Chapter 874 Peerless?

In front of Zhang Ziping, there was a wave shaking, and then, a shield suddenly appeared in Zhang Ziping's hand.


Qiao Ye hit the shield with a halberd, making a clear and crisp sound.


Zhang Ziping let out a low cry, and then the shield seemed to be cut in half with a sharp weapon, and suddenly split into two, and then, Zhang Ziping held up half of the shield and threw it at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Ziping coldly, then stretched out her hand suddenly, and held the shield in her hand.

Even if he could block his own blow, Qiao Ye really didn't want to look down on Zhang Ziping when a spiritual monk in the spiritual realm fought close to him, but Qiao Ye looked down on all the spiritual monks.

But at this moment, Zhang Ziping smiled strangely and said, "White Snake!"

The half-shield that Qiao Ye held in his hand suddenly shone brightly. In the light, the half-shield suddenly wriggled and turned into a small white snake, which sprang out from Qiao Ye's palm and approached Qiao Ye. come.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, but his reaction was still extremely fast. With a sudden twist of his body, the white snake brushed Qiao Ye's chest and flew out.

But also at this moment...

"Great halberd!"

Zhang Ziping let out a low cry, and immediately after, a silver halberd appeared out of thin air in his hands and fell towards Qiao Ye.


With a flick of her wrist, Qiao Ye held the black halberd in front of her. Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp chirping sound. Qiao Ye raised the halberd casually, and blocked the silver halberd in Zhang Ziping's hand.

Zhang Ziping grinned and said: "This weapon is not very easy to use, Lingjiao!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of dragon chant, and the silver halberd seemed to come alive. It twisted in Zhang Ziping's hand, emitting a silver light, and it continued to grow longer and thicker, and finally turned into a dragon. Qiao Ye bared her teeth and claws.

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes. Is this Zhang Ziping's spiritual ability?

Qiao Ye guessed right!

Invisible manifestation, the top-level spiritual ability of the Tianxuan level, has only one effect, that is, it can materialize all the things imagined in Zhang Ziping's head. The only limitation is that this thing can't just be imagined, but needs to Zhang Ziping has seen things before, and through imagination, he can manifest them intangibly.

Even with such restrictions, invisible manifestation is a very strong spiritual ability. Although Zhang Ziping is a thorn head driven out by the guards, not everyone can be a thorn head. I can't even do it.

Almost instantly, the Ling Jiao, which swelled to ten meters away, swooped down towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked at the Lingjiao, Zhang Ziping was indeed troublesome, but it was just troublesome.


Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, thrust it forcefully towards the ground, and then clasped his hands together.

A large piece of black smoke spread from Qiao Ye's feet, and it was pushed away frantically, one layer after another, layer after layer, continuously pushed away layer by layer, like a large wave, billowing violently.

Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Black smoke rose into the sky, and soon, a huge door was formed.

The door was slowly opened, as if leading straight into the abyss, countless black smoke poured out from the door, and then...


A giant foot stepped out from behind the door, stomping on the ground fiercely, smashing the ground to pieces.

The phantom of the heavenly demon that came out was about ten meters high, and its body was very huge. Its body only appeared in half, and it seemed to block out the sky and the sun!

Humanoid, with dark skin, a bone skirt made of white bones around her waist, and a necklace made of giant skull heads around her neck.


There was a strong stench on the demon phantom's body that day, and many places on his body were already rotten. In some rotten places, bones could be clearly seen, and his whole body was filled with an aura that did not seem like a living person.

This celestial demon phantom...

It's a zombie!

The huge corpse demon came out from behind the door, raised its fist and beat its chest, opened its bloody mouth wide, let out a rancid smell, and roared silently.

next moment...

The huge corpse demon suddenly stretched out its hand and grabbed the front, easily grabbed the Lingjiao in its hand, and tore it hard.

With a puff, the body of the Lingjiao was torn in two, and the blood rained all over the sky, and fell downwards.

Zhang Ziping's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he took several steps back, stretched out his hand to cover his chest, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, and opened his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Although invisible manifestation can materialize anything Zhang Ziping has seen, materialization is not created out of thin air. It is still Zhang Ziping's spiritual ability, which needs Zhang Ziping's spiritual power to maintain.

The Lingjiao was forcibly torn apart, and Zhang Ziping's mental power was instantly repulsed, making Zhang Ziping obviously injured.

Qiao Ye glanced at Zhang Ziping who was backing away, and said coldly, "Kill him!"

The corpse demon raised his right foot and stepped down directly in Zhang Ziping's direction.

Zhang Ziping was shocked for a moment, raised his legs and ran to the side to avoid it, and kept thinking about it at the same time.

What has he seen that can fight against the corpse in front of him?

What has he seen that can be as huge as the corpse in front of him?

Zhang Ziping couldn't get the answer, because in Zhang Ziping's memory, there was nothing so huge that could compete with the corpse demon.

However, soon, Zhang Ziping's face showed a ferocious look.


manifest itself...

Corpse Demon!

With a bang, there was a loud noise from behind Zhang Ziping, as if something had exploded in half, and then, a huge silhouette appeared.

for a moment...

The outline of the human figure manifested, it was a corpse demon, it turned out to be exactly the same corpse demon as Qiao Ye's ghost!

It's just because Zhang Ziping saw Qiao Ye's corpse and remembered his appearance!

It has to be said that Zhang Ziping's spiritual ability is indeed terrifying, and it is not unreasonable for invisible manifestation to be one of the top spiritual abilities of the Tianxuan level.


Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Ziping and said contemptuously, "Do you have the strength to control the phantom of the demon?"

Almost at the moment when the second celestial demon appeared, Zhang Ziping's face suddenly turned pale, his expression became extremely ugly, and the energy and blood in his body surged, making Zhang Ziping feel extremely uncomfortable.



Zhang Ziping opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood again, his breath suddenly dropped, and he became weak in an instant.

"Your martial soul..." Zhang Ziping's voice also became hoarse. Looking at Qiao Ye's terrified face, showing an incredible expression, he watched Qiao Ye grit his teeth and said, "Your martial soul is unparalleled?"


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