Chapter 869 Kill

In an instant, the small two-story building instantly turned into ruins.

Qiao Ye came to the ruins and looked at the rubble in front of him. After walking to the top of the ruins, he reached out and lifted a huge stone slab.

Wei Wei squatted below, looking very embarrassed, his whole body was twitching continuously, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Qiao Ye said, "What's the key?"

Wei Wei's chest rose and fell, he opened his mouth, and a big mouthful of blood flowed out.

Qiao Ye suddenly sensed something, opened the cloth pouch hanging on his waist, and took a look at a piece of spiritual paper from inside.

Qiao Ye looked at Wei Wei and said, "It seems that you are useless!"

Qiao Ye walked down the ruins, and at this moment, on the roof in the distance, Polaris fired again, and two beams of aurora flew towards the ruins.

With a bang, the ruins exploded again and were directly annihilated in the beam of light.

"You defeated a warrior of the third level of the Demon Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 135,000 points."

Qiao Ye waved at Polaris, and Polaris jumped down from the roof and came to Qiao Ye's side.

I glanced at the message spirit paper, it was the message from King Zhang Li, and within the sea of ​​blood, the message spirit paper can still be used. Although Zhang Liwang is the beast master of the beast realm, he is more accustomed to using the message spirit tortoise, but the message spirit paper is still will work.

Zhang Liwang asked about Qiao Ye's location, and then reported his own location. At the same time, Zhang Liwang obviously collected some information and mentioned the key that Wei Wei said.

There is a stone temple in the central area of ​​the Golden City. The golden radiance covering the island is emitted from the stone temple. If there is no accident, the treasure must be hidden in the stone temple. But after entering the stone temple, there are broken dragon stones everywhere. To open the Dragon Stone, you must have a key, and this key is in the Golden City, and the more keys the better, because there are many Dragon Stones in the stone temple, the more keys, the more Dragon Stones you can open, and the more you can find. Of course there are more babies.

"So..." Zhang Liwang sent a message: "Now everyone in the Golden City is looking for keys, or grabbing keys!"

Qiao Ye said, "Where can I find the key?"

King Tension replied: "There are possibilities everywhere in the Golden City. If you kick the garbage on the street, there may be a key hidden behind it. There may also be keys in the rooms in the city. However, we seem to It’s late, it’s not easy to find the key now, everyone is grabbing it.”

Qiao Ye wondered, "What was that Beast God thinking? Why did he hide the key in various parts of the Golden City? No, if it can be found everywhere, it can't be considered hiding, right?"

Zhang Liwang said: "I don't know, anyway, I killed a group of guys, that's what they said, and I found three keys from them."

Qiao Ye signaled to Polaris, and Polaris quickly came to the ruins and dug up Wei Wei's body again. Soon, Polaris came back with a bunch of stone keys.

There really are!

Qiao Ye sent a message: "Send the message to others, see you in Shidian!"

Qiao Ye finished the communication with Zhang Liwang, and then took the keys from Polaris and counted them. There are seven keys in total. It seems that Wei Wei's previous gains were pretty good, and he snatched quite a few keys.

Qiao Ye put away the key, greeted Polaris, and then walked towards the central stone hall.

Qiao Ye's position is quite close to the Stone Palace, in the outer area, after walking through the street, he entered the central area.

Qiao Ye felt a little weird about the rules in the Golden City.

Zhang Liwang is fine, but was thrown to other places, so the others should be fine too, and the light curtain should lead to various locations in the Golden City.

Qiao Ye only hoped that Xiao Ji would never be alone.

In addition, find the key, open the Dragon Breaking Stone, fight in the Golden City...

Qiao Ye murmured, but suddenly there was a pause...


How does Qiao Ye feel, looking for the key is to deliberately let the people who enter the Golden City fight?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, she suddenly stopped and looked around.

"Do you want this?" Qiao Ye stretched out his index finger, hooked the bunch of keys he got from Wei Wei and said, "If you want it, just come out and grab it. Why do you need to be sneaky?"

On both sides of the street, there were figures constantly appearing, they were beast masters from the beast domain, because almost all of them had beast masters by their side.

A beast master reached out to Qiao Ye and said, "Give me the key, and I will let you go."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "No, you gave me the key in your hand, understand?"


The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, Polaris suddenly flew out, turning into an afterimage, at a very fast speed!

Almost in an instant, Polaris came to a beast master, stretched out his hands, and two crystal long swords appeared in his hands!

The beast master of the beast master was a bronze statue of a special type, and it was also the first time he took a step forward to protect his master.

The bronze body exudes a metallic luster and looks extremely solid, but...


Polaris slashed out with a sword, and the bronze statue's head flew up, and a smooth gap appeared on the neck.

With one blow, Polaris chopped off the bronze statue!

The beast master showed a stunned expression, but at the moment when he opened his mouth to show shock, Polaris' left-handed sword stabbed forward, directly piercing through the opponent's mouth.

Blood splatter!

The beast master didn't even understand what was going on, his beast master died, he...

Also dead!

"You defeated a Beast Master at the ninth level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 80,000 points."

After one blow, Polaris didn't stop. He raised his hand and grasped it, and the crystalline twin swords in his hands changed into a crystalline whip. However, unlike ordinary whips, the whip was made of pieces of prismatic wafers. The edge was extremely sharp, and it was thrown forward, wrapping around a giant bear beast.

next moment...

Polaris pulled hard...


The giant bear's body broke in two in an instant, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, covering the sky, and slowly paved into a blood mist.

The beast masters finally came to their senses, and someone shouted loudly, "Let's go together!"

The surrounding beast masters commanded their own beast masters to rush towards the North Star.

Polaris had no expression on his face, and squatted down directly, pressing one hand on the ground.

Beast-monitoring skills, the realm of ice edges!

Almost instantly, the ground around the Polaris, pieces of crystals rose up continuously, intercepting the surrounding beasts.

Bang, bang, bang!

Those imperial beasts were extremely ferocious, constantly hitting the crystals, trying to break through the defense, but those crystals were much stronger than imagined, and they couldn't be smashed easily.

And Polaris stretched out his hand towards the front and held it, and two crystallized hand crossbows appeared instantly!


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