Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 899 Five Pointed Feng Shui Broken

Chapter 899

The picture scroll was full of light, and after unfolding, the phantom of the second hill appeared.

This time, what appeared was a volcano!

The phantom of the hill has no entity, it is completely condensed by burning flames, forming the appearance of a mountain.

As soon as Qiao Ye entered the air, he felt a scorching breath rushing toward his face, and the flames swept over the volcano like a sea of ​​fire, covering the sky and covering the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes were cold, facing the black smoke without fear, he directly raised the black halberd and swung it forward vigorously.

There seemed to be a crackling sound in the air, as if something exploded, and then, that piece of black smoke appeared, pushed forward frantically, and collided with the flame.

Black, red!

The two colors collided in the air, continuously pushed, and the black smoke flowed, directly splitting the flames, forcibly opening a path in the flames!

Qiao Ye took advantage of the situation, shuttled through the flames, and climbed over the volcano.

However, Qiao Ye had just turned over the volcano when suddenly the sound of gold and iron humming came from above his head.

Another phantom of a small mountain appeared, and the mountain was covered with weapons, such as knives, guns, halberds, axes, axe, hooks and forks, densely packed.

Circles of metallic golden aura surround the entire mountain, flowing continuously, revealing a strong sense of killing.

With a low growl, Qiao Ye slashed out with a halberd.

Black smoke gushed out from the black halberd quickly, and the black smoke directly condensed into a huge halberd that was 20 to 30 meters long, and it slashed upwards fiercely.


The giant halberd slashed on the mountain of Jin Ge, and there was a loud noise immediately, and the piercing metal impact sounded.

Ding Xiang's face was pale, she covered her ears and stepped back continuously.

Lin Jiao was even worse, with his pitiful cultivation, just hearing the sound of the impact made his whole body tremble, and after a miserable cry, he vomited blood.

The three demon emperors could hold on, after all, the collision was not aimed at them, it was just affecting them.

Therefore, the three of them immediately stood in front of Lin Jiao and protected Lin Jiao.

at the same time……

The mountain of gold was directly smashed open by Qiao Ye, and hit the ground fiercely, blasting the ground into a circle of deep pits.

After breaking through the mountain of gold, Qiao Ye moved forward, intending to continue towards Mr. Tsing Yi.

But right now...

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded.

Before Qiao Ye had time to react, he felt his legs being entangled by something, and then dragged his body fiercely.


Qiao Ye fell from the sky to the ground, smashing the ground into a huge deep pit, and when he looked up, there was another phantom of a hill on the ground.

The hill is lush and lush, full of various trees, as if covering the mountain with a coat, it has a feeling of singing birds and flowers, full of life.

Two extremely long vines entangled Qiao Ye's legs at this moment, and it was these two vines that dragged Qiao Ye down from the air abruptly.


Suddenly dense branches appeared in the mountain, flying directly into the sky, with incomparably sharp front ends, thorns falling down, densely packed, like rain.

Seeing that Qiao Ye was about to be nailed to the ground by those branches, suddenly, a cloud of black smoke swept across the ground, covering Qiao Ye's body.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the branch continued to fall to the ground, the ground continued to make loud noises, huge potholes appeared in circles, and dust was flying.


When the black smoke dissipated, Qiao Ye was no longer there, and the attack missed Qiao Ye.

A demon emperor couldn't help but said to Lin Jiao: "Young Master Lin, let's stay away!"

This battle was too horrific, just spreading it might kill everyone in an instant. The three demon emperors might be able to watch the battle and still have the power to protect themselves, but there was a surprise, they didn't have the confidence to protect Lin Jiao.

Even though Ding Xiang is in the Shu Emperor Realm, Shu Yu is not good at fighting head-on. Faced with such a scene, Ding Xiang is choking!

Lin Jiao's face turned pale at the moment, he decided to follow his heart, waved his hands and said: "Go, go, go, let's go back half a mile first."

On the other side, Qiao Ye disappeared, and the upside-down branches extending from the tree were constantly shaking in the air, as if looking for a target.

But also at this moment...


A black column of smoke suddenly appeared from behind the phantom of the hill, soaring into the sky.

Qiao Ye got out from the smoke column, holding a big halberd, and slashed in the direction of Mr. Tsing Yi.


The moment Qiao Ye attacked, Mr. Tsing Yi suddenly turned around and looked at Qiao Ye.

"I expected it!"

Mr. Tsing Yi said this indifferently, and then, Qiao Ye felt a slight sound suddenly appeared around him. The sound was like water bubbles appearing continuously in the lake, and then those bubbles burst one by one. .

In the next moment, the phantom of the fifth hill appeared, right where Qiao Ye was, and suddenly a large area of ​​water flowed around.

Those water streams condensed together, forming a mountain shape in an instant.

A mountain made of water!

The mountain of water took shape, and Qiao Ye was directly sealed in the mountain.

Qiao Ye quickly covered her mouth and nose to prevent the water from rushing in from her mouth and nose, but, covering her mouth and nose, the feeling of suffocation hit instantly.

The scroll in the hands of Mr. Tsing Yi has turned into a blank, and the five mountains are all phantoms!

It also means...

The Fengshui Bureau of Mountains, Rivers and Five Elements has been completed!

Mr. Tsing Yi stretched out his hands, and the phantoms of the five hills suddenly moved, and they were quickly arranged in a formation of five elements.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth...

The five mountains correspond to the five elements, and the five mountains shine with different brilliance at the same time.

Qiao Ye has already been trapped in the mountain of water, and it only takes a short while for the layout to take shape and the five elements to become spirits, then...

Mr. Tsing Yi finally showed some expression on his face, which was obviously ferocious, and then he stretched out his hand and pressed forward: "Suppressing killing! Wumang Fengshui breaks!"

Five beams of light symbolizing the five elements rushed into the sky, and the radiance flowed and outlined in the air like water, slowly forming a picture of the five elements, and the next step was the last step, killing Qiao Ye!

Mr. Tsing Yi is confident that as long as the layout is completed, the Five Elements Atlas will fall from the sky, and no one can escape, they can only fall.

But at this moment...

Seeing the moment when the Mountains, Rivers and Five Elements Fengshui Bureau was about to be completed, Qiao Ye's voice suddenly sounded.

"Dazzling demon!" Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Enchanted!"

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.


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