Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 868 Why do you dare to be presumptuous?

Chapter 868 Why do you dare to be presumptuous?

Xiaoji hugged her face, blinked her eyes and looked around, showing a little confusion.

This is a stone bridge. The river under the bridge has already dried up. There are streets on both sides of the river. Looking southeast, you can see a huge stone palace.

Si Buxiang held his head high and called softly a few times, as if asking where Qiao Ye had gone.

But at this moment...

"Hey, why is there a child here?"

Several men turned around the street and appeared on the side of the stone bridge. When they saw Xiao Ji standing in the middle of the stone bridge, they showed some doubts.

Suddenly, a man's eyes showed greed, and he whispered: "Boss, look at the imperial beast that the little girl is holding in her arms."

The leading man looked at the four faces in Xiao Ji's arms, showing a confused expression.

It's just a baby beast, what's so special about it?

If it had to be said to be special, it was because the leading man found out that he didn't know Sibuxiang, and didn't know what Sibuxiang was.

However, if you don't know it, you don't know it. Anyway, it's a cub, how rare can it be?

But at this time, the people around him reminded again: "Look at the ring on his neck!"

The man in the lead looked at Sibuxiang again, his eyes suddenly burning hot.

Si Buxiang's neck is naturally a gathering spirit ring, which is not eye-catching at first glance, just like an ordinary decoration.

But if you look carefully, you can find that there is a faint aura on the spirit-gathering ring, which makes the spirit-gathering ring look like a patina, with a smooth luster.

What's more, the spirit-gathering ring is carved with fine ancient runes, and each rune is faintly covered with radiance.

This looks like a treasure, and it is definitely not a low-grade treasure!

In fact, Qiao Ye got the spirit-gathering ring from Zhu Yan.


A second-grade treasure!

A child, a small beast, and a second-grade treasure!

Those few people showed greed instantly. At this time, they don't care where Xiao Ji comes from. The important thing is that she is just a child with no strength to restrain a chicken. There is also a child who has not grown up. A little beast of combat power.

So, isn't that precious piece within reach?

"Little friend..." A man licked the corner of his mouth, not hiding his greed, and said to Xiaoji, "Show me the imperial beast in your hand, okay?"

Xiao Ji gave the other party a cold look, then put Si Bu Xiang on the ground, stepped on the steps of the stone bridge, and walked towards the other party.


The next moment, the sound of clothes being torn was heard.

Every time Xiao Ji took a step forward, a ray of light burst out from her body, and as she continued to move forward, her petite body, wrapped in the light, slowly grew taller, and her long hair like a waterfall dragged to the ground. The clothes on the upper body can hardly wrap the body, revealing the slender waist, like a tube top, and the long skirt has also turned into a short skirt, revealing the slender legs, and the chest is bulging and becoming choppy, as if it will tear the clothes .

"Wherever I pass, the land is dry and not a blade of grass grows. The legendary giant dragon prostrates to me. The ever-victorious God of War bows his head. I stand on the bank of the river. The army of ten thousand people dare not cross, they can only surrender!" The voice faded from immaturity, and gradually became colder. Looking at the people in front of her, she said, "I am the daughter of heaven. My name makes countless people fear, awe, fear, and pray. Why do you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?"

Xiao Ji came under the bridge, looked at the man in front of her, suddenly raised her hand, and patted the man's cap.

Almost instantly, the man screamed, and then his body seemed to be sucked dry, and the flesh and blood in his body shriveled quickly, turning into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Ji let go of her hand, and the corpse fell directly to the ground, smashed to pieces like dry rubble.

Xiao Ji raised her head and looked at the rest of the people. Fear appeared on the faces of those people, and they kept backing away.


I don't know who took the lead in screaming, then turned around and ran away!

But also at this moment...

Sand and dust suddenly rolled up around them, and they caught up with each other. In an instant, the bodies of those men began to dry out. Like smashed pottery figurines, dense cracks appeared on their bodies, and then they were completely broken, just like that. on the ground.

Xiao Ji turned around, picked up Si Buxiang again, stuffed it towards her chest, and walked forward.


Those corpses!


Golden City, Round Square!

Wei Wei ran fast, his chest heaved and fell, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.


Qiao Ye is so strong!

After the fight, Wei Wei discovered that Qiao Ye was much more difficult and stronger than he imagined, facing the enemy head-on, Wei Wei was not an opponent at all.

After Wei Wei discovered this, he turned around decisively and ran away!

But at this moment...

At the entrance of the alleyway ahead, a figure suddenly slanted out and stopped in front of Wei Wei.

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "I found you!"

Wei Wei was shocked for a moment, and then his right fist suddenly blasted forward, hitting Qiao Ye's face.

But at the moment when he was about to hit, Qiao Ye suddenly stretched out his hand, grasped the bone spur in Wei Wei's fist, and twisted it forcefully.


The bone spur broke instantly, and the next moment, Qiao Ye kicked Wei Wei's chest, sending him flying backwards.

The moment he landed, Wei Wei felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and his expression instantly became ferocious.

Seeing Qiao Ye approaching quickly, Wei Wei quickly slapped the ground, and with a bang, a large cloud of black smoke suddenly emerged, wrapping Wei Wei's body.

Qiao Ye waved away the black smoke, but Wei Wei's figure had disappeared without a trace.

"This guy..." Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, "He's too good at running away!"

Qiao Ye came out from the other side of the alleyway through the smoke, looked left and right, and continued walking forward.

at the same time……

Above a roof, Wei Wei appeared.

Since the front is not Qiao Ye's opponent, it's fine not to come from the front!

Wei Wei raised his hand, the bone bow in his left hand, the Tetenu was pulled apart again, and a bone arrow appeared on the Tetenu string very quickly!

Wei Wei showed a ferocious face, aiming at Qiao Ye's back, but at this moment...

Wei Wei seemed to sense something, and looked sideways suddenly, but what he saw were two huge aurora beams!

Boom, boom!

The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded, and the aurora beam exploded in an instant, and the huge light cluster directly enveloped the entire small building.

next moment...

Amidst the loud roar, dense cracks appeared on the outer wall of the two-story building, and finally it was overwhelmed and collapsed!


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