Chapter 886 Thinking

Qiao Ye said goodbye to those people, and then walked along the street while looking at the chart.

When he came to a sugar cake shop, Qiao Ye saw that there was an empty seat, so he sat down casually, and then shouted: "Boss, a sugar cake, a pot of tea!"

After shouting, Qiao Ye didn't care whether the boss brought the food, but concentrated on looking at the chart in his hand.

The sea charts are not exactly the same, because the sea charts are not uniformly drawn, and there are more than a dozen versions circulating on the market.

Take the chart in Qiao Ye's hand as an example. If there is no accident, the men before him should be from the Demon Realm, because the route back to the Demon Realm is marked on the chart, as well as the entrance and exit of the Demon Realm.

The drawing of this sea chart is also based on the entrance and exit of the Demon Realm, and the drawing is carried out with an island called Fang Island near that sea area as the initial extension point.

Then, if it is Wu Yu's sea chart, because of the difference in the initial point, it will definitely be different from the one in Qiao Ye's hand.

However, more than 80% of the sea areas should be unbiased.

Because Qiao Ye even found the Golden Island on the sea chart, then, it is very simple, if the two versions of the sea chart are different, maybe the drawing of the initial sea area will be different, but if the Golden Island is found, it will be centered on the Golden Island To extend it, the drawing of the two charts must be almost inseparable.

Or to be more direct, there may be deviations in the sea areas near the entrances and exits of various domains. After going deeper into the sea areas, because the three realms and nine domains have been explored before they are broken, even if the versions are different, there will not be too much deviation.

Therefore, Qiao Ye immediately found the Golden Island, and then centered on the Golden Island, he began to search for Qingsha Gorge.

"I rely on it!"

Qiao Ye quickly found the location of Qingsha Gorge, and then showed a look of astonishment.

The Green Shark Gorge and the Golden Island are both on the edge of the center of the Blood Sea region, but one goes south and the other goes north, in completely opposite directions.

Qiao Ye's first thought was that Bai Xiangyun's spiritual ability was a bit awesome!

That move of exile was really exile, it took almost half of the sea of ​​blood to send him to Qingsha Gorge.

However, what is the reason for sending yourself to Qingsha Gorge?

Qiao Ye tilted his head and pondered.

But this time, Qiao Ye really misunderstood. Bai Xiangyun's star of exile was exiled. Even Bai Xiangyun himself was not sure where Qiao Ye could be exiled. Simply put, the move of exile was random.

In the sea of ​​blood, random exile is dangerous enough. There are seas everywhere, full of dangers. Qiao Ye has no boats yet. difficulty.

In other words, as long as Qiao Ye is exiled, there is a high probability that Qiao Ye will die in the sea of ​​blood. As for where to be exiled, Bai Xiangyun and Su Lu have never thought about it, and it is useless to think about it, and it is not under their control .

at the same time……

Qiao Ye looked at the sea chart, confirmed the location of Golden Island, and after confirming his current location, suddenly...

Qiao Ye seemed to see something frightening, her pupils kept contracting, enlarging, contracting again, enlarging again, with a distinct rhythm...

On the sea chart, there is actually a location marked...

The end of the sea of ​​blood!

Qiao Ye was stunned for a while, and there was actually a place on the map called the end of the sea of ​​blood.

This undoubtedly made Qiao Ye think of the words "the end of the sea" that Jiang Liuxue said.

However, the location at the end of the sea of ​​blood...

It's actually in the center near the southeast.

This made Qiao Ye confused again. If the sea of ​​blood was regarded as a circle, then the position would be the center point, and then move a little bit away from the center point.

What kind of sea's end is this?

Shouldn't the end be the land on the edge?

Qiao Ye was really at a loss, but no matter what, he finally got the chart.

The sea chart is very important. Qiao Ye believes that he didn't bring anything back. This sea chart alone has enough weight.

Because, with the sea chart, you can explore the blood sea according to the sea area and landmarks divided by the sea chart. When others are still exploring and drawing, Wu Yu already has a complete sea chart. What an advantage it will be .

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye carefully put away the chart, and began to think about it.

With the sea chart, the most important thing for me to do next must be to contact other people, and then I should find a boat to leave here to meet everyone. After the picture, some no-fly areas are marked on it, as long as you avoid these areas.

Qiao Ye made up his mind, and then took out the spiritual paper of communication and started to communicate.

Qiao Ye felt a little uneasy, because he couldn't guess what was going on with the others.

From the overall point of view, the Manshen is definitely doomed, but before Qiao Ye was exiled by Bai Xiangyun's ability, he teamed up with Polaris to destroy the spiritual treasure ship.

Therefore, the eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother. Right now, both sides are hurting each other, and everyone is out of boat.

The problem is that after there is no ship, it is not known whether the two sides will continue to fight.

On Su Lu's side, Murong Feima died and Nie Wenxiu was seriously injured. Although Su Lu and Bai Xiangyun were strong, King Zhang Li was a beast emperor, and Polaris was also very strong. Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi might be holding back. After all, the difference in cultivation base , It's not so easy to make up for it, but Lin Ziyi can fight, because Lin Ziyi has the sky-shattering magic butterfly, and he also got the twin golden luan butterflies, which are unparalleled beasts.

As for Xiaoji and Sibuxiang, Qiao Ye just ignored them. Their combat power can be ignored, but in general, Qiao Ye thinks that Wuyu may have an advantage. The Royal Beast is enough for Su Lu and Bai Xiangyun to drink a pot.

However, on the treasure ship of Lingyu, there are still a dozen guardians of Lingyu, whose strength will be a little weaker, and they are all for Su Lu to help, so they can fight at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Ye didn't know what the battle situation would turn out to be.

Sighing, although Qiao Ye was worried, Qiao Ye knew right now that she couldn't do anything for the time being. She could only look at the spiritual paper, but there was no reply.

Qiao Ye clenched her fists, if something really happened...

"Su Lu!" Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said, "You're dead!"

Qiao Ye waited for a while, but still didn't get any reply, so he could only put away the spiritual paper, and planned to find a place to live first, and went to find a boat to leave tomorrow morning, wondering if he could hire some more sailors who knew how to sail Follow yourself, if you can't do it, you can only use the flying boat.

But at this moment...


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