Chapter 864 Golden Island

These people in the Beast Realm are not strong, and they can still mix in the sea of ​​blood, mainly because of the situation in the Beast Realm.

On the Nine Domains battlefield, the people who can come in now either broke through the siege during the riot, and then broke into the fog of chaos and entered the sea of ​​blood.

Among these people, there must be some who fished in troubled waters, but almost all of them were of good strength, otherwise there was no way to break out of the chaos and enter the chaos and fog smoothly.

Secondly, people like Qiao Ye and the others are dispatched pioneers to explore the sea of ​​blood first, and those who can be dispatched need to meet two conditions.

First, the status of the boundary defenders should not be too high. Most of the boundary defenders at the boundary level are quite famous. If those people move, it is easy to be known. After the news spreads, the boundary defenders want to suppress them a little more. For a while, the idea of ​​the entrance and exit could not be realized, because after learning that the defenders sent people into the sea of ​​blood, some people would definitely make trouble and exert pressure to open the entrance and exit into the sea of ​​blood.

Second, while the status of the defenders should not be too high, the strength must be outstanding, because if the strength is too weak to enter the sea of ​​​​blood, it is meaningless even if they can hide it from the eyes of others. What? Therefore, Qiao Ye and the others are more suitable candidates to be pioneers. It hasn't been long since Qiao Ye and the others have just become day-level. It is impossible for many people to stare at Qiao Ye and the others. The most outstanding group of guardians.

Apart from Wu Yu's arrangement, Qiao Ye believes that Ling Yu's side is definitely not far behind, and there should be similar arrangements.

As for the Demon Realm, King Ruyang can no longer control so much. In order not to let Jinshangshen take advantage of it, he also sent his confidants, and his strength will never lose to the group of demons arranged by Jinshangshen to break through the chaotic fog. Hall audience, therefore, the overall strength of the demonizers sent by the Demon Realm should be higher than that of the Martial Realm and the Spiritual Realm.

As for the Beast Realm, there is no restriction on their entry and exit, and they don't need to go through the Nine Realms Battlefield. They can enter and exit from the ruins of Linhai City, and there is no shortage of boats. In the area of ​​​​Linhai City, there are many beast masters who rely on the sea to make their living.

Therefore, after learning the news of the blood sea, the beast masters of the beast domain entered without any scruples. Most of the people floating in the blood sea are from the beast domain, but it also leads to the fact that most of the beast masters are quite powerful. improvise.

at the same time……

When Qiao Ye was looking at the beast masters around him, Qiao Ye was also being targeted.

Qin Jianchuan, Jin Shengyi, and Zhang Liwang were too fierce, so the beast master naturally set his sights on Qiao Ye.

If you don't participate in the war, your strength is likely to be mediocre, or even poor.

Moreover, Qiao Ye's side is a woman, a child, and a little monster beast lying on the ground, which looks very confusing and doesn't seem to be very powerful.

Therefore, some beast masters moved their minds, and those three fierce ones would not be able to defeat them, but as long as Qiao Ye was captured, they might be able to force Qin Jianchuan and the others to stop.

A beast master did what he said, and suddenly threw out a beast cage, and said in a low voice: "Shadow Stream Sickle Weasel!"

In the beast cage, a black shadow suddenly appeared, without any entity, it directly turned into a black shadow group, sticking to the ground and coming towards Qiao Ye.

The beast master also entered the state of beast soul symbiosis for the first time, and his body sank toward the ground, entering his own shadow.

Two groups of black shadows stuck to the ground and kept walking on the ground until they came to Qiao Ye's back.


Among the two black shadows, a sickle weasel about half a person's height jumped out at the same time as the beastmaster.

The sharp claws of the sickle weasel were flickering, and the fingertips of the beast master were covered with fingertips, which were also extremely sharp. Even, the fingertips were still gleaming, as if poisonous .

But just as the two were about to attack Qiao Ye's back, Qiao Ye suddenly turned his face sideways.

"court death?"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it, a large cloud of black smoke appeared in his hand, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.

In the next moment, the hand rises and falls!

Qiao Ye swept his halberd towards the back without looking back, and then, a blood mist suddenly burst out, and the air was filled with a strong bloody smell, which was extremely pungent.

The bodies of the sickle weasel and the beast master were cut into two by Qiao Ye in an instant, and then fell straight to the ground.

"You defeated a sixth-level beast master in the Beast Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 25,000 points."

Killing the beast master and his beast master with one halberd, the battle situation ahead is almost over, those beast masters are really vulnerable.

As for the living, he didn't forget to keep it. The beast master who was the leader of the other party was kept, and King Zhang Li directly pinned him to the ground.

"Straight to the point!" Qiao Ye came to the other party, knelt down and said, "Answer my question, and I will let you live."

The beast master was frightened and nodded his head hastily. After all, he was the only one left in his group, and the guys in front of him were all killing stars.

Qiao Ye said: "What is on this island? What is the Golden City you mentioned just now?"

The beast master said: "This island may be the legendary Golden Island."

"Golden Island?" Qiao Ye looked at the others and said, "Have you heard of it?"

The others shook their heads.

Qiao Ye said, "Go on, what is Golden Island?"

The beast master said: "There are records in the beast domain handed down from ancient times, in the era of beast martial arts..."

"Stop!" Qiao Ye interrupted, "The Beast Warrior Era?"

Zhang Liwang said: "That was before the Three Realms and Nine Regions were broken. Since the establishment of the Beast Mountain United Alliance, every hundred years is an era. The Beast Warrior Era is the third era after the establishment of the Beast Mountain United Alliance. About six hundred years before the domain was broken."

Qiao Ye nodded and signaled the beast master to continue.

The beast master said: "In the era of beast martial arts, there were two great beast gods fighting for each other. One was the beast god of the Beast Mountain United Alliance at the beginning, the other was from the Tiange Mountain Beast Spirit Sect, and finally the beast god of the Beast Mountain United Alliance. The Beast God won, and the Beast God of the Beast Spirit Sect was unwilling to go into the sea of ​​blood. He wanted to go to the Three Realms to find the legendary imperial beast, but he disappeared without a trace. Everyone thought he was dead. After that, the beast god returned to the beast domain."

Qin Jianchuan couldn't help but said: "So, he found the legendary beast?"

"I don't know." The beast master said honestly: "He returned to the beast domain to fight again, but the beast god of the Beast Mountain Union Alliance has passed away, so naturally he cannot fight again. No battle, of course, no one knows whether the beast god has found the legendary beast."


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