Chapter 889 Fierce Battle

I have to say that Qiao Ye is quite proud of the dual cultivation.

But right now, Qiao Ye always felt that his so-called double cultivation had suddenly become like a rotten street stuff, why would anyone just come to double cultivation?

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking about it, the guard also got up from the ground and suddenly gave a low shout.

Suddenly a piece of frost danced and swirled towards the surroundings, and then the sound of ice and cleanness continued to resound, covering the surroundings with a layer of solid ice.

The guard punched out, and the wind and snow moved, and a large swath of frost immediately came towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and just swept out with a halberd.

The flying frost collided with the smoke of the black euphorbia. The two colors, one black and one white, collided crazily, constantly pushing each other.

The next moment, the frost suddenly shattered and was forced back by the black smoke.

Although it is a combination of magic and martial arts, it is only an emperor-level martial soul after all. If Qiao Ye's Tianmo Dazzling can't even suppress this, he might as well find a piece of tofu and shoot himself to death.

After suppressing the frost and snow, Qiao Ye also took the opportunity to jump forward, directly penetrated the black smoke, and swept the black halberd.


The guard's demonization ability was obviously much stronger than his martial spirit. Under the demonization state, his body was as strong as iron, and after a crisp sound, sparks exploded.

However, even though he could block the slash, the impact of the halberd was not so easy to block. The guard staggered and was swept away by Qiao Ye's halberd again.

But also at this moment...

"Overlord Sword Slash!"

With a low growl, immediately after, a golden sword light shot up into the sky, and fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked back, but it was the guard who had cultivated both spirit and martial arts before catching up.

Qiao Ye immediately turned around and slapped her palm backwards.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye slapped out with a palm, and then there was a roar in the sky, a crack in the void appeared, and then a big golden handprint appeared, and he pinched the golden sword glow.


In the next moment, the big handprint and the sword light exploded at the same time, turning into countless golden halos and scattered.

However, just as Qiao Ye took the next blow, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind, and a figure jumped from the side roof, but it was the third guard who appeared, holding a bright silver gun in his hand, and the gun shot like Jiao, hit Qiao Ye directly.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and a golden radiance bloomed all over her body, as if she had molded herself into a golden body.


The guard stabbed the silver spear in his hand and hit Qiao Ye's throat directly, but he couldn't pierce the golden awn that wrapped Qiao Ye's body.

The guard showed surprise in his eyes, and with a bit of dissatisfaction, he pushed the silver spear forward with all his strength.

The silver spear even made a slight move, but it still couldn't pierce Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body.

Qiao Ye raised her arm violently, and slammed it hard towards the barrel of the gun, smashing the bright silver gun to the ground, and then swiped the black halberd to force the opponent away.

"Are you finished?" Qiao Ye looked at the three guards, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't do anything at all, why should I be arrested? Right now, I have given you three points and are planning to leave Qingsha Gorge. Persevere?"

The first guard sneered and said, "Qingsha Gorge is where you come and leave whenever you want? Mr. Tsing Yi's order is to arrest you and take you to the dungeon, so you don't want to leave Qingsha Island!"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" Qiao Ye said coldly, "I'll kill anyone who stands in my way!"

After Qiao Ye heard about the origin of Qingshaxia, he actually wanted to be honest this time, because the person expelled from the Three Realms established Qingshaxia, and that Mr. Qingyi is probably a god. A cultivator who has stepped into the realm of the gods.

What Qiao Ye is thinking right now is to leave here and join other people. If you are interested in Qingsha Gorge, anyway, you can come back to explore the secrets next time if you have a chart.

However, since the other party intends to stop Qiao Ye from letting go, that's another matter!


Qiao Ye kicked forward, and the ground was smashed into pieces.

In the next instant, a large cloud of black smoke emerged from the shattered ground, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings!

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and smashed it down into the black smoke.

Gloomy, dead silent and evil!

It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling, extremely depressing, covering all directions, revealing an extremely low feeling.


The black smoke slowly dispersed, and in the black smoke, a white skull slowly rolled out of the black smoke.

One, two, three, countless!

Thick white bones kept appearing, looming under the black smoke, and the tumbling piles of skulls kept rising, transforming into dense skull mountains, and there was an indescribable sinister feeling everywhere.

as if……

Everything is covered by death!


Qiao Ye let out a low snort, and then swept forward with a halberd. The wind of the halberd rolled up a large cloud of black smoke and rolled it around.

The guard with the silver gun directly raised his gun and wanted to disperse the black smoke, but in the next moment...


A stream of blood spurted out, and the cut black smoke was as sharp as a knife, passing by the guard, breaking his armor directly, and opening wounds on his body.

The next moment, Qiao Ye took a step back, his body was hidden in the black smoke, and he suddenly appeared behind the guard, and slashed down towards him with his halberd.

The guard with the gun reacted very quickly. Although he didn't understand how Qiao Ye moved, he sensed the danger immediately, so he turned around and shot!


The crisp sound of weapons clashing suddenly sounded, and the guard blocked Qiao Ye's halberd with his spear, but soon felt something was wrong, and his expression changed drastically.

Good weight!

The force from the gun barrel made the guard's face change. He couldn't resist the force at all. The silver gun was pressed on his shoulder, and then his legs softened, and the guard fell to his knees directly. A piece of the ground was crushed.


Seeing his companion restrained, the demonized guard rushed forward.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

With heavy footsteps, the guard was like a huge beast, and his shoulders sank into Qiao Ye.

The moment I saw it was about to hit...

A golden radiance suddenly appeared on Qiao Ye's body, and he entered the state of the nine-turn golden body again.


Qiao Ye resolutely didn't move, allowing the opponent to bump into him, and then was blocked by the golden brilliance of the nine-turn golden body.

Of course, this kind of collision was a purely physical attack. Qiao Ye didn't pay attention to it when the nine-turn golden body opened.


Qiao Ye let out a low cry, then swept across and kicked the opponent's waist, sending him flying.


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