Chapter 871

Golden City, Stone Palace!

The structure of the stone palace is more complicated than imagined, there are passages extending in all directions, and at the end of those passages, there are huge stones blocking the road one by one!

The Dragon-Breaking Stone is forged from deep-sea dragon iron and mixed with a large number of hard and strange stones in the world. It is unbreakable by ordinary methods. Even if it is the supreme being in the world, or even the gods, it is extremely difficult to break the Dragon-Breaking Stone violently. Therefore, only the key can open the Broken Dragon Stone.

Inside the stone hall of the Golden City, there are broken dragon stones everywhere, some of which have been opened, while others are still closed.

Da, da, da, da, da...

Crisp footsteps sounded, and in the dark passage, Xiao Ji walked through and came to the end of the passage. In front of her was a huge dragon-breaking stone, blocking Xiao Ji in front of her.

The next moment, Xiao Ji stretched out her hand and casually caressed the Broken Dragon Stone with her fingertips.

In an instant, the huge dragon-breaking stone unexpectedly weathered rapidly, showing countless dry and cracked marks, and then turned into a piece of sand, which just fell down and fell all over the ground.

There are occasional winds passing by in the passage, and the fine sand rolls along the wind and drifts away...

The Dragon-Breaking Stone, which can trap even the gods, is obviously vulnerable at this moment.

Xiao Ji continued to move forward, stepped over the Sha Shuo all over the ground, and continued walking towards the depths of the stone hall.

But at this moment...

Xiao Ji's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she looked down at Si Buxiang who was stuffed in her chest. In Si Buxiang's mouth, there was still a spiritual paper for summoning.

Xiao Ji hesitated for a moment, but still took the spirit paper of summons, and wrote two large characters on it: Stone Palace!


Golden City, the main entrance of the Stone Palace!

The countless night crows flew in all directions, and Qiao Ye wanted to use this to find Ling Xiaoji's trace.


No, not at all!

Night Crow flew over the Golden City continuously, overlooking the entire city, and Qiao Ye could even see the battles in various areas clearly.

However, Ye Ya almost searched the entire Golden City from the air, and did not find Xiao Ji.

An anxious look appeared on Qiao Ye's face, and he murmured, "Is it inside the building?"

Although Night Crow can look down from the air to monitor the entire Golden City, there is no way inside the building. After all, Night Crow cannot see through and see the situation inside the building.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly found that the spiritual paper in his hand was burning. After being taken aback for a moment, Qiao Ye quickly picked up the spiritual paper and took a look. There were two words written on it: Stone Palace!

This was Xiao Ji's reply, and it also made Qiao Ye breathe a sigh of relief.

However, in just a split second, Qiao Ye's heart immediately rose again.

Xiaoji is actually in the stone palace!

The stone palace is definitely not peaceful. There are people grabbing the keys everywhere in the Golden City, but what is the reason for grabbing the keys?

It is to enter the stone palace, open the broken dragon stone, and then find the treasure!

Therefore, the stone palace may not be safer than the outside, and it may be more dangerous.

"Are you safe now?"

"Look around, if there are any obvious landmarks around, write it down, and then tell me."

"After you tell me, don't run around, just wait for me where you are, and I'll come right away!"

Qiao Ye sent three messages in a row with a little anxiety, and then planned to enter the stone palace without waiting for Xiaoji's answer.

But at this moment...

"Isn't this Qiao Ye?" Behind Qiao Ye, a voice suddenly sounded: "Have you sent someone from Wuyu?"

Qiao Ye looked sideways...

It's a person from Lingyu!

Qiao Ye remembered the beast master from before. The other party seemed to have said that he had seen the team from the Lingyu. Moreover, the team from the Lingyu was very strong. They even smashed through the south side of the island, making everyone afraid to go. south side.

And now look...

Sure enough, the spirit domain has the same strategy as the military domain, and the people sent are all day-level elites, or those who have the strength of the world-defending level, but due to a series of reasons such as age or merit, they are still at the day-level level.

Qiao Ye even saw two acquaintances.

Murong Feima and Nie Wenxiu!

Qiao Ye and these two guys are also considered destined. There was a dispute in the Linglong Tower, and later when they were in the Eye of the Region, these two guys were also beaten by Qiao Ye.

However, even though Qiao Ye had beaten them before, they were undeniable. The strength of the two of them was indeed quite outstanding.

Nie Wenxiu is a genius among the younger generation in Lingyu. Being able to step into the Martial Emperor Realm in his early twenties is a symbol of talent in itself. Even if he is beaten by Qiao Ye, this cannot be changed.

As for Murong Pegasus, Qiao Ye's senior, he was in the same class as Xuanyuan Beimu. For a while, Murong Pegasus could be compared with Xuanyuan Beimu, and he was also the key training object of the guardians of the spiritual realm. He is the mainstay of the defenders of the spiritual domain, even if he was beaten by Xuanyuan Beimu and Qiao Ye, this cannot be changed.

And Murong Feima and Nie Wenxiu are obviously not the core of this team.

Zhang Ziping, one of the three major divisions of the spiritual domain, a guardian of the Disha division, and a fifth-level cultivation of the Linghuang realm!

This guy is a ruthless character. Zhang Ziping was originally not a guard, but a guard, but this guy committed crimes among the guards. He drank in the barracks, beat the superior, and even provoked Wu Yu. Drunken and bold, he set fire to the tough battle of the defenders of Wuyu, which also triggered a fight between the two sides.

This matter has caused a lot of trouble, and just recently, there was an uproar, not to mention that the Wuyu side refused to let go, and the Lingyu side was also very annoyed by this thorn. The crime of beating Shangguan is not light, but this guy has a temper Although irritable, his strength is indeed fierce. In order to protect Zhang Ziping from being beaten to death by the guardians of Wuyu, Lingyu assigned him to the guardians.

There was also a woman in white. Although Qiao Ye saw her for the first time, she had heard her name before.

Lingyu, Xinxianbu, Bai Xiangyun, the fourth-level cultivation of the Linghuang Realm!

The Xinxian tribe is a small tribe in Lingyu, and it can even be said to be a backwater. For decades, the Xinxian tribe has only one person who can be called a master, and that is Wuhui Sword Kuang Baici.

But one master is enough to make the little Xinxianbu famous, because Bai Ci is a...


The emergence of a human supreme in a tribe, of course, means rising, and Bai Xiangyun is the daughter of Bai Ci!

But these two people are also not the core of this spiritual team, because the man standing at the front of the four is called Su Lu!

Judge Yama, Su Lu!

Lingyu, the Zhanling clan, one of the three major tribes, Zhantianbu, and Su Lu is not a branch of Zhantianbu, but the current clan leader of Zhantianbu, whose parents are both elders of Zhantianbu !

At the same time, the Zhantian Department is still...

Qiao Ye's mother's tribe!

In terms of seniority, Qiao Ye still needs to call him elder brother!

However, besides his status, Su Li's strength is also the key to his becoming the core of this team.

The fifth-level cultivation of the Spirit Emperor Realm is definitely not weak at Su Lu's age, and more importantly...

Su Li possesses unparalleled spiritual ability!


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