Chapter 888 Interception

"You little brat in Wuyu!" The leading guard sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab at the void and said, "The Overlord's Sword!"

A large piece of golden light appeared, condensed in the hands of the leading guard, and then a golden golden sword was condensed.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, this guy is still from Wuyu?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, the opponent had already raised the sword high, and then swung it forward vigorously.

"Overlord Slash!"

That sword slashed forward, with unimaginable terrifying power and a strong sense of oppression.

The sword light had never landed, and the ground seemed to be under some heavy pressure, and it was crushed inch by inch, and the sword light had a feeling of being invincible.

Qiao Ye immediately dodged and jumped onto the side roof, but at this moment...

"Out of the spirit!" The leading guard shouted in a low voice: "The shadow of the night!"

A black shadow appeared in the hands of the leading guard. Like a rope, it rolled over directly. As if it had substance, it bound Qiao Ye's body, and with a strong tug, Qiao Ye was pulled down.

"Did you make a mistake?" Qiao Ye fell to the ground, and said with a look of astonishment, "Both spirit and martial arts?"

When did dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts become so worthless?

Isn't this guy a guard? It's so strong!

After being dazed for just a moment, the leading guard flicked his wrist, and Qiao Ye's body flew up and hit him sideways.


Qiao Ye hit the wall of a house, smashed a hole in the wall in an instant, and fell directly into it.

After one blow, the leading guard took advantage of the victory to pursue, and slashed directly towards the house again.


The golden sword light overflowed and slashed towards the house, and then, with a loud noise, the house was cut in half instantly.

The leading guard walked forward and looked into the cracked house, but he didn't find Qiao Ye.

Where did Qiao Ye go?

But at this moment...

A plume of black smoke rose from behind the leading guard.

"Captain, back!"

The other guards immediately shouted, and the leading guard immediately turned around, but it was still a step too late.

Qiao Ye stepped out of the black smoke, and drew the black halberd in her hand forward forcefully.


The halberd rod hit the opponent fiercely, and the leading guard flew out towards the rear, smashing the wall into pieces.

The next moment, Qiao Ye swung his halberd again, and as the black arc flashed by, the entire roof shattered and collapsed downward, burying the leading guard below.

Qiao Ye had no intention of getting too entangled with the other party. After blowing the other party away with one blow, Qiao Ye turned around and planned to leave.

Immediately, other guards surrounded him, trying to intercept Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stopped abruptly, holding the tail end of the black halberd, then twisted her ankle, and her whole body was spinning like a spinning top.

As Qiao Ye's body spun around, circles of black arcs swung around, knocking all the guards into the air.

This is good news. After all, not all of the guards are so powerful. Except for the leader, the others seem to be parallel imports.

After repelling the guards, Qiao Ye quickly jumped up, leaped forward, and quickly ran along the street towards the port.


The moment Qiao Ye ran out, there was a roar from under the collapsed roof, followed by a loud bang, but it was the leading guard who shattered the ruins and stood up again.

"Chasing, chase me!" The leading guard roared angrily: "Notify the other teams to intercept, if the person Mr. Tsing Yi wants is to be run away like this, no one will be able to eat it." !"

The guards agreed, immediately got up from the ground, and chased in the direction of Qiao Ye.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye was heading towards the port all the way, and when he had to leave suddenly, there was no way to find the crew. It seemed that he could only grab a boat and run away, but he didn't know whether the other party would chase him or not.

If he went out to sea and chased him, even if Qiao Ye got a boat, he probably wouldn't be able to escape, so he had no choice but to use the flying boat instead of the boat.

This somewhat made Qiao Ye uncomfortable. Facts have proved that in the sea of ​​blood, a boat is still needed, but the space treasures that can hold ships are all specially made, and the space is extraordinarily large, and generally do not hold other things.

Qiao Ye's jade token couldn't fit a ship in the space, so abandoning the ship and using the flying boat meant that Qiao Ye couldn't take the ship away.

Qiao Ye was thinking about what to do when suddenly...


In a room on the side, the wall suddenly cracked and collapsed with a loud noise.

In the next moment, an extremely muscular guard with a height of more than two meters and a body full of flesh rushed out suddenly, and slammed into Qiao Ye's body fiercely.

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye felt dizzy and dizzy. The guard's strength was astonishing, and he immediately knocked Qiao Ye into the air, flipped several times in the air, and then hit a stall on the street, knocking the stall to the ground. smashed to pieces.

Qiao Ye grinned and looked up.

The muscles of the guard's whole body were swollen, and his skin color was different from that of ordinary people, but dark in color. There were small bumps on his body, which were extremely hard.


As soon as Qiao Ye finished speaking, the guard suddenly came to Qiao Ye, raised his leg and stepped on Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye turned over, and the opponent landed on the ground, crushing a piece of the ground abruptly.

When Qiao Ye stood up, the guard immediately ran over again.

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, black smoke swirled all over his body, and the black smoke clung to Qiao Ye's body, quickly turning into a jet-black armor.

Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood, Qiao Ye's physical body also greatly increased, and then took a sharp step forward!


Qiao Ye slammed forward with a punch, directly grabbed the strong guard, and then exerted all her strength!

This time, it wasn't Qiao Ye who flew out, but the guard!

With a loud bang, the guard smashed to the ground two meters away, smashing the ground abruptly, leaving a spider web of cracks.

But, in the next moment...

The guard got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Wuhun, Qinghan Xiaoxue!"

In the next moment, Qiao Ye felt the air around him drop sharply, and it suddenly became cold for a few minutes, and there were faint ice flowers emerging from the four groups.

Qinghan Xiaoxue, a naturally transformed Martial Soul of the Imperial Dao level, comes from Xiaoxue in the twenty-four solar terms!

The twenty-four solar terms martial soul is a very famous martial soul.

Qiao Ye babbled, no matter how famous he was, Qiao Ye didn't care, after all, it was only at the imperial level, what Qiao Ye cared about was Wuhun itself!

Just after a person with both spiritual and martial arts appeared, now there is another one with dual cultivation of magic and martial arts!


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