Chapter 866 The Key

"This is the Golden City?"

Jin Shengyi looked at a small town ahead and said.

Qiao Ye's method was indeed not bad, and he reached the center of the island without any danger.

This island is actually composed of a large area of ​​dense forest. Except for the beach area, the entire island is full of dense forest. However, the central part of the island was cut down and a city was built.

The city wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It belonged to the size of a small border town. However, considering that only the Beast God lived in this place, the scale was not small.

At the same time, the Golden City is not made of gold, but ordinary bricks and tiles. However, as seen before, the top of the Golden City has a large piece of golden light like clouds. Put on a golden gauze.

There is a statue of the golden dragon and python at the gate of the city. The statue is very ingeniously designed. Its huge body directly surrounds the city gate. On the front, the golden dragon and python opened its mouth wide. The so-called city gate is on the In that bloody mouth.

It is worth mentioning that the city gate is not what the city gate looks like, but a huge light curtain, which seems to be able to enter the Golden City by passing through it.

Qin Jianchuan said: "I didn't see anyone else."

Qiao Ye said: "Those who want to go in, of course, have already gone in. Those courageous bandits who just want to wait for people to come out and rob and kill them will not be foolish and just guard the city gate. Naturally, there will be no one, but ..."

Qiao Ye glanced at the dense forest around him. There should be many eyes in the dense forest, watching the city gate.

Qin Jianchuan nodded, and then said with a smile: "We must enter, right?"

Qiao Ye said, "Of course!"

Arriving at the gate of Huangjin City, Qiao Ye took the lead to step into the giant mouth of the golden dragon python.

The light curtain in front of me was three meters high and two and a half meters wide. It seemed that only one person could pass through it at a time. Although the statue of the golden dragon and python was built extremely huge, the gate seemed a little shabby and small.

However, there is no doubt that it should be the entrance and exit. The light curtain is translucent, and the scene behind can be vaguely seen. It seems to be a circular square with streets in four directions.

Qiao Ye said, "I'll go ahead."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he stepped into the light curtain first, Polaris devoted himself to his duty, and followed Qiao Ye closely, almost stepping into the light curtain front and back.

But at the moment when Qiao Ye and Polaris stepped in, ripples suddenly appeared on the light curtain, like ripples, swaying towards the surroundings.

No one noticed that when the ripples appeared, the scene revealed behind the light curtain had changed, and it had suddenly become the entrance of a palace, but because of the ripples, the scene was a bit blurred. Can't see clearly.


Before the ripples dissipated and the scene became clear, Qin Jianchuan had already stepped into the light curtain and walked straight through.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Shengyi, Lin Ziyi...

Xiao Ji hugged Si Bixiang, raised her head to look at the light curtain, and then walked in, until King Zhang Li, who fell at the end, also entered it with his own white ape, and the ripples on the light curtain gradually faded. Dissipates, smoothes out again, and eventually returns to normal.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye walked through the light curtain and found that the Golden City seemed different.

Obviously, the light curtain is not a normal way to enter and exit the city gate, and the place where Qiao Ye appears now is not the city gate.

This seems to be the center of an urban area, a circular square, with streets leading to everywhere in four directions. The reason why it is the center of an urban area and not the center of the Golden City is also easy to judge. Looking up You will know immediately.

The top of the Golden City is covered with golden light, and the closer to the center, the more obvious the light is. Qiao Ye's current position should be near the corner of the central area, and the specific direction should be the southwest.

Otherwise, the place is empty, the streets and squares are deserted.

Of course, this is a matter of course. According to what the beast master said, if the era when the beast god was active, if we had to push forward six hundred years from the time when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, this Huangjin City would be equivalent to being abandoned for a thousand years. Above all, even the golden dragon python of the Beast God might not be able to live for so long, let alone the people in the Golden City.

After observing for four weeks, Qiao Ye looked behind him, Polaris faithfully followed him, but...

Why can't the others come over?

Qiao Ye looked puzzled, it's just a light curtain, it can't be so slow, right?

But at this moment...

"Found the prey!"

Suddenly, there was a voice.

Before Qiao Ye could look for the sound, a gust of wind suddenly struck, and Qiao Ye's figure flashed immediately.

The next moment, there was a crackling sound on the ground where Qiao Ye was standing before, a bone arrow was nailed into the ground, and there were cracks all around.

Qiao Ye looked up to the side, and a figure jumped down from the roof of the building on the side, standing about ten meters away from Qiao Ye.

It was a very thin man, about thirty years old, and he looked like a normal person, except for the man's hands.

The man's left hand was purple-black. On the back of the hand, two bones pierced out towards the sides, forming a crescent shape. Before the two bones, there was even a tejin, which made it a hand. bow.

The man's right hand was bleeding red. A bone spur pierced forward from the back of the hand, and then two bone spurs protruded forward from the wrist. The three bone spurs were about one meter long and formed a triangle shape, forming a weapon.

Qiao Ye looked at the other party and said, "A demonized person? All members of the Demon Realm and Demon Hall?"

The man grinned and said, "The headquarters of the Demon Hall, the captain of the seventh team, Wei Wei!"

Wei Wei, the cultivation base of the third level of Demon Emperor Realm.

In the headquarters of the magic hall, there are a total of twenty-two teams in the magic hall, and the captains are all Jinshangshen's confidantes. The higher it is, the more important it is for Jinshangshen. Wei Wei can be appointed as the captain of the seventh team. The top ranking means that this guy can be regarded as Jinshangshen's confidant.

"I know you!" Wei Wei looked at Qiao Ye, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "The Wuyu man who was with Princess Yongle back then!"

Wei Wei paced slowly while talking.

"It looks like this, you should belong to the dog emperor, and he should be very happy to offer your head to Lord Jin." Wei Wei looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you are willing to hand over the key obediently, I can Let you die a little more happily, what do you think?"

"The key?" Qiao Ye murmured, and then said, "What is that?"


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