Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 877 You will always be here, right?

Chapter 877 You will always be here, right?

Suddenly, a piece of the ceiling shattered and fell downwards.

Polaris stepped forward, and a pair of crystalline swords appeared in his hands. He swept towards the air, chopped the falling boulder into two pieces, and fell beside Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes were even more gloomy, this stone palace was really about to collapse.

"Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji, where are you?"

Qiao Ye shouted loudly, and walked quickly towards the depths of the stone hall.

The stone hall was also a mess at the moment, and some people who were exploring the stone hall with keys also fled out in a panic at this moment.

Qiao Ye grabbed one person, pressed him against the wall and said, "Tell me, have you seen a little girl who looks about ten years old!"

"No!" The other party struggled vigorously, pushed Qiao Ye away and said, "Can't you see that this place is about to collapse? Go away!"

The other party didn't want to get entangled with Qiao Ye, and struggled desperately. After breaking free, he ran forward.

Qiao Ye couldn't hide the anxious look on her face, where did Xiao Ji go?

Looking around quickly, after entering the stone hall, there is a huge hall, there are at least a dozen passages around, some of the broken dragon stones are still there, and some of the broken dragon stones have even collapsed due to the shock.


At this time, a shout suddenly sounded, and Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi rushed out from a passage in a panic.

"Let's go, let's go." Qin Jianchuan said: "We found a lot of things, but we can't stay in this place anymore, the passages inside are all collapsed."

"You can't go!" Qiao Ye said, "Xiao Ji is still in the stone palace!"

"That little girl?" Jin Shengyi said, "Why is she in the stone palace? Does she have a key? How do you get past the Dragon Stone?"

Qiao Ye had a flash of inspiration, and her eyes lit up instantly. It is impossible for Xiao Ji to have the key in her hand. Without the key, it is impossible to pass the Dragon Stone. Therefore, it must be near the entrance, or those where the Dragon Stone was opened. aisle.

"There's still time, there's still time!" Qiao Ye said, "She should be nearby!"

Jin Shengyi said: "Look together, go to different passages."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Okay!"

The three of them separated quickly and rushed out in different directions.

Needless to say, those passages where the Dragon-Breaking Stone has not yet fallen, in fact, the Dragon-Breaking Stone that fell because of the collapse can also be ignored, because Xiaoji should not be able to enter before it collapses.

Therefore, look for the passages where the broken dragon stone is put away.

"Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji..."

Qiao Ye rushed into a passage, shouting loudly.

The side wall began to collapse, and Polaris quickly stepped forward to support the falling rubble, and then pushed the rubble aside!

However, along with the tremors, more and more places in the stone hall collapsed, and countless boulders continued to fall from the ceiling.

Qiao Ye directly entered the state of the demon's domineering blood, the golden light on his body swung, and he cast the nine-turn golden body.

Taking advantage of the double defenses, Qiao Ye ignored them and rushed straight into the passage. Facing the falling boulders, Qiao Ye directly forcibly smashed them away.

Suddenly, the cry of a beast suddenly sounded.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and then he stopped.

Soon, at the corner of the passage, four different shapes appeared, with short legs, coming towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye quickly picked up Si Buxiang on the ground, then looked up at the fork.

Xiaoji soon appeared in front of Qiao Ye, her body had changed back to the size of a child, but the torn clothes could not be restored, making Xiaoji look very embarrassed.

Qiao Ye threw Sibuxiang to Polaris, rushed forward, raised her hand to block a boulder that collapsed from the side, and pulled Xiao Ji over.

"Are you okay?" Qiao Ye half-kneeled on the ground, grabbed Xiao Ji's arm, checked left and right, and asked, "Is there any injury? Is there any pain?"

Xiao Ji whispered: "No."

Qiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, then rubbed Xiao Ji's head and said, "I'm scared to death, remember to follow me closely from now on, understand?"

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qiao Ye picked up Xiao Ji and said, "Go, I'll take you out first!"

Qiao Ye ran out with Xiaoji in his arms, and winked at Polaris, who immediately knew what he needed to do.

A radiance bloomed in the palm of his hand, and soon, a crystalline sledgehammer appeared in Polaris' hands.

Polaris leaped forward, swung the crystalline sledgehammer in his hand, and smashed the collapsed gravel into pieces, covering Qiao Ye to leave along the passage.

Xiaoji was hugged by Qiao Ye, leaned her head on Qiao Ye's shoulder, and suddenly said, "You will always be here, right?"

"Huh?" Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji, and said in a daze, "What did you say?"

Xiaoji repeated: "You will always be here, right?"

Qiao Ye recalled the first time she met Xiaoji, and remembered that Xiaoji didn't say a word, just looked at those who wanted to eat her.

Qiao Ye also thought of her parents, the time when she was always alone, and the time when she stretched out her hand but couldn't touch the light.

I am the same as Xiao Ji!

Perhaps it was because of this that Qiao Ye brought Xiao Ji out of the void.

"Don't worry, I will always be here." Qiao Ye stroked Xiao Ji's head and said, "I won't leave you behind!"


Xiao Ji agreed, then lowered her head, keeping her voice extremely low.

Qiao Ye moved forward quickly, sending messages to Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi while running.

When Qiao Ye rushed out of the passage, the two had already returned from other passages.

"Qiao Ye, this way..." Jin Shengyi waved at Qiao Ye, "This way!"

Rushing out of the stone hall, from the outside, it can be seen that the collapse of the stone hall has become more serious, the side has even completely collapsed, the outer wall has completely turned into rubble, and even the situation inside the stone hall can already be seen .


Snakes, snakes everywhere!

All kinds of snakes, extremely thick boa constrictors, and colorful poisonous snakes, densely packed, everywhere, making people feel scalp numb.

Qiao Ye was weird before.

The island suddenly felt like an earthquake, and it was strange that it was collapsing everywhere. It was also strange that there were a large number of snakes in the cracks on the ground, and these snakes were all evil beasts. Of course, it was also extremely strange.

"I know this!" Qin Jianchuan said: "Jin Shengyi and I found a small treasure house in the stone palace, and there are some documents in it. It is recorded in the documents that the Golden Island did not exist originally, but the golden dragon python has control snakes. Therefore, under the control of the golden dragon python, countless snakes supported the mud and rocks, and an island was created in this sea, which is the golden island."

Jin Shengyi looked ahead, frowned and said, "But now, for some reason, these snakes are out of control, so the whole island is going to sink!"


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