Chapter 867

Wei Wei raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't know what the key is? It turns out that you have just entered this city. If so, you are worthless!"

A disgusted expression appeared on Wei Wei's face, with a little disappointment.

However, Qiao Ye laughed.

"But you seem to be very valuable to me." Qiao Ye looked at Wei Wei and said, "I'll give you back the conditions you just raised, tell me what the key is, and I can make your death easier, what do you think? How about it?"

"It's up to you?" Wei Wei sneered and said, "Even if I don't have the key, I want your head!"

Wei Wei suddenly raised his left hand, and the bone bow made of white bones and tendons bounced off by itself, a bone arrow suddenly pierced out of Wei Wei's body, and directly landed on the bowstring of the Tejins.


The bone arrow flew out, heading towards Qiao Ye.

Before Qiao Ye could make a move, Polaris took a step forward, a piece of ice crystal appeared, and a small crystalline shield appeared on Polaris' hand.


The bone arrow flew towards him, Polaris raised his hand suddenly, and blocked the bone arrow with his shield.

at the same time……


Qiao Ye took a step forward, and then jumped up from behind.

In mid-air, Qiao Ye's body was filled with black smoke, and a black halberd appeared in his hand. The moment he fell from the air, Qiao Ye also slashed down towards Wei Wei.


Wei Wei quickly raised his right hand and blocked Qiao Ye's halberd with three bone spurs.

But the moment he blocked the black halberd, Qiao Ye suddenly raised his foot, kicked Wei Wei's chest, and kicked Wei Wei back continuously.

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "My head is not so easy to handle!"


Golden City, Central Stone Palace!

"This is where?"

"This is where?"

Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi looked at each other, and then asked the questions in their hearts with one voice.

After asking, the two looked around again. It seemed that they were the only two of them. Qiao Ye was not there, Lin Ziyi was not there, and no one else was there.

There was a stone palace in front of the two of them. Looking up towards the top of their heads, they could see that the golden light was thickening, and the golden light like clouds completely enveloped the tops of their heads.

This should be the central location of the Golden City.

at the same time……

Click, click!

Before the two had time to think about it, a noise suddenly attracted their attention.

The two looked up and looked forward.

At the entrance of the stone hall, there is a row of stone statues of guards standing there on the left and right. The stone statues shook slightly at the moment. After a while, the stone statues seemed to be alive, and suddenly turned around, facing Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi. , suddenly raised the spear and approached the two of them.

Qin Jianchuan looked at Jin Shengyi and said, "We seem to be in trouble just now."

Jin Shengyi nodded and said, "It seems to be like this."

The two looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.


Almost in an instant, Qin Jianchuan stood up, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and drew out the sword. A beam of sword light swept forward, with a sense of coldness, and suddenly fell forward.

With a low cry, Jin Shengyi slammed directly into the stone statue, punched out, hit the stone statue's chest, and shattered a piece of the stone statue.


Golden City, Northwest Long Street.

Zhang Liwang stood in the middle of the street, surrounded by a large group of beast masters, more than a dozen people, surrounded Zhang Liwang in the center.

"Give me everything on your body!" A beast master reached out to King Zhang Li and said, "If you don't want to die, just be obedient to me!"

"Hey, don't come here." Zhang Li Wang looked around and shouted: "I tell you, my boss is very powerful, he kills people without blinking an eye, he even eats children, the kind that swallows them raw, he loves to suck people's brains !"

The beast master sneered and said, "Really? Call him over and try, let me see how murderous he is!"

Zhang Liwang looked around, and then murmured: "My boss seems to be missing!"

The beast masters around suddenly laughed, looked at Zhang Liwang and said: "Boy, do you think you can scare us with just a few words? If you are interested, just show us something, as long as it is found in this city We all want to..."


The beast master hadn't finished speaking when Zhang Liwang suddenly raised his hand and slapped him fiercely.

"That's right, I don't need to pretend to be a grandson if that guy isn't here." Zhang Liwang suddenly became excited, and then his expression gradually became ferocious, and he looked around and said, "Master Tai Sui dares to break ground on his head, you know I am Who? The robbery hit me on the head!"

Zhang Liwang raised his hand fiercely, and the white ape behind him took a fierce step, crushing the ground, raised his fist and smashed it to his chest, and roared forward.

"When I was robbing at sea, you were still wearing crotch pants!" Zhang Liwang revealed his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, "Come, teach them how to rob!"


Zhang Liwang's white ape suddenly jumped up, waved the stone pillar, and slammed it down with force. Almost instantly, Zhang Liwang was standing in front of Zhang Liwang!

Zhang Liwang sneered, thinking that anyone can pretend to be a grandson?

You are not worthy!


Golden City, Dongcheng District!

Lin Ziyi paced forward, this place seemed to be a medicine garden, because Lin Ziyi smelled a strong medicinal fragrance.

The east area of ​​the Golden City is a huge courtyard with small bridges, flowing water, rockery and jade trees.

It's just that the small bridge looks old and the rockery is broken. As for the running water, there is only a layer of sand in the waterway, and it feels dilapidated everywhere.

Looking for the scent of medicine and walking through the arch, Lin Ziyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Behind the arch is a new yard, and the sight is a bamboo forest. It seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time, but the bamboos are growing extremely well, and even radiate purple light.

"Is this the legendary spiritual material, the purple bamboo of spiritual light?"

Even Lin Ziyi, who had always been rich and powerful, couldn't help showing surprise at this time.

That aura purple bamboo is a third-grade spiritual material, and it is very rare, not to mention after the three realms and nine domains were broken, even before it was broken, it is extremely rare. A piece of it is worth ten thousand taels of gold. one slice.

At the same time, the Potianmodie resting on Lin Ziyi's shoulder flew up on its own without Lin Ziyi's order, and went directly into the purple bamboo forest.

Soon, two golden rays of light danced in the purple bamboo forest, entangled with the Heaven Breaker Butterfly. Looking carefully, the two golden rays of light turned out to be two golden butterflies.

The three butterflies continued to play in the purple bamboo forest as if they were dancing lightly.


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