Chapter 876 Collapse

Xiao Ji raised her head and watched the bone dragon rush towards her with cold eyes, neither intending to fight back nor to defend herself.


At a position about three meters in front of Xiao Ji, the huge dragon's head suddenly hung, and the huge body began to tremble.

An invisible sense of fear is permeating.

that moment...

The skull flood dragon felt an extremely strong sense of death permeating the air.

There is no vegetation, and everything is desolate.

As if the world was annihilated in an instant, everything was destroyed.

The skull dragon's body shrank back all of a sudden, and its voice began to tremble.

"Who the hell are you?" Bone Jiao's voice was hysterical: "Tell me, who are you?"

"Are you worthy of knowing the name of the deity?"

Xiao Ji took a step forward.

Almost instantly, the moment Xiao Ji stepped on the ground with her toes, the floor in the hall began to weather continuously, turning into sand, and then flew up, turning into a cloud of dust, which filled the surrounding area.

The blood in the dent on the ground made a "hissing" sound, and white smoke continued to emit, and the blood was evaporated quickly.

"no, do not want……"

The skull dragon opened its huge mouth, let out a roar, and then...


There was a crisp sound from the bone dragon's body, and then cracks appeared one after another, and then, the huge body began to shatter and weather.

Soon, amidst the bewildered screams, the skull dragon's body was completely shattered, annihilated into powder, and then drifted away with the wind.

Xiao Ji stepped forward, and the dead soul blood bone ball fell from the air, and was caught by Xiao Ji just in time.

at the same time……

Accompanied by the fall of the dead soul blood bone ball, the entire stone palace began to vibrate, shaking constantly, the walls, ceiling, and ground cracked and opened huge gaps one after another.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, countless stone chips fell from the sky, as if everything was collapsing!

Xiao Ji turned around, holding the blood bone ball of the dead soul, and left quickly.


Golden City, the entrance to the Stone Palace!

Qiao Ye and Su Lu looked at each other from a distance, neither of them concealed the murderous intent in their eyes at all.

"Out of spirit!" Su Lu shouted in a low voice, "Yin and Yang are separated!"

Su Lu's aura reached its peak in an instant, extremely terrifying, full of oppressive feeling, Su Lu's strength is indeed undoubted, and the unparalleled spiritual ability is indeed not blown out!

And Su Lu's spiritual ability is actually a pen!

A writing brush about the length of a forearm. When Su Li held the writing brush in his hand, behind Su Lu, a huge pattern of yin and yang swimming fish emerged.

"A sentence of life and death, yin and yang will be judged!" Su Lu's face darkened, and he shouted: "Yin domain!"

Su Li also had a serious fight with Qiao Ye from the very beginning. After entering the out-of-spirit state, the first shot was the domain ability.

In an instant, there was a dead silence all around, filled with cloudy air, a slight chill seemed to be continuously penetrating into the bone marrow.

It felt like coming to a cemetery in the middle of the night, which made people shudder and couldn't help but want to shiver.


Graves really rose one after another, and Su Li turned the surrounding area into a cemetery, and tombstones suddenly appeared one by one, covering the surrounding area.

Sand, rustle, rustle...

Small sounds kept ringing out, and the soil covered by the tombs squirmed continuously. Then, arms one by one continued to protrude from the tombs, scraping the soil away, and one after another, the Yin soldiers kept moving. Drilling out, it covered a large area in the blink of an eye, then swayed its body and kept heading towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye said coldly: "Vulnerable, crush them!"

The corpse demon raised his fist, beat his chest hard and roared, then raised his foot and stepped forward.


When that foot was stepped down, the bodies of those Yin soldiers were crushed, and blood splashed out under the huge feet of the corpse demon.

The surrounding ground trembled, and one after another cracks kept pushing towards the surroundings.


Qiao Ye suddenly showed doubts. Although the corpse demon is fierce, it can't be so fierce, right?

Why is the ground trembling endlessly?

Large cracks appeared all around, and some cracks even turned into ravines, and those Yin soldiers fell directly.

It's been almost fifteen breaths, and the corpse demon just stepped on it, shouldn't that be the case?


Just as Qiao Ye was wondering, there was a loud noise from the stone hall in front of him, and then a piece of tile roof at the entrance fell down so suddenly, falling to the ground and becoming shattered.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, the huge stone palace seemed to be trembling and shaking.

This shouldn't be the work of the corpse, right?


The huge roar appeared again, and then, there was a loud noise in the dense forest in the distance, and then one after another the tall trees continued to collapse, rolling up large swaths of dust.

It's not that the stone palace is trembling, it's not that the Golden City is trembling, but...

The whole island is shaking!

From the cracks in the ground, colorful pythons suddenly came out one by one, hundreds of them, they were everywhere in the blink of an eye, and they swam continuously towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye quickly raised the black halberd and swept forward, cutting off several boa constrictors that jumped up from the ground.

"You killed an evil beast (Hua Niang Snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (nine-spotted snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 5500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (black-scaled python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9000 points."


A look of astonishment appeared on Qiao Ye's face, those snakes...

It turned out to be an evil beast?

"Boss!" At this time, Zhang Liwang also ran towards Qiao Ye and said, "Hurry up, this place feels like it's going to collapse!"

On the other side, Bai Xiangyun jumped up and came to Su Lu's side and said, "This place is wrong, we have to retreat!"

Su Luyin took a serious look at Qiao Ye, then waved and said, "Get out!"

Nie Wenxiu quickly picked up the dying Murong Pegasus and followed Su Lu.

On the other side, Qiao Ye directly grabbed Zhang Liwang's collar to stop the guy from chattering, and said in a low voice: "Shut up, there are not enough people, why go!"

Zhang Liwang shut up honestly. He wanted to rub oil on the soles of his feet, but he didn't dare. Wasn't he poisoned? Where can I find an antidote?

Qiao Ye let go of the tension and said kingly, "Stay at the door and wait for me to come out for fear of death."

Qiao Ye glanced at the corpse demon, and the corpse demon immediately strode forward and came to the front of the stone hall. With his shoulders on his shoulders, he directly supported the pillars that were about to collapse, and supported the tiled roof at the entrance of the stone hall.

Qiao Ye jumped into the stone hall and moved forward quickly.

There were constant roars all around, and countless cracks appeared on the ceiling, spreading in all directions.


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