Chapter 872 Get Out

Qiao Ye cast a glance at the other party, not responding at all, and turned around to walk towards the Stone Palace.

"Hey!" Murong Feima flashed and appeared beside Qiao Ye, he reached out his hand to stop Qiao Ye and said, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? It's so hard to run into each other, why don't you talk a few words, catch up on the old days?"

Qiao Ye glanced at Murong Feima coldly and said: "Get out, I don't have time to talk to you, stop me again, don't blame me for being angry."

While talking, Qiao Ye pushed Murong Feima's arm away, and was about to walk towards the stone palace.

Right now, Qiao Ye just wanted to enter the stone palace to look for Xiaoji, and he didn't know if there was any danger in the stone palace. Don't wait until he arrived, only to see a dead body.

But in the next moment...

Murong Feima stood in front of Qiao Ye again, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, I..."


Murong Feima was about to speak, but suddenly felt a strong wind coming, but Qiao Ye didn't give him a chance to speak, he just raised his leg and swept his foot forward, sweeping out.

Murong Feima was shocked, unexpectedly, Qiao Ye would do it as soon as he said he would, and almost instinctively raised his arms to protect his head.



Qiao Ye kicked Murong Pegasus's arm, and Murong Pegasus couldn't stop it with that huge force, and then the raised arm directly hit Murong Pegasus's head, making Murong Pegasus stagger.

Before Murong Pegasus could stand still, Qiao Ye kicked Murong Pegasus in the chest again, directly kicked Murong Pegasus into the air, and fell straight back.

Murong Feima fell to the ground, tilted his head, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Qiao Ye!" Su Lu's face darkened for a moment, and the moment Qiao Ye walked towards the stone palace again, he came to Qiao Ye and blocked Qiao Ye's way: "It's just to say hello, yes Isn't it too much?"

Qiao Ye looked at Su Li and said, "I'll say it again, I don't have time to talk to you right now, go away, understand?"

Su Lu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If I don't get out of the way today, what can you do..."

As soon as Su Lu finished speaking, Qiao Ye directly bumped his knee towards Su Lu.

Su Lu was indeed much stronger than Murong Pegasus. At the first moment, he tipped his toes and jumped backwards to avoid Qiao Ye's attack, and then punched Qiao Ye with a backhand.


Qiao Ye received a solid punch in the face, and then tilted her head, but...

That is, to the extent of crooked head.

Qiao Ye slowly turned her head back, pushed Su Li's fist back bit by bit, and looked at Su Li coldly.

Su Lu couldn't help raising his eyebrows, let out a low drink, jumped up, and punched Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye showed disdain on his face. The moment Su Li rushed forward, Qiao Ye raised his foot fiercely. Before Su Li threw his fist, he raised his foot and kicked Su Li's chest. Su Li felt a tightness in his chest and walked away. After following in the footsteps of Murong Feima, Qiao Ye kicked him away.

Qiao Ye said contemptuously, "What the hell!"

Su Li covered his chest, clenched his teeth, and said angrily, "Qiao Ye!"

Su Lu looked at Qiao Ye, besides anger, there was also a trace of resentment gradually emerging.

Su Lu doesn't like Qiao Ye very much, very much, because Qiao Ye is from Wuyu, but has the blood of their Zhantianbu.

What makes Su Lu even more upset is that if that's the case, Qiao Ye is just a mixed-race bastard living outside.

However, after Qiao Ye destroyed the spiritual temple and got the spiritual charm of the spirit god, there was an extra voice in Zhantian Department, hoping to take Qiao Ye back to the spiritual domain, because Qiao Ye's dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts means that Qiao Ye has a huge potential.


As Qiao Ye has done more and more things, his name has gradually become more famous, and his status among the defenders has gradually become higher, and this kind of voice has also become more and more.

At the earliest time, everyone probably thought that as long as they could get Qiao Ye, they might be able to research the secret of both spiritual and martial cultivation. The secret of Lingwu dual cultivation.

But now, this voice has somewhat changed. If Qiao Ye is willing to return to the Spirit Realm, abandon the Martial Realm, and fight for the Spirit Realm, it is not impossible for the Zhantian Department to accept Qiao Ye and train him. After all, Qiao Ye has already reached the Martial Emperor Realm, and he is only in his early twenties. The Martial Emperor Realm is definitely not Qiao Ye's upper limit.

Even, Qiao Ye has the potential to become the supreme being in the world. If Qiao Ye is willing to come back, why not cultivate it?

Su Li's expression became more fierce when he thought of this.

Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye...

Su Li gritted his teeth. He had heard this name all the time recently. This name dissatisfied him, made him resentful, and even made him feel wronged.

Is there no one in the Zhantian Department, one of the three major departments of the dignified spiritual realm?

To have to say the name of a half-breed bastard all day long!

Isn't he better than Qiao Ye?

You are the future of Zhantianbu!

The aura on Su Lu's body became stronger and stronger, and as Su Lu got up from the ground, a strand of black hair was flying up without any wind, and the hem of his clothes kept waving, and then...

Click, click!

The ground under Su Lu's feet was constantly shattered, fine cracks appeared one after another, countless stone chips rolled around, and were blown away by an invisible breath.

Qiao Ye's forward steps had to stop.


Out of spiritual ability!

This is not something that can be dismissed casually.

Qiao Ye looked up, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that you two are determined to seek death?"

Su Li's eyes became more fierce, staring at Qiao Ye viciously.

Kill him!

As long as Qiao Ye is killed, there will be no voice in Zhantian Department for Qiao Ye to return. After all, a dead person cannot be allowed to return!

"Qiao Ye, you won't survive today!" Su Li gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill you here today. I'll see if you can get out of this city alive!"

Su Lu didn't have any intention of covering up at all. The murderous intention was already in his heart, and he couldn't hide his murderous intent.

at the same time……

The other four people also approached Qiao Ye, and Murong Feima and Nie Yunxiu immediately entered the spiritual state, and the five surrounded Qiao Ye and King Zhang Li in the middle.

"It seems that you really want to die!" Qiao Ye said coldly: "Then satisfy you!"

Almost instantly, Polaris raised his hand abruptly, entering a fighting state, and the crystallized hand crossbow appeared in his hand.

Polaris felt Qiao Ye's will, and almost at the moment Qiao Ye said, Polaris pulled the trigger of the crystallized crossbow forward immediately.

There was a roaring sound, and two brilliant aurora beams shot out suddenly.


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