Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 885 Green Shark Gorge

Chapter 885

Entering the port, Qiao Ye found that this place really has everything you need.

Taverns, teahouses, restaurants, Goulan, and trading shops, anyway, there is no shortage of things that should be there normally.

Moreover, the harbor looks quite lively. In addition to seeing people everywhere, there are various street vendors selling various things on the roadside.

In the brightly lit tavern, singing can still be heard.

Qiao Ye hesitated for a while, and then entered a tavern. Undoubtedly, a tavern is the easiest place to inquire about information.

Besides, Qiao Ye was indeed hungry.

"Three catties of beef, and then two random side dishes, and then a jug of wine!"

Entering the tavern, Qiao Ye asked Xiao Er for some food, then took advantage of Xiao Er serving the food, asked some questions on the sidelines, and then listened attentively to the words of the surrounding guests.

In this way, by the time the food and drink were finished and they left the tavern, Qiao Ye already knew where it was.

However, after knowing what this place was, Qiao Ye became even more confused, and felt that this place was even weirder.

Qingsha Gorge, a very famous place in the sea of ​​blood, to be precise, it should be a very famous place of trade in the sea of ​​blood.

Of course, the word "once" should be added.

Before the Three Realms and the Nine Realms are broken, people from the Nine Realms and the Three Realms will all be in and out of the sea of ​​blood.

There are relatively few people in the Three Realms, and they look down on the training resources produced by the Blood Sea, but the Nine Domains are different. The training materials produced by the Blood Sea are obviously higher than the Nine Domains.

Therefore, in addition to exploring and searching by themselves, people from the Nine Regions will also conduct long-distance trade. Secondly, people from the Nine Regions must go through the sea of ​​​​blood if they want to go to the Three Realms. There are also some who cannot enter the Three Realms for some reason, such as the one from the Golden Island. The Beast God will also settle in Golden Island, to put it bluntly, in the sea of ​​blood.

And the owner of Qingsha Gorge is a great figure from the Three Realms, who is called Mr. Tsing Yi by the people here.

Of course, this big man is a little watery.

Those in the Three Realms look down on the blood sea. People from the Three Realms will appear in the blood sea, or even settle in the blood sea to establish their own power. Most likely they will be exiled.

Mr. Tsing Yi is one of them. He was exiled from the Three Realms. No one knows why. Then he established the Blue Shark Canyon, which specializes in trading. At the same time, it is also a very famous place to transfer supplies.

Many people who hang out in the sea of ​​blood will come and go in and out of Qingsha Gorge, whether it is for business or for a short rest, so Qingsha Gorge is very lively.

And so far, it's just the origin of Qingsha Gorge, and the weird things are behind.

After the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, the sea of ​​blood became a sea of ​​death, and there were no living people here. What happened to the Qingsha Gorge? Have the people here been alive all this time? And it has been reproduced from generation to generation?

No, not really!

Qiao Ye silently listened to the conversations of the people around her in the tavern, and soon discovered a rather strange thing.

The information revealed by the people here during the conversation is completely unaware of the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms. These people even feel that they are still alive before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms. The blood sea has always been like this, and has never changed.

This is simply unbelievable, unless Bai Xiangyun threw Qiao Ye back a thousand years ago.

But this is obviously impossible, a thing like the Time Flow Magic Box can only reverse time for three hours, and the Time Flow Magic Box is already a first-grade treasure.

So, can Bai Xiangyun throw people back thousands of years ago?

This is absolutely impossible!

No one, nothing can do that, it's just incredible.

However, what happened to Qingsha Gorge?


Qiao Ye doesn't think it's possible. Hallucinations, illusions, illusions and other things have always been of no use to Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye also released the ghost lamp right now, borrowing mental power from the ghost lamp.

Qiao Ye's spiritual power overlapped with that of the ghost lamp, so it was almost impossible to be affected by the illusion. At worst, Qiao Ye could find himself under the illusion.

In addition to this, Qiao Ye had some conversations with Xiaoer in the tavern, and the other party answered fluently. Qiao Ye also listened to the conversations of the people around him, and there was nothing inconsistent with the other party's words and body. of repetitions.

These are things that illusions cannot do. In the final analysis, the things produced by illusions are fake, and fake things can never be real, and it is impossible to completely resemble real people.

The more Qiao Ye thought about it, the more puzzled she became. She was completely at a loss and couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, Qiao Ye's eyes lit up quickly.

What exactly is this place, Qiao Ye doesn't plan to worry about it for the time being, because Qiao Ye discovered something more important.

In a tea stand by the street, several men were sitting there drinking tea. At the same time, a chart was spread out in front of the table. While drinking tea, they were discussing, as if they were thinking about the route after leaving Qingsha Gorge and calculating the return time. .

And the point is...


This is the chart of the sea of ​​blood!

Qiao Ye moved closer to those people, took advantage of the gap between the other people's conversation, and clasped his fists and said, "You guys..."

The men who were talking stopped talking and looked at Qiao Ye suspiciously.

Qiao Ye said: "Guys, it's like this. Unfortunately, I encountered some accidents at sea. The ship sank and the chart in my hand fell into the sea. Therefore, I am in urgent need of a chart. Can you sell me a copy of the charts?"

A man laughed loudly and said, "What's the matter, it's not a matter of buying or not, Xiao Qi, give him a copy of our spare chart."

Sea charts are actually worthless. To be precise, before the Three Realms and Nine Domains are broken, when everyone can enter the Sea of ​​Blood normally, they are worthless and can be drawn.

As for the sea chart, with the first sea chart, there will be a second, third, and it will definitely spread.

Nowadays, the sea chart of Blood Sea is very precious, because after the Three Realms and Nine Domains are broken, no one can enter the Blood Sea anymore. Of course, everyone does not have a sea chart in their hands.

As the first group of people to re-explore the blood sea after countless years, the sea chart has naturally become an extremely precious thing.

The man named Xiaoqi smiled and took out a chart from his pocket and put it on the table.

Qiao Ye said politely: "Thank you guys, how about it, this tea is my treat."

While talking, Qiao Ye took out an ingot of gold from his pocket and put it on the table.

Gold is really a good thing, a hard currency, which can be used no matter what era it is.


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