Chapter 966 Thinking

"Then, little friend!" Tiance Longzun looked at Qiao Ye and said, "What can you bring us? Or tell us?"

This question is a bit complicated, what can I bring to Shuyu? How can I have such a great ability to bring changes to a domain.

"Disaster!" Qiao Ye said with a flash of inspiration: "The first two pages of the Qintian Book record all disasters, but you were prepared in advance, so you avoided it. I think the same is true for my appearance. It’s here to help you through difficulties, even, it can be said to be a disaster.”

Tiance Longzun said: "Tell me about it."

Qiao Ye said: "This is a bit of a long story. I'm afraid it also starts with the Nine Domains battlefield that appeared after the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, and the current situation in each domain."

"Don't worry, my old man is getting old. What he lacks most is time, and the most important thing is time. Let's talk slowly." Tiance Longzun said with a smile: "Ding Xiang, let someone prepare the appetizers. In addition, go to see See if any of your uncles are in the cabinet, go and invite me over."

Ding Xiang agreed and went, Tiance Longzun immediately swept his sleeves, and a box appeared on the table.

Tiance Longzun said: "Little friend is injured, I have a first-grade Qidan here, which can help you recover quickly."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then understood, Tiance Longzun thought that he wanted to benefit, the so-called long story is a refusal, God is sorry, this matter is really a long story, I have to start from the void fault rise.

However, it is better to have benefits than to have no benefits. Qiao Ye thanked him and took the pill. Not to mention, Tian Ce Longzun was not kidding. The pill was quite extraordinary. Healing quickly, spirits and spirits are getting better.

A while later, Ding Xiang ordered people to prepare the food and drink. At the same time, there were nine Dragon Lords in the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion, and besides Tiance Dragon Zun, four more came. The importance attached to the book, and the importance attached to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't hide anything, and started talking directly from the Nine Realms Battlefield and the Void Fault, and then mentioned Jiang Liuxue, and how the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm appeared.

Until Qiao Ye finished what he was about to say, Tiance Longzun pondered for a while and said, "Does all this have any direct relationship with Shuyu?"

"Of course there is." Qiao Ye said: "Let's put it this way, the Sea of ​​No Return is a void fault. If the sea beasts inside appear in the magic domain, what do you think will happen? Will the surrounding sea be affected? Fishermen Unable to go fishing, ships will be attacked, many people will die, and most importantly, this is different from a storm flood, the flood will always pass, but the threat of the Void Fault is forever."

Tiance Longzun said: "This is indeed a disaster, but as long as the entrance and exit are well guarded, it is relatively easy to avoid."

Qiao Ye said: "That is indeed the case, but please don't forget that now it is not just about the sea of ​​no return, the domain of martial arts, the domain of spirits, the domain of beasts, and the domain of demons have all been connected together. The void fault will affect the four domains, and now it is the turn of the surgery domain, if one day, there is an accident in a certain void fault, it may affect the surgery domain, then, will the surgery domain wait to die?"

Tiance Dragon Venerable fell silent.

Qiao Ye spread her hands helplessly.

Qiao Ye knew very well that it was very difficult for the other party to accept so easily.

Not to mention Wuyu and Lingyu, both of them have suffered from the torment of the Void Fault. Guardians, guards, and world mystics were born from this. Of course, if this matter has to be traced back, it has to be traced back to the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms The later era is over, and those who come later are only heirs.

Moyu is a rather special example. King Ruyang was easily persuaded and joined. At first, King Ruyang didn't care whether to believe it or not.

Secondly, during the Battle of the Imperial Capital, King Ruyang saw the horror of the Void Fault with his own eyes, so he was naturally very concerned about this matter, and the cooperation between Moyu and Wuyu in terms of the defenders was also very good.

On the other hand, you can know that this matter is actually very troublesome. Before the alliance with the Beast Mountain Union in the Beast Realm, you have communicated many times. It took more than a month before and after, but there was no result in the end, so you need to The alliance was held, but the alliance was destroyed by that bastard Jiang Liuxue. Up to now, there is no clear attitude from the Beast Realm.

And now, it's Shuyu's turn!

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "Seniors, the only thing I can do is to send a message to the twenty-eight stars of Wuyu, the guardian of Wuyu, and the two sides will have more in-depth communication. , we can cross the sea of ​​no return, take a look at the Nine Realms battlefield, take a look at the void fault, and then we will know whether what I said is true."

Tiance Longzun thought for a moment, did not directly agree, nor refused, but said: "Little friend, you have to understand that this is a matter of one domain, even if our Jiulong Tanshu Pavilion is interested, it cannot represent the entire art domain. Of course, we know your intentions are good, but we need some time."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It should be so."

Tiance Longzun said: "How about this, little friend, we are now staying in the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion for a few days, and I will naturally give you an answer later."

Qiao Ye got up and said, "Then, I will trouble you seniors, and I won't bother you politely."

Tiance Longzun smiled and said: "You're welcome, Ding Xiang, arrange a place for the little friend."

Ding Xiang nodded and said, "Come with me!"

Ding Xiang took Qiao Ye away. As for the future, Qiao Ye can't control it. This is where Qiao Ye has no choice. of.

The negotiation of the superior is handled by the superior. Qiao Ye feels that he is still more suitable to charge forward. If one day he becomes the twenty-eight star of the martial arts defender, it is not too late to think about this kind of thing. Right now, Qiao Ye has already done what he can. all done.

"Hi!" At this time, Ding Xiang walked and said, "Is what you said true?"

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said: "I don't need to lie, because I can't get any benefits from it. The situation in the art domain is actually a bit similar to that of the beast domain. After the three realms and nine realms were broken, you have been closed for too long, but you have One point is more troublesome than the Beast Realm. The Beast Realm can unify their voices. They have the Beast Mountain Hezhong Alliance, but your Shuyu does not. The most troublesome thing is that the Jiulong Tanshu Pavilion cannot represent the entire Shuyu. I think, this Things can’t be rushed, I think we should start with the initial communication.”


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