Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 882 You are too happy

Chapter 882 You Are Happy Too Early

With a gloomy face, Qiao Ye suddenly raised her palm and lowered it towards the sea.


There was a loud noise suddenly on the sea surface, and immediately after that, the sound of freezing suddenly sounded.

A sheet of frost and mist floated past the surface of the sea, and immediately after, the surface of the sea froze, turning into solid red ice.


Qiao Ye landed on the frozen sea, and then her body was surrounded by black smoke, and she entered the state of Wuhun at the same time.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it, and the black halberd appeared in his hand. Then he threw the halberd behind his back, and Qiao Ye flew forward.

Su Lu shouted: "Kill him!"

Because of the freezing sea, Su Lu's treasure ship will not be able to move for a while, but the attack pattern on the ship can still be activated.

A large area of ​​three-color streamer appeared again, floating through the air like a ribbon, and then changed into a large area of ​​light beams, falling in the direction of Qiao Ye again.

Boom, boom, boom!

The beam kept falling, on the one hand to bombard Qiao Ye, and on the other hand, to break open the frozen sea.

Accompanied by the attack of the light beam, the sea surface quickly split and became pieces.

However, Qiao Ye's speed did not slow down, and she was still running forward quickly!

Nine-turn golden body!

A golden light appeared on Qiao Ye's body, covering Qiao Ye's whole body, and then Qiao Ye bumped into the light beam.

bang, bang, bang...

The beam kept hitting Qiao Ye, but they were all blocked by the nine-turn golden body, and they were constantly blown to pieces.

Although this kind of attack is not a purely physical attack, the defensive effect of the nine-turn golden body is not outstanding, but it is not impossible to defend. For Qiao Ye, as long as he can buy himself a certain amount of time is enough.

The sixth beam of three-color streamer fell, and at the moment it shattered, the nine-turn golden body was finally overwhelmed and completely shattered.

But with the defense of the nine-turn golden body, Qiao Ye has already shortened the distance to the opponent by hundreds of meters.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye reached out and wiped it in front of him.

Sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror!

Now that he was beaten, it was natural to maximize the value of the beating, so the sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror came in handy.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

There were clear and crisp sword cries around Qiao Ye.

In front of Qiao Ye, sixteen-edged lightsaber mirrors appeared side by side. Immediately afterwards, the mirror surface continued to shine, and lightsabers appeared one after another, flying towards the front.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of violent collision sounded!

Su Lu's treasure ship was indeed extraordinary. The moment the lightsaber struck, the defense pattern of that treasure ship was activated immediately, and then the defense barrier emerged.

However, even with the defensive barrier, after Qiao Ye took the attack, the power of the sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror was extraordinary.

The pure shock caused by the impact caused the treasure ship to shake continuously, and the ice below was also instantly shattered.

In a moment, when the lightsaber of the sixteen-edged lightsaber mirror disappeared, the barrier of the spiritual treasure ship was blown to pieces unexpectedly.

But also at this moment...

After the defense of the nine-turn golden body, and the bombardment of the sixteen-sided lightsaber mirror, Qiao Ye finally came to the front of the spiritual treasure ship.


Qiao Ye stepped forward fiercely, and then jumped up.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and then slapped forward with a palm in the air.

A crack in the void suddenly appeared, and then, a huge handprint appeared and fell towards Su Lu.

Su Lu sneered, and also directly entered the out-of-spirit state, facing Qiao Ye with a palm forward.

"Yin and Yang are separated, Yang Yan!"

Su Lu let out a low growl, and suddenly a large piece of incandescent flames appeared in the air, quickly gathered, and also turned into a huge handprint, burning blazingly.


Two huge handprints collided and made a loud noise.

The next moment, the two handprints shattered, Qiao Ye's big handprint turned into a large halo of light, and Su Lu's flaming handprint turned into pieces of fire, falling towards the surroundings.

But also at this time...

Su Lu suddenly smiled strangely at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, you've been fooled!"


Suddenly, a loud noise sounded from behind Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye instinctively looked back, and then her pupils shrank suddenly.

A giant black shark nearly twenty meters in length jumped out of the sea, and then bit the Manshen.

The Barbarian's defensive barrier was finally overwhelmed, and it was completely shattered. Immediately afterwards, the giant black shark's bloody jaws bit the deck, cutting off a section of the Barbarian. !

Although Su Li wanted to kill Qiao Ye, his primary target was still the Manshen, and it would be difficult to sail through the sea of ​​blood without a ship.

This is the overall situation. Su Lu wanted to kick out the defenders of Wuyu directly. Therefore, he had to destroy the Manshen first, and Qiao Ye came out alone. Naturally, it was in line with Su Lu's wishes.

In fact, Qiao Ye is not defenseless, but...

Qiao Ye didn't expect that Su Lu's method of destroying the Manshen would be...

Royal Beast!

This guy actually has an ocean-type imperial beast!

Still such a huge behemoth!

Qiao Ye's face was gloomy. This was his own mistake. He shouldn't forget about the Beast Master just because the other party is a spiritual cultivator in the Spiritual Realm. With financial resources, you can also get a pretty good royal beast.

"You don't have to worry too much about them!" But at this moment, Su Lu said with a hideous smile, "Because, you should start worrying about yourself now!"

Su Lu let out a low snort, and activated his spiritual power again.

"Yin and Yang are separated!" Su Lu shouted in a low voice, "Yin and Yang are in prison!"

The brush in Su Lu's hand was pointed forward.

next moment...

On the top of Qiao Ye's head, under his feet, and in four directions, the pattern of yin and yang swimming fish appeared at the same time, forming a cube in an instant, trapping Qiao Ye to death.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, then stretched out her hand to give it a false grip, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's palm, and then slashed forward forcefully.


The black halberd slashed at the pattern of Yin-Yang swimming fish, Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning.

It was a strange feeling, Qiao Ye felt as if he had cut a ball of cotton, and the power from the black halberd was inexplicably neutralized.

Su Li laughed loudly and said, "Qiao Ye, you are finished!"

Qiao Ye looked at Su Li and said, "You seem very happy?"

Su Lu sneered, "So what?"

Qiao Ye said: "I just want to tell you that you are too happy!"

Almost at the moment when Qiao Ye's words fell, a loud noise suddenly sounded from under the treasure ship, and immediately after, the whole treasure ship trembled.


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