regions, these people are usually powerful, at worst they must be at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and even most of them are the supreme beings in the world. Less, but without becoming a god, it is difficult to ascend to the Three Realms. Therefore, in order to enter the realm of the gods, they will choose to enter the sea of ​​​​blood and practice hard.

It can be seen from this that it is not an accident that the ghost ship found a large number of treasures at one time. This place is really full of treasures, as long as you can come in alive and get out alive.

opportunity? There is absolutely no shortage in the blood sea!

After all, since the Three Realms and Nine Domains were shattered, this is the first time there is a normal way to enter and exit the Blood Sea. For countless years, there are too many dusty treasures here.

Of course, if you want to meet a ghost ship one day, it must be a dream. Even if there are treasures everywhere, you can't come across it in two steps.

For the next two days, Qiao Ye and the others lived a peaceful life.

Although good men aim at the sea, the sea itself is synonymous with adventure, but adventures do not happen every day, and sailing is actually very boring most of the time.

However, Qiao Ye and the others were not completely without gains.

Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi fished directly at the stern of the boat out of boredom. As a result, Qin Jianchuan caught a male fish.

Heng male fish, shaped like a carp and red, can't be pierced, can't die if boiled, but can die if cooked with two black plums, eat it to get rid of evil diseases!

This is a good thing. Henggong fish is a kind of elixir, and it is also a kind of spiritual material.

Cooking and killing Henggong fish can cure all poisons in the world. As a spiritual material, the scales of Henggong fish are also the hardest things in the world, and can be used as auxiliary materials for refining treasures.

At the same time, if you don't mind that this guy has almost no fighting ability, he can actually be regarded as a royal beast.

As for Jin Shengyi, he picked up a piece of starfish coral skin from the sea. This thing is the skin that shed during the growth period of the peerless ocean beast, the bright starfish. Don't underestimate this piece of skin, this thing is a third-grade spiritual material.

Compared to encountering a ghost ship, this kind of harvest is of course not worth mentioning, but just sitting on the boat and throwing away the fishing rod, you can find two good things, so what is there to complain about?

You know, not to mention the rare fish like Henggong fish, which has not been found in the Nine Regions for a long time, how can ordinary third-grade spiritual materials be readily available?

From the harvest point of view, the sea of ​​blood is indeed very exciting.

"Hey, hello..." At this time, Zhang Liwang shouted from the mast: "There is land, it is an island!"

These words immediately attracted the crowd, and they gathered at the bow of the boat one after another.

Tension King jumped down from the mast, excitedly said: "We may have found something good, there is an island in front, it's golden!"

Golden islands?

This made everyone startled. It was the first time they heard that the island was golden.

However, as the ship continued to move forward, the outline of the island quickly appeared.

Looking from a distance, the island is not very big, but it is not small either. The important thing is that, as King Zhang Li said, the center of the island is actually golden.

A large piece of golden light, like a cloud, floats in the center of the island, and flows continuously in the air like a liquid, looking extremely beautiful.

Zhang Liwang rubbed his hands and said, "Does that golden light mean that there is a baby?"

"Let's go!" Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and waved directly: "Go to the island!"

As Zhang Liwang said, such a spectacle is very likely to be a treasure. If so, of course there is no reason to let it go.

King Tension quickly steered towards the island.

But when they got close to the island, Qiao Ye and the others became less excited, and their eyes became darker.

Someone got there first, and...

More than one gang!

After getting close to the island, Qiao Ye suddenly found that there were ships docked around the island, not even one, not several ships, but a dozen ships!

Moreover, the ship will be docked directly on the edge of the island. It is likely that the other party's space treasure is not big enough to accommodate the ship, so the ship can only be docked here.

Therefore, the people who landed on the island are likely to be more than those who only have these dozen or so boats, because after someone landed on the island, they would put the boats into the space treasure.

Qin Jianchuan grinned and said, "Are there so many treasures in this place? Is it worth so many people to grab them?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then do you think we should land on the island?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Of course I have to go up, it's already here, how could I just leave like this."

"So, you have already got the answer." Qiao Ye hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Those people who went to the island thought the same way."

Tension King docked the boat, and then, Qiao Ye turned over from the bow and fell.

On the outside of the island is a golden sandy beach, with clearly visible footprints on the sandy beach. On the other side, about two or three kilometers away, you can see a towering sea cliff. Below the sea cliff is a group of coral rocks.

After walking along the golden beach, there is a large dense forest, which looks quite deep and quiet.


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