Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 898 Are My Thighs Missing?

Chapter 898 Are My Thighs Missing?

The rain that fell in the sky became a little heavier in an instant, and the raindrops continued to freeze into hail, which kept hitting the ground, making a "crackling" sound.

The house in the distance was pierced by hail in an instant, constantly shattered, collapsed, and then turned into ruins!

Qiao Ye waved his hand again, and there was another earthquake in front of him. Near the sea, suddenly, a huge wave rose and fell towards the harbor.

The boats moored at the harbor were rolled up by the waves, and then fell down hard, turning into paper boats that were mushy, floating on the sea.

Qiao Ye raised his hand again, and the Wanfa Lingtu radiated spiritual light, but at this moment...

A ray of light suddenly soared into the sky in front of him and came directly to Qiao Ye.

In the light, a man in green clothes slowly appeared.

The man was about forty years old, dressed in a blue alchemist robe, with a black goatee, with his hands behind his back, looking at Qiao Ye with cold eyes.

"It's been so many years since someone has messed with me. Do you know what price you have to pay if you dare to act presumptuously in my Qingsha Gorge?"

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, is this Mr. Tsing Yi?

Qiao Ye believed that the appearance of the other party should be that of Mr. Tsing Yi, but it couldn't be Mr. Tsing Yi, because it is impossible for someone to live for such a long time, even if they entered the realm of gods, they would not be able to escape the six realms of reincarnation.

"So..." Qiao Ye raised his head, and without talking nonsense, he directly pressed his palm forward and said, "Let me see, what kind of thing are you!"


Accompanied by Qiao Ye's palm forward, Thunder pierced through the air and slashed directly at Mr. Tsing Yi.

Mr. Tsing Yi raised his head, looked at Lei Ting without any fear, and stretched out his hand to hold up a treasure.

That treasure was indeed a Kongming lantern, Mr. Tsing Yi stretched out his hand to support it, and then it went towards the air.

The falling thunder seemed to be drawn, and was immediately attracted by the Kongming lantern. After hitting the Kongming lantern, the Kongming lantern shone brightly, and even sucked all the thunder into it.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and waved again, the sound of thunder reappeared in the air, and countless thunder followed, one after another, continuously chopping down.



The Kongming Lantern seemed to be able to attract thunder, and all the thunder deviated from the track the moment it appeared, and fell in the direction of the Kongming Lantern.

The Kongming lantern absorbed the thunder, and it also made a crackling sound.

next moment...

Mr. Tsing Yi suddenly took out a picture scroll, and after unfolding it, there were mountains painted on the scroll, five of which were particularly tall and divided into five corners.

Ding Xiang's complexion changed, and she shouted at Qiao Ye: "It's the Shanhe Wuxing Fengshui Bureau, and he wants to suppress you!"

Lin Jiao asked curiously: "What is the Fengshui Bureau of Mountains, Rivers and Five Elements? Is it similar to the previous one?"

"It's much worse, it's not a level of technique at all." Ding Xiang said: "The five mountains correspond to the five elements, and they change according to the five elements. The Feng Shui pattern laid out is a formation pattern. In your terms, it is a large formation. This pattern is extremely difficult to form. , you need to find five suitable mountains in the same place to make a layout. This alone is hard enough to find, not to mention the layout. There are detailed requirements for the mountains, positions, and orientations of the five mountains. Therefore, this game only In the legend, almost no one has seen it, if it can be laid out, everything can be suppressed, and it can even break the dragon's veins and steal the luck of a country, which is extremely terrifying!"

Lin Jiao asked in amazement: "Then Qiao Ye is finished? Is my thigh gone?"

Now Lin Jiao doesn't want Qiao Ye to die like this at all. How can he be a leg pendant once Qiao Ye dies? Without thighs, they have to finish the game.

Ding Xiang said: "If it is a real Fengshui Bureau of Mountains, Rivers and Five Elements, then you must die! However, this is not a real Fengshui Bureau of Mountains, Rivers and Five Elements. The Feng Shui Bureau is far worse, but it is not easy to deal with, I am afraid that it will take the Supreme Being in the world to be able to fight against it."

Lin Juemo wiped off his cold sweat and said, "That's not the same thing!"

at the same time……

Mr. Tsing Yi let out a low cry, and then the picture scroll was full of light, and a phantom of a hill actually appeared in the sky, and it fell towards Qiao Ye.


Mr. Tsing Yi gave a low shout, while Qiao Ye raised his halberd and slashed towards the phantom of the hill.



The arc light cut by the black halberd was shattered the moment it hit the phantom of the hill, and then the phantom of the hill hit Qiao Ye's body.

An extremely terrifying force appeared, and it rolled down towards Qiao Ye, who was directly smashed from the air.


Qiao Ye's feet landed on the ground, and the ground instantly shattered. Like an earthquake, large spider web cracks appeared and pushed away in all directions. Qiao Ye's calf sank directly into the ground.

But, it's not over yet!

Qiao Ye was holding the black halberd horizontally, pushing up against the phantom of the hill. Huge power was still being transmitted through the black halberd, pushing Qiao Ye down.

Qiao Ye's legs curled up slowly, and gradually, her right leg fell to her knees on the ground.


The moment Qiao Ye's right leg landed, there was another loud noise, crushing the ground to pieces.

Mr. Tsing Yi sneered and said: "A mere reckless man in the martial arts domain, dare to act presumptuously in front of me?"

Qiao Ye clenched her teeth and said, "You're too happy, Guiyindeng!"

The ghost lamp appeared and floated up from Qiao Ye's side, and the three ghost fires turned into " ̄盘 ̄", showing anger.

The next moment, Qiao Ye felt a lot of mental power flowing into her body.

The ten thousand dharma spiritual map, all phenomena in the universe!

That incomparably terrifying spiritual power instantly transformed into Qiao Ye's physical strength.


Qiao Ye lifted up the black halberd vigorously, and unexpectedly pushed up the hill abruptly. Then, Qiao Ye clenched his fists tightly, making crackling noises on his finger bones.

"Only the supreme being in the world can be formidable, isn't it?" Qiao Ye said ferociously: "Then become the supreme being in the world!"

Qiao Ye's body instantly entered the state of a pseudo-martial god, and then the fist blasted out towards the top of his head.


Qiao Ye punched the bottom of the phantom of the hill, and immediately after that, the mountain shook violently, and a crack appeared, spreading from the bottom to the top, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, as if splitting the phantom of the hill like.



A huge roar reappeared, and the phantom of the hill suddenly shattered into two halves, and then disappeared into a phantom.

Qiao Ye looked at Mr. Tsing Yi in the sky, and after a sneer, he took a sharp step forward. Then, Qiao Ye flew out into the air like a cannonball.

Mr. Tsing Yi took his time and unfolded the scroll in his hand again.


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