Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 875: Bone Flood Dragon

Chapter 875

Peerless level...

All Zhang Ziping could think of was this possibility.

If not, Zhang Ziping's invisible manifestation would not be ineffective, unless Qiao Ye's martial soul level is higher than Zhang Ziping's spiritual ability, the consumption required is extremely huge, and Zhang Ziping can't support it at all, so the current situation will appear Condition.

And this question...

Qiao Ye couldn't answer either, because Qiao Ye didn't know the level of Tianmo Dazzling's martial soul. Ji Wuyuan had tested it for Qiao Ye a long time ago, but he couldn't find it out.

However, with Qiao Ye facing more and more powerful opponents, it is not impossible for Tian Mo Dazzling to be unparalleled, and even, this possibility is very high.

Because, even the Ten Thousand Arts Spiritual Diagram does not require as many martial soul points as Tianma Daoluan, and the Ten Thousand Faculties Spiritual Diagram, as a spirit god's ability to emanate spirits, of course cannot be just the Heavenly Chosen Level.

Secondly, Tianmo Dazzling can suppress most of the Martial Souls of the Heavenly Selection level, or have spiritual abilities, and demonization.

But anyway, this was a question that Qiao Ye could not answer, so Qiao Ye chose not to answer.

Qiao Ye raised his right hand and pressed it forward.

The huge corpse demon raised its huge foot again, and was about to step down in the direction of Zhang Ziping.

Zhang Ziping suddenly turned pale with shock, and shouted in panic, "Bai Xiangyun, Su Lu, save me!"

Bai Xiangyun couldn't save Zhang Ziping, because Polaris held back Nie Wenxiu, and King Zhang Li ordered his white ape and golden monkey to fight Bai Xiangyun.

At the same time commanding the two beasts to fight, Zhang Li Wang is really moving. Although Zhang Li Wang is not as good as Bai Xiangyun in terms of cultivation, the overall strength is also inferior to Zhang Li Wang, but it is enough to entangle Bai Xiangyun.

Su Lu's face was gloomy, and he said to Qiao Ye's enemy: "Qiao Ye, you still dare to kill my people in front of me?"

While roaring, Su Lu spread out his hands and sacrificed a treasure!

That treasure was a wooden box. After Su Lu opened it wide, a large piece of golden light suddenly burst out, forming a golden sky, falling towards Qiao Ye's celestial demon, trying to stop the celestial demon.

Qiao Ye sneered, "You think I don't have a treasure?"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and wiped it forward, and then, swords and mirrors appeared in front of Qiao Ye continuously.

Sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror!

The silver brilliance bloomed, and immediately after, lightsabers appeared in the mirror, one after another, and flew into the air continuously.

The sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror needs to be defended, with the thickest armor and the hardest beating, so that it can exert the most terrifying power.

Although Qiao Ye was not beaten right now, it was enough to drag Su Lu's treasure.

Boom, boom, boom!

The lightsaber kept flying into the air, colliding with the falling sky light, and the roaring noise kept appearing, and then the light of the day continued to explode, and the lightsaber of the sixteen-sided lightsaber mirror was also constantly shattered, turning into halo.

At this moment...

The huge corpse demon had already trampled down fiercely, and stepped on Zhang Ziping's body.

Almost instantly, a large amount of blood splashed out under the corpse demon's feet, and soon a pool of blood appeared.

"You defeated a spirit cultivator at the fifth level of the Soul Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 160,000 points."

"Qiao Ye!" Su Lu was furious, and growled at Qiao Ye: "You dare to kill me!"

Qiao Ye sneered, "If you don't get lost, it will be your turn next!"


Golden City, Stone Palace!

Xiaoji continued to walk forward along the passage.

Although some of the Broken Dragon Stones outside have been opened by someone, but the deeper you go, the fewer they are. After all, no one can go so deep, and they don't have enough keys, so naturally they can't come here.

However, those dragon-breaking stones are meaningless in front of Xiao Ji, as long as you gently touch them with your fingertips, those dragon-breaking stones will immediately weather in front of Xiao Ji, and then turn into fine sand and fall all over the ground.

Xiao Ji went forward without any hindrance, constantly destroying the Broken Dragon Stone, until she reached the deepest part of the stone palace!

This is an incomparably huge stone hall!

In the center of the stone hall, there is a sphere of bone fingers, about the size of a fist, floating in mid-air, sometimes rotating clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise.

And under the bone ball, there are dents on the floor. In the dents, there is blood flowing, gathering an ancient and obscure symbol.

Always in the center, the flowing blood seemed to be drawn by some force, slowly floating up from the ground, and continuously flowing into the bone ball.

And on the periphery of the bone ball and the blood rune, this is a huge dragon bone. The dragon bone is countless times larger than the average dragon. It is about thirty-five or six meters long. It became a circle, enclosing the bone ball in the center.

"It really is a scam!" Xiao Ji said with contempt on her face, "Those keys are for people to fight, and then through the death of those people, they are used to sacrifice and refine blood bone balls of dead souls, right?"

Suddenly, the huge dragon bone moved, and at the moment Xiao Jiyan fell, the dragon's head slowly lifted up, and two blood-red lights appeared in the dark eye sockets. Staring at Xiao Ji.

Xiao Ji looked at the skull dragon, and the contempt on her face became stronger: "Golden dragon python? In order to be able to live, did you use this method to turn yourself into an undead thing!"

"Who are you?"

The skull dragon opened its bloody mouth and spit out human words.

Xiao Ji stretched out her hand and said, "What qualifications do you have to ask who this deity is? Just offer the things."

The body of the bone dragon swims slowly, and then, the sound of laughter rang out.

"You want my dead soul blood bone ball?" The red glow in the bone flood dragon's eyes became deeper and darker, and the voice also became ferocious: "In order to fulfill the master's last wish, I gave up my flesh and blood at the cost of I have held on to this for countless years, so long that even I can’t remember how many years, you want my dead soul blood bone ball? Why do you?”

Xiao Ji still looked indifferent, looked at the blood bone ball of the dead soul and said: "You want that thing, isn't it just to be able to continue to live?"

Da da da……

Xiao Ji raised her foot and paced forward, and the sound of her footsteps echoed throughout the hall.

"You ask me why? Just because I want, what I want, everyone has to offer." Xiao Ji looked at the skull dragon and said: "If you offer the blood bone ball of the dead soul, you can live for hundreds more If you don't agree, you will die now!"

The bone dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, as if laughing loudly, its whole body was trembling.

"A mere little girl dares to speak out against me?"

As the skull Jiao said, he raised his body violently, and suddenly came towards Xiao Ji.


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