Chapter 863 Ambush

After King Tension gave the boat to the Noble Phantasm of Income Space, Qiao Ye pointed in the direction of the dense forest, and then took the lead to walk in.

Qiao Ye doesn't know what treasures this island has, but when looking at the island from the sea, you can see a large piece of bright golden light in the center of the island. If there is no accident, even if there are treasures, it should be in the central area.

Qin Jianchuan said: "Then we have to go there quickly, even if someone gets there first, maybe we can get a mouthful of soup, and if it's later, there may be no leftovers."

The others nodded, it made sense, but at this moment...


A beast's roar suddenly appeared, followed by a three-eyed giant tiger that was as black as ink and flew out of the bushes on the side, heading straight for the direction of the crowd.

Polaris faithfully carried out his duty of guarding. Seeing the pitch-black tiger rushing towards him, he raised his leg and swept across, hitting the black tiger's lower abdomen and sending the black tiger flying away.

The black tiger rolled twice on the ground, and quickly stood up again.

Accompanied by the appearance of the black tiger, the bushes around the dense forest suddenly made the sound of "Xixisuosuo", and then one after another the figures stood up continuously.

at the same time……

There was also a sound above the heads of Qiao Ye and the others. There was also a person hiding in the top of the tree. At this moment, they jumped down from the tree. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen people around, surrounding Qiao Ye and the others.

Qiao Ye glanced around and said, "People from the beast domain?"

Those people have beast masters with them, although since the opening of the beast domain and the Nine Realms battlefield, many people have started to tame the beast masters in the secret realm, or secretly bought cubs from the beast domain.

But with more than a dozen people, and each of them can have a full-grown beast master, they can only be the beast masters of the beast domain.

at the same time……

The group of beast masters also gradually approached, with vicious and greedy expressions on their faces.

A beastmaster said with a smirk: "Boss, I told you earlier, there is no need to go to the Golden City to beat people to death. Even if these guys find something, they have to go to sea, as long as they stay here, Naturally, someone will come to your door.”

A thin man wearing a white silk gown, obviously the boss of this group of beast masters, nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Qiao Ye and the others and said, "If you are interested, hand over all the things you find, I will I can leave a way for you to survive, otherwise I can only pick things from your corpses."

Qiao Ye said with a side face: "Golden City."

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "I heard it."

Qiao Ye said: "Leave two alive, just in time to ask."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Qin Jianchuan agreed with Jin Shengyi.

The moment the two agreed, the two rushed out to the sides, one left and one right.


Qin Jianchuan drew his sword out, the moment the sword came out, the sound of sword chant suddenly rose, and then Qin Jianchuan slashed with his sword, and in front of Qin Jianchuan, there was a flurry of sword energy dancing all over the sky, pushing it out in all directions.

On the other side, Jin Shengyi shouted in a low voice: "Wuhun, golden armor!"

A golden light appeared, covering Jin Shengyi's whole body, turning into a golden armor, and then Jin Shengyi punched a brown bear in the face.

With a bang, the three-meter-high brown bear was blown away by Jin Shengyi's punch. Before the beast master of the brown bear could react, Jin Shengyi twisted his body and kicked it immediately. Sweeping and kicking the beast master's chest, the beast master ended up in the same fate as his own beast master, and was swept into the bush by Jin Shengyi.

Click it, click it!

Qiao Ye crossed her fingers, stretched her arms, and her knuckles made a crisp sound.

But before Qiao Ye was ready to make a move, Zhang Liwang smiled and said: "Boss, it's just a bunch of blind people, you rest, I'll come, I'll come, you just rest."

Zhang Liwang knew very well that as long as he worked, Qiao Ye would not treat him badly. Therefore, if he did something himself, he should be able to reap some benefits. .

"Get rid of them!"

King Zhang Li threw out the imperial beast cage, and the white ape holding the stone pillar suddenly appeared.


The white ape beat his chest, roared angrily, then raised the stone pillar and threw it forward.


When the stone pillar fell to the ground, there was a loud noise, and a deep pit was forcibly smashed into the ground. Countless gravels splashed and smashed towards the surroundings. Immediately afterwards, the white ape jumped forward, sweeping the stone pillar in his hand, In an instant, several imperial beasts were swept away at the same time.

"Beast Soul Coexistence!"

Zhang Liwang bumped his fists, stepped out with one step, and entered the state of beast soul symbiosis with the white ape. The muscles of his whole body swelled up instantly, making Zhang Liwang's body look bigger.

In the next moment, Zhang Li Wang was also extremely fierce, and he rushed directly into the crowd, a pair of fists like iron hammers, continuously blasting towards the surroundings, punching to the flesh, knocking people down.

"Bai Tian Bai Yuan..." A beast master watched Zhang Li Dynasty approaching him, suddenly remembered something, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you, you are a brute force, King Zhang Li!"

"Oh? Does anyone else know me?" Zhang Li Wang turned around, looked at the beast master, grinned, and said with a ferocious smile: "A person from Linhai City?"

While Zhang Liwang was talking, he stretched out his hand fiercely, pinched the opponent's throat, and lifted him up vigorously.

"It's a pity!" Zhang Liwang grinned ferociously and said, "I don't intend to reminisce about the old days with your fellow villagers!"


The moment Zhang Li Wang said, he threw the beast master towards the ground forcefully.

The entire face of the beast master twisted instantly, and he rolled on the ground in pain. At that moment, the beast master felt as if all the bones in his back were smashed.

The other beast masters also felt crazy, didn't they ambush and rob each other? Why are they being beaten? The group of guys in front of me are like wolves and tigers, who is robbing whom?


Qin Jianchuan pierced the body of a beast master with a sword, piercing through the opponent's body, and then drew the sword to bring out a splash of blood!

Qiao Ye looked around at the battle situation, and found that the strength of this group of beast masters was indeed not good enough.

The Demon Realm, the Martial Realm, and the Spiritual Realm all have people in the sea of ​​blood right now, and at the same time, their strengths are all very good, almost reaching the level of the Emperor Realm.

Even if Qin Jianchuan, Jin Shengyi, and Lin Ziyi's cultivation is still at the peak of the Martial King Realm, all three of them have unique skills in their hands. Generally, warriors who have just entered the Martial King Realm have not yet been able to comprehend their state of mind. It's really not necessarily the opponent of the three of them.

On the contrary, the strength of the beast masters in the beast domain in front of them is really uneven!


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