Chapter 884 Harbor

Bai Xiangyun's spiritual ability is very strange, it directly swallows the tsunami and vortex, and can release it at a fixed position.

Although the effect can be seen, Qiao Ye is not sure what happened to this spiritual ability, so Qiao Ye didn't hesitate and directly...

Time flow maze box!

However, the moment Qiao Ye took out the Time Lost Box, Qiao Ye couldn't help being stunned!

Qiao Ye opened the Time Lost Box, but it didn't work at all.

At that time, the Lost Flow Box was not activated!

Qiao Ye showed doubts. Bai Xiangyun's spiritual ability should be used on himself alone. In this case, the time flow box should be able to reverse his own time. After all, as long as it is the time of a single target, no Affect other targets, and the time flow box can be reversed!

But why not?

Qiao Ye's expression suddenly changed, and he soon understood the reason.


Yin Yang Prison Cage!

Bai Xiangyun's black shadow vortex directly swallowed Qiao Ye and Su Lu's yin and yang cages. In this way, the time flow box could not reverse the flow of time.

Because, in order to return to before he was swallowed by the black shadow vortex, he needed to reverse Su Lu's yin and yang cage, and that was two goals, not one goal.

"Damn it!"

Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, and quickly punched forward again, completely shattering the Yin-Yang pattern of the Yin-Yang cage.

Almost at the moment when the yin-yang pattern was broken, Qiao Ye felt a large water flow rushing towards him.

The water flow was extremely violent, and it directly rushed Qiao Ye towards the rear, churning continuously, even the sea water poured in from Qiao Ye's mouth and nose.

"That bitch threw me into the sea?"

Qiao Ye quickly covered her mouth and nose, then kicked her legs and swam upwards.

But before swimming far, another sea current came over Qiao Ye, smashing Qiao Ye to the bottom of the sea.

Qiao Ye covered his mouth and nose again to prevent the water from rushing in.

The bottom of the sea is deep and deep, and it is difficult to see anything. Moreover, the current here is more violent and chaotic than imagined, constantly impacting the surroundings.

There is absolutely no way to go directly to the surface of the sea. Qiao Ye can only unfold the magic map.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena on the earth!

The Spiritual Diagram of Ten Thousand Laws appeared, bursting with brilliance.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pressed slightly: "Breaking the sea!"

The sea current swayed towards the two sides, and the violent sea current that kept hitting the surroundings was also pushed towards the two sides at this moment.

Qiao Ye finally didn't have to be pushed by the current anymore, so she kicked her legs quickly and swam towards the surface of the sea.


After a while, a large splash of water splashed on the surface of the sea, and Qiao Ye suddenly got out of the sea, and then looked around in confusion.

"Where the hell is this place?"

This is not the waters near Golden Island, the sky is dark and dense, the clouds are extremely low, and heavy rain is pouring down from the sky.

With wind, rain, and waves, it's no wonder the currents below are so violent.

This is why Qiao Ye deduced that this is not the sea area around the Golden Island. Although the Golden Island is sinking, it has nothing to do with the weather. The sea area around the Golden Island is clear and there is no rain at all.

Qiao Ye looked around and soon found a dark shadow in the east.

"An island?"

Qiao Ye murmured, and the Magic Spiritual Diagram behind him once again glowed, and then Qiao Ye's body slowly floated up.

After floating into the air, Qiao Ye also threw the ghost lamp out immediately.

Lingyun Vientiane is used to travel, and the consumption is still quite large. At this time, you need to rely on the ghost lamp.

The ghost lamp appeared very quickly, floating beside Qiao Ye, as if feeling that Qiao Ye was not in a good mood, the three will-o'-the-wisps of the ghost lamp changed into expressions of "??_??", which is rare It's very honest and doesn't wander around.

Qiao Ye held out the ghost lamp and said, "Lend me some mental strength."

Soon, Qiao Ye felt the spiritual power of the ghost lamp quickly enter her body, and after having the spiritual power of the ghost lamp, Qiao Ye also felt a lot more comfortable, and the feeling of fatigue disappeared a little.

Qiao Ye quickly floated forward, and as he kept approaching, Qiao Ye quickly discovered what the black outline was.

It turned out to be a...


What appeared in front of Qiao Ye was an island, or, strictly speaking, it looked like a long island, as if it had been cut in half with a knife, forming a strait in the center.

Of course, it's not the straits that are weird. It's normal for islands to form straits. What makes Qiao Ye feel weird is...

There are lights!

Along the coast of an island, Qiao Ye saw obvious lights flickering, which was very strange.

This is a sea of ​​blood, and there have been no living people in the sea of ​​blood for many years, until they entered, how could there be lights in this place.

Moreover, it was not a small number of lights, but a large area of ​​lights.

This means that it is impossible for someone who entered here recently like Qiao Ye.

"Where did that bitch leave me!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help cursing in a low voice, then moved closer to the light.

When he got closer, Qiao Ye felt even more unbelievable. This place turned out to be a port. There were many ships moored in the port, and many of them were cargo ships, and many people were unloading.

Looking out of the port, you can see bright lights, and there are many buildings, all of which are lit at the moment.


Qiao Ye couldn't hide her astonishment, was there someone in the sea of ​​blood?

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she landed on the ground with her toes lightly tapping.

A man who was moving goods glanced at Qiao Ye, and praised: "My brother is very skilled, and his lightness is really handsome."

Qiao Ye wanted to say that he was not doing this lightly, but when he thought about why he was talking about it with others, he hurriedly said, "This old brother, where is it?"

The man said: "You don't know where this is?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "I was in a shipwreck and floated on the sea for several days. I finally came here, so I don't know where this is."

"So that's how it is. The weather these days is indeed bad, with frequent storms." The man smiled and said, "This is Qingsha Gorge. If you want to eat or drink, you can find it when you leave the port."


Qiao Ye was speechless. She didn't just want to know a place name.

However, judging from the man's attitude, Qingshaxia seems to be very famous, so he didn't intend to explain more. In this case, Qiao Ye naturally didn't want to ask questions. After all, the other party's attitude seemed to be taken for granted. Of course, it is not easy to ask why you want to eat, and you will be regarded as an idiot.

Qiao Ye had no choice but to bow to the other party, and then walked towards the port.


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