Chapter 879 Attacked

While talking, Qiao Ye jumped up and took the lead across a mound.

The dense forest is also collapsing, the ground has become uneven, and there are even landslides of mud and rocks, and accumulated mounds have appeared in some places.

However, Qiao Ye and the others also cooperated quite tacitly.

Qiao Ye's Night Crow can monitor it from the air. Originally, the island was covered by trees, so the view was not that good. However, as the island sank, the ground collapsed, and the trees fell, the view suddenly became clear.


Polaris kept pulling the trigger to open the way forward, and then Zhang Liwang's Bai Yuan and Jin Shengyi charged, pushing away all the miscellaneous things.

As for Qin Jianchuan and Qiao Ye, they were in charge of beheading the pythons that popped up around them.


With a sweep of his halberd, Qiao Ye chopped off a flower snake that was rushing up.

On the other side, Qin Jianchuan was also full of sword energy, and he stretched out his sword towards the front. Countless sword energy flew across, swept out towards the front, and beheaded those pythons.

But also at this moment...

With a bang, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and a giant python with the thickness of a bucket that was seven or eight meters away stopped in front of everyone.

The blood basin opened its mouth wide, and the viscous saliva was continuously dripping. It was obviously corrosive, and wisps of white smoke quickly rose from the ground.

Qiao Ye's gaze was cold, black smoke lingered behind him, and he quickly floated forward, passing by the giant python.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly disappeared, and when Qiao Ye reappeared, he was already behind the giant python.

With a puff, blood flowers bloomed all over the sky.

"You killed an evil beast (five-flowered snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 5500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (black-armored snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (viper with seven apertures), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (jungle python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."


After cutting off the giant python, he slid down from the other side of the collapsed hill. The sound of the waves was already clearly in his ears, and he rushed out of the forest quickly, and everyone saw the bloody waves.

"Let the boat go!" Qiao Ye yelled at Zhang Liwang, and then quickly sent a message to Lin Ziyi: "Where is it? We are near the landing site, with the sea cliff to the east, about half a mile away. "

Lin Ziyi also replied quickly: "It's nearby, I'll be there soon!"

King Zhang Li had already thrown out his treasure ship, and after everyone boarded quickly, the ship sailed along the beach.

Not long after, Lin Ziyi appeared by the beach, and after waving his hand, Lin Ziyi jumped, and countless phantom butterfly packages appeared around him, and Lin Ziyi's figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived on the deck.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up and said, "This is?"

The Potian Demon Butterfly followed Lin Ziyi, and on Lin Ziyi's shoulders, there were actually two golden butterflies, as if carved out of gold, with a golden halo on his body.

Qiao Ye could sense the strong aura of the two golden butterflies, but he didn't recognize them. Zhang Liwang had a crazy expression on his face, and said in a trembling voice, "Are these twin golden luan butterflies?"

Lin Ziyi spread his hands and said: "I don't know either. I don't know much about the beast masters in your beast domain, but these two are indeed my beast masters now."

Qin Jianchuan asked curiously, "These two butterflies are very strong?"

"It's not just strong, it's unparalleled!" Zhang Zhangwang explained: "The twin golden luan butterflies have long been extinct in the beast realm, but according to literature records, the twin golden luan butterflies are the top royal beasts of the ancient species of the heavenly selection level. .”

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Isn't it unparalleled?"

Zhang Liwang said: "The twin golden luan butterflies are the same royal beasts. Every time there are two born at the same time, if both are male butterflies, or both are female butterflies, then they are the chosen ones, and they will pass the growth period." Afterwards, they will be separated, but if there is a male and a female, they will be together until death, and the two will be twins, and their strength and grade will both increase, and they can reach the unparalleled level."

King Zhang Li did not hide his envy at all. The twin golden luan butterflies had long been extinct in the beast domain, not to mention the twin golden luan butterflies with one male and one female.

This is so rare!

King Zhang Li can only sigh, this is a sea of ​​blood!

Jin Shengyi smiled and said: "I thought the things we found in the stone hall were good, but compared with yours, it is completely incomparable."

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go to sea first and then talk about it!"

Tension King nodded, then ran to take the helm.

The boats gradually moved away from the Golden Island. Apart from the boats of Qiao Ye and the others, some other boats could also be seen leaving the island quickly.

The golden island can't stay anymore. It can be seen that the surrounding area of ​​the island is obviously sinking, and the surrounding area is constantly broken. Entering the water, the water column soaring to the sky was swayed.

I'm afraid it won't be long before that golden island will sink into the sea.

But at this moment...


Suddenly, there was a violent noise from the stern of the ship, which attracted the attention of Qiao Ye and the others. Then they saw the sea surface explode, and large swaths of water rose into the sky, and then splashed on the deck.



The second cracking sound appeared, and a barrier-like light curtain appeared on the outer circle of the ship, flickering continuously, and ripples appeared on the light film one by one.

Zhang Liwang shouted from the bow: "We are attacked, and someone behind us is attacking us."

Qiao Ye frowned, jumped onto the mast, and looked back.

Sure enough, there was a ship on the sea, nearly twice the size of King Zhang Li's Manshen, and it was approaching quickly.

Qiao Ye let go and fell back to the deck.

Qin Jianchuan said: "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, and then said, "The boat in Lingyu!"


As soon as Qiao Ye's words fell, streamers of three colors appeared again on the treasure ship in the spirit realm, and then turned into a beam of light, heading towards them.

Amidst the loud noise, the defensive pattern of the Manshen activated again by itself, emerging from the sides of the ship, and then, the light curtain appeared, taking the blow.

However, this is clearly just the beginning.

Boom, boom, boom!

Huge noises sounded continuously, and streamers of three colors appeared continuously, turning into beams of light, and continuously bombarded.

Su Li stood at the bow of the boat, put one foot on the railing of the boat, and growled, "Go on, don't stop, I'm going to blow up that guy Qiao Ye's boat!"


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