Chapter 881 Exiled Star


Qiao Ye jumped out from the stern of the boat. Immediately afterwards, waves rose on the surface of the sea, supporting Qiao Ye directly, and then headed towards the boat in the Lingyu.

The wave was getting higher and higher, and Qiao Ye directly set off a huge wave tens of meters high by taking advantage of the vicissitudes of the earth.

"The spiritual power of the spirit god is really enviable!"

Su Lu stood at the bow of the ship, his eyes did not hide the slightest envy, but what followed was anger.


Why would a bastard have the ability to emanate from a spirit god? This guy is not a real Lingyu person at all!

From Su Lu's point of view, it is a naked insult for a mixed blood to have obtained the highest spiritual ability in the spiritual realm.

at the same time……

Under the urging of Qiao Ye, the wave had already smashed towards the sea, and also towards Su Lu's boat.

"Unfortunately, although the spiritual power of the spirit god is strong..." Su Lu sneered and said, "It's too naive to want to deal with me like this!"

After Su Li finished speaking, he looked at Bai Xiangyun, it's your turn to play.

Bai Xiangyun didn't talk nonsense, walked to the front of the bow deck, stretched out his hand forward and said, "Out of the spirit, the star of exile!"


The moment Bai Xiangyun's spiritual power was activated, there was a sudden buzzing sound all around.

The buzzing sound was so ear-piercing that it made people feel like there were needles pricking their heads, bursts of stinging pain.

next moment...

In front of the waves, a black light suddenly emerged.

The black light was like water and smoke, with an almost solid texture, and then the light slowly spun, forming a vortex of light and shadow.

With the formation of the vortex of light and shadow, the waves rolled up by Qiao Ye split into countless streams, which were continuously sucked by the vortex of light and shadow.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the small vortex of light and shadow, at most only two meters high, sucked away the waves tens of meters high.


Bai Xiangyun suddenly sneered and said, "Exiled star, return!"


The sound of huge waves suddenly sounded, and in front of the Manshen, the waves that were absorbed suddenly appeared, and it was so dark that it seemed to block out the sky.

Qiao Ye hurriedly turned around to rescue him. The Manshen's defensive pattern couldn't withstand his blow. After all, the defensive barrier had been consumed by Su Lu many times.

Everyone on the boat was also shocked, King Zhangli hurriedly threw a cage of imperial beasts into the sea.

"Abyssal sea monster!" Zhang Liwang roared towards the sea: "Restrain!"

Tentacle King's Royal Beast is a purple-red octopus, which is very huge, about six or seven meters in size. What's even more frightening is the eight tentacles, all reaching a length of twenty meters.

After receiving the order from Tension King, the abyssal sea monster immediately raised its tentacles, and quickly coiled around the Manshen, one circle after another, firmly restraining the hull of the ship.


In the next moment, the terrifying waves fell and directly hit the Manshen.

The entire Manshen kept making noises and creaking, and the hull shook violently, and even flew into the air under the rewinding of the waves.

Tension King slipped and hit his head on the mast.

Qin Jianchuan hugged the railing of the boat tightly, and Jin Shengyi tightly hugged Qin Jianchuan's leg.

Lin Ziyi picked up Xiao Ji, and countless phantom butterflies appeared on her body, lifting Lin Ziyi into the air, avoiding the tragedy of being thrown into a mess.

Polaris raised his leg and stepped, and nail-like crystals appeared under his feet, and then nailed into the deck, thereby stabilizing his body.

After a while, the Manshen finally slammed back to the surface of the sea after tossing and turning in the air for several times. Qiao Ye finally came back, and with a wave of his hand, the remaining waves were pulled and slowly spread around.

"Qiao Ye, die for me!"

At the same time, Su Lu stood at the bow and roared, and the treasure ship was shining again.

The three-color streamer rushed to the sky and spread out in the air, like a three-color cloud.

next moment...

Among the three-color clouds, beams of light formed by streamers of three colors kept falling downwards and falling down continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

The light beams hit the sea surface continuously, the sound of explosions continued to sound, and the sea surface was continuously blasted.

The Primordial God is also located in the center of the beam flying, and the defensive barrier is deployed again to stop the beam continuously.

Tension King gritted his teeth and said, "This is almost unbearable!"

Polaris took a step forward, and then raised the crystallized hand crossbow!

Beast-monitoring skills, dawn aurora!

Countless auroras flowed from the front end of the crystallized hand crossbow in Polaris' hands, like half of a ribbon, slowly condensed, compressed, and finally turned into the shape of a ball of light, obviously accumulating energy!

In a moment, Polaris pulled the trigger!

Boom, boom!

With two terrifying bangs, the sea around the ship trembled, pushing away layers of waves.

In the next moment, two terrifying beams of light rushed up into the sky, colliding with the falling three-color streamer.

The loud explosion sound appeared again, and the three-color streamer was continuously shattered, and then the two laser beams directly rushed into the cloud-like three-color streamer.


The two pillars of aurora exploded loudly, and at the same time smashed the cloud formed by the three-color streamer.

On the other side, Qiao Ye's eyes were gloomy. Since the tsunami is useless...

"Then..." Qiao Ye said coldly, "How about this?"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and moved forward. Near the treasure ship of the Spiritual Domain, the sea waves suddenly became chaotic, and sea currents appeared one after another, and then circled around the ship, spinning continuously.

In the blink of an eye, a vortex appeared, directly covering the treasure ship in the spiritual realm, trying to suck the whole ship in.

Bai Xiangyun chuckled lightly and said, "It's useless, exiled star!"

On the surface of the sea, the black light reappeared, covering the surface of the sea like a mist, covering the vortex, and then spinning counterclockwise, overlapping with the vortex, and soon, the vortex It was sucked in again!

"Exiled Star!" Bai Xiangyun waved forward, "Return!"

Qiao Ye's expression changed, she already guessed what Bai Xiangyun was going to do, she immediately turned around and swung her arm violently.


On the surface of the sea, a huge wave surged into the sky, pushing the Manshen directly up.

At the moment when the Manshen was lifted up by the waves, sure enough, a large vortex appeared below the Manshen, almost sucking the Manshen into it.

In a moment, the Manshen fell from the sky, splashing a large wave of water!

Qiao Ye looked at the treasure ship in the spiritual domain again, and her ability to see everything in the world seemed to be restrained by the other party.

Well, since everything is useless...

I can only force myself!


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