Chapter 880 Bombing

Su Li became cruel and continued to bombard!

From Su Li's point of view, Qiao Ye's boat must be sunk today no matter what.

It would be best if he could take this opportunity to kill Qiao Ye, it doesn't matter if he can't kill him, Su Lu guessed that Qiao Ye and the others most likely also brought the flying boat, after all, they did too.

But in the sea of ​​blood, flying boats are really not easy to use. For example, in the storm encountered before, it was impossible for the flying boat to fly in that kind of weather, and it might sink into the sea.

Therefore, Su Li's purpose is very simple, kill as much as you can, but not destroy Qiao Ye's boat. Without the boat, the actions of Qiao Ye and the others will become very troublesome.

In this way, there will be one less opponent in the subsequent voyage.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to sink, and Su Li is confident in this. King Zhang Li's Manshen is completely inferior to Su Li's ship.

Sulu's big ship is named Hurricane, and it is a...

Second grade treasure!

at the same time……

Qin Jianchuan grabbed the rail of the boat and shouted at Zhang Liwang: "Can't we fight back? Just be beaten like this?"

Zhang Liwang smiled wryly and said: "You think I don't want to? But the defensive pattern and the attack pattern can only be activated one at a time. The opponent's ship is obviously much higher in grade than mine. Can I counterattack and sink their ship?" It’s hard to say about the ship, but without the defensive pattern, the ship will fall apart after three attacks at most.”

Qiao Ye said: "Can you get rid of it?"

"Difficult!" Zhang Liwang said: "They are also faster than us. Didn't you see that they always kept the same distance? They can actually catch up, but after catching up, we can catch up and maybe have a comeback Opportunity, they just don't want to give us such a chance, intend to break through the defense barrier, and then sink us."

Jin Shengyi said: "Is there nothing we can do?"

After Jin Shengyi finished speaking, everyone looked at Zhang Liwang.

No way, they don't know much about the battle at sea, and the only one who understands is King Zhang Li.

Zhang Liwang said with a mournful face: "When I was a pirate, there were many people and many ships!"

Qiao Ye said: "You just say that you are used to bullying more and less, and you're done."

Zhang Liwang looked aggrieved, cursing his mother in his heart, thinking about how majestic he was when he was crossing Wangjiaohai, what does it mean to bully the few with more?

There are many boats to form an array, and many people can cross the sea and dive there. If it is not possible, you can also rely on the boats to fight more wars of attrition, and defend and attack in batches. The worst thing is to throw two boats to the opponent, and the other boats will disperse. The boat cannot be split.

But what do I have now? It's just a dilapidated boat, obviously not as good as others, and with four idiots who don't even understand sea charts, what can I do?

Qiao Ye threw Sibuxiang out and said, "Energy Gathering!"

Si Buxiang had a small head, and threw the spirit-gathering ring into the air, and then the spirit-gathering ring began to gather energy continuously, blooming with brilliance.

There is only one biggest disadvantage of the Gathering Ring, that is, it needs to gather energy every time it is used, and of course it takes time to gather energy.

However, right now it is very suitable for the spirit-gathering ring to play a role. Anyway, no one can interfere with the energy-gathering right now.

In front of the spirit-gathering ring, little by little halos appeared continuously and began to condense.

Sibuxiang opened his mouth and roared, his voice was childish, and a beam of light appeared in the center of the spirit-gathering ring.

Almost instantly, a ray of spiritual light shot out directly from the spirit-gathering ring, and immediately after that, the ray of light swept forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

As a second-grade treasure, the spirit-gathering ring is naturally extremely terrifying. The beam of light passed across the sea surface, and the sea surface seemed to be cut open, and a huge gully appeared unexpectedly.

Immediately after...

Booming and loud noises appeared one after another, and water springs rushed towards the air one after another, turning into large sprays and falling down.


In a moment, the light beam hit the big ship in the spiritual domain, but it was just about to hit the hull!

A nearly invisible octagonal barrier suddenly appeared and collided with the light beam.

The violent fluctuations pushed away to the surroundings, and huge waves were set off on the sea surface, layer upon layer and pushed away to the surroundings, one layer upon another.

The light beam burst, and countless halos bloomed towards the surroundings.

The power of the energy-gathering strike is indeed terrifying. There was a sudden "click" on the barrier, and a gap was directly opened, but that was all. While breaking through the barrier, three-color streamers appeared. beams of light blasted together.


The huge roaring sound reappeared, and immediately after that, the surface of the sea seemed to be hollowed out, with a depth of five or six meters, and countless sea water was irrigated inward.

In the next moment, the two beams of light also dissipated completely, obviously exhausted.

Qin Jianchuan said to Zhang Liwang: "What are you doing? Didn't you say that you can't attack when the defense pattern is activated, and you can't defend when you attack?"

Zhang Liwang said: "I said my boat is not good, but others can do it, how do I know? The boat looks like a treasure, and its grade is higher than mine, at least the third grade, maybe the second grade!"

Qiao Ye said: "Can the barrier stop people?"

Tension Wang said: "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "Sooner or later you will be sunk passively, so you can only find a way to catch up with the other party. So, if we lean over now and want to forcefully board the ship, will the barrier stop us?"

"No!" Zhang Liwang said: "Because your strategy is correct. The pattern engraved on the ship is different from that on land. Generally, you can't directly block people. The reason is very simple. You can indeed open the defensive barrier." Block the enemy, but what if you want to catch the string? Your own people must also block it, and when you can't fight from a long distance, the best way to break the game is to catch the string. If the barrier blocks people, it is not the same as the key At this moment, cut off your own retreat? Therefore, the defensive formations carved on the ship's treasures can almost only defend against the attacks of the treasures."

"Then..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Just find a way to get there!"

Lin Ziyi glanced at the back and said: "It's too far away, it's not easy to rush forward."

"I can only give it a try." Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "I remember you have a sea-type beast?"

Tension Wang said: "Yes, I will let them cover you!"

Qiao Ye nodded, went directly to the stern, and jumped onto the railing. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's body continuously shone, and a large piece of spiritual charm emerged from behind. Faring diagram.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena on the earth!

Vientiane on the earth: landslides, tsunamis, rock subsidence, vicissitudes of the situation can cause changes, causing the earth to tremble and the world to tremble.

The Vientiane of the Earth does not only control the ground, the Vientiane of the Wind and Cloud in the Wanfa Lingtu controls the weather, but the Vientiane of the Earth actually controls the environment!

The marine environment, of course, is among them!


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