Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 900 Five Spirits Breaking Evil Records

Chapter 900

Inside the water mountain, a large cloud of black smoke rushed out, and even forcibly broke the water mountain.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye rushed out of the water mountain and flew straight into the sky with a wisp of black smoke.

At this moment...

After entering the enchanted state, Qiao Ye's hair was completely loosened and turned scarlet like blood. His eyes were also scarlet red. On both sides of his forehead were two horns like ox horns. His arms were spread out. , at the position of the forearm, two bone blades grew out.

Mr. Tsing Yi's pupils shrank sharply, and he looked up at the five-element catalog in the sky. The five-element catalog can be completed in a maximum of ten breaths, as long as there is a delay of ten breaths.


Just at this very moment...

With black smoke trailing behind him, Qiao Ye charged directly across the air.


Facing the rocky mountain with earth attributes, Qiao Ye ran straight into it without slowing down. The arm blade in his hand moved forward, breaking a gap in the rocky mountain.


After a while, there was a loud noise from the other side of the rocky mountain, and Qiao Ye unexpectedly punched through the rocky mountain with his physical body.

After one blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop there, facing the next volcano, and slashed forward with the blade of his arm.

A silver sword glow of tens of feet appeared and slashed forward. The sword glow landed on the volcano and split the volcano in half!

After breaking through three mountains, Qiao Ye went straight to Mr. Tsing Yi without stopping.

The three mountains have been broken, and the five mountains are out of shape. Naturally, there is no way to talk about the Fengshui Bureau of the mountains, rivers and five elements.

Mr. Tsing Yi's face was slightly cold, and under the control of Mr. Tsing Yi, the last two phantoms of the hills quickly flew over and blocked Mr. Tsing Yi.


Qiao Ye directly raised his arm and slashed, opening a gap in the mountain again.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the mountain, the sound of explosions kept ringing, Qiao Ye went forward without hesitation, and soon, the two mountains were pierced by Qiao Ye again.

In an instant, Qiao Ye came to Mr. Tsing Yi, and sent the black halberd in his hand forward, directly piercing Mr. Tsing Yi's chest.

Qiao Ye frowned slightly. This blow directly pierced Mr. Tsing Yi's body, but Qiao Ye felt that there was nothing real about it, as if the halberd had pierced the air.

In the next moment, a large cloud of green smoke suddenly rose from Mr. Tsing Yi's body.

"Why, why?" Mr. Tsing Yi murmured: "I just want to see this world more, tell me, why..."

The green smoke on Mr. Tsing Yi's body became more and more intense, and finally amidst the murmurs, Mr. Tsing Yi's body completely turned into blue smoke and disappeared without a trace.



When the green smoke drifted away, a book suddenly fell from the green smoke and fell to the ground.

"Book?" Qiao Ye looked puzzled, looked at the cover and said, "The Record of the Five Spirits Breaking Evil?"

Qiao Ye read the five big characters on the cover. This should be a classic of exercises, right? However, it is not necessarily true. If Mr. Tsing Yi is from the field of art, then this classic is likely to be art.

But anyway, things seem to be finally settled.

Qiao Ye breathed a long sigh of relief, and then broke out of the enchanted state. He could obviously feel tired, and then moved a few steps, came to the edge of a ruin, and sat on a rock with his back against the ruin.

On the other side, Ding Xiang and Lin Jiao looked around, and then slowly walked towards Qiao Ye.

Seeing Qiao Ye's tired appearance, Lin Jiao suddenly showed excitement. He came to Qiao Ye, squatted down and looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, are you tired? After all, this was a fierce battle."

Qiao Ye looked up at Lin Jiao and said, "And then?"

The excitement on Lin Jiao's face became even stronger, he looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You can't do it anymore, I still have three devil emperors here, isn't our old problem..."

Halfway through Lin Jiao's words, he saw black smoke condense in Qiao Ye's hand, and the black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand again, with a faint light shining on the blade.


Immediately, Lin Jiao's legs softened, and he went from half-squatting to kneeling on the ground.

"What I mean is..." Lin Jiao rubbed his hands, then changed his face instantly and said, "The three unsatisfactory demon emperors I brought with me are useless in fighting, but they still carry a lot of pills on them. Yes, there are several of the third-rank and above, big brother, would you like some?"

Qiao Ye patted Lin Jiao's cheek and said, "It's a pity that you don't practice the skills of lurking and camouflage. You have practiced the kung fu of changing faces like a fire."

Lin Jiao hurriedly said, "Thank you for your compliment, brother."

Qiao Ye was speechless, and a lowly person was invincible. There was really nothing he could do about a lowly person like Lin Jiao.

On the other side, Ding Xiang also came up from behind, hesitated and said: "Well, can you show me that classic book, don't worry, it's your spoils of war, I have no other intentions, just look at it."

Qiao Ye casually handed the book of Five Spirits Breaking Evil to Ding Xiang.

Ding Xiang looked at the cover of his eyes and said in shock: "The Five Spirits Breaking Evil Record?"

"I can read, so you don't need to tell me what I wrote." Qiao Ye said, "Is there anything wrong with this book?"

Ding Xiang excitedly said: "This is a big problem, this is one of the sixteen volumes of the Shushu!"

Lin Jiao asked doubtfully, "What the hell?"

Ding Xiangdao: "The sixteen volumes of Shuyu are called Jiudian, Sanqi and Sitaishang. Among them, Jiudian is a nine-volume exploration of Shuyu, which records almost all the techniques of each school of terminology. The inheritance of Mentai Shang comes from the unique orthodox inheritance of the four Shugods in the Shuyu. These four are also considered to be the four strongest Shugods in the Shuyu from ancient times to the present. The Sanqi refers to the three strange books, which are Heaven and earth yin and yang return essence technique, ten-direction demon-sealing array map, and five spirits' record of destroying evil!"

Qiao Ye took the Five Spirits Breaking Evil Record from Ding Xiang's hand and said, "So, this thing is very rare?"

"It's not a question of whether it's rare or not. These sixteen books can be said to be the dream of every magician." Ding Xiang thought for a while and said, "However, this is not the first book. Those sixteen books are from the Three Realms Nine It has a history of thousands of years before the domain was broken, this book should be transcribed, I don't know if it is complete, but even if it is only transcribed more than half, it is invaluable."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Do you want to?"

Ding Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and then said seriously: "My master taught me since I was a child that a person should behave properly and sit upright. As I said, I have nothing else to say. I won't do anything to you. What's more, Wuling Breaking evil records is not a tome of the Qimen sect, I am just surprised, not unusual."

Qiao Ye knew that Ding Xiang had misunderstood her, and she really didn't mean to try to talk, but...

This broken book is useless by itself!

What Qiao Ye meant was that if Ding Xiang was interested, he could exchange what he needed with him!


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