Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 967 The Last Valkyrie Iron Book

Chapter 967 The Last Valkyrie Iron Book

Things that need to be communicated between the two domains must not be rushed, but Qiao Ye can handle them with a normal heart.

Ding Xiang quickly arranged a room for Qiao Ye, and gave a simple instruction. Qiao Ye can move freely on this floor, but it is best not to go to other floors. When he grows up, there are more than 20,000 disciples under his sect.

For the disciples on this floor, Ding Xiang could just say hello, but it was impossible for other floors to notify them all at once, and Qiao Ye's running around might cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

Fortunately, Qiao Ye didn't mean to wander around.

After entering the room, Qiao Ye took a look around. The tables and chairs are complete, and the environment is very elegant. Moreover, the elixir given by Tiance Longzun is really extraordinary. ...

Qiao Ye immediately took out the Martial God Iron Book from the jade tablet space.

Finally, this day has come. Whether the nine-turn golden body can surpass the first rank is a matter of success or failure.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and held the Iron Book of the God of War in his hands.

"Discovering Absorbable Items: The Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)"

"Is it absorbed?"

"You have absorbed the Iron Book of the God of War (volume twenty-six), and you have obtained a martial soul value of 10,000,000."

"You have absorbed the Martial God Iron Book (Volume 26), completed the visualization, and the skill has been promoted: Nine Turns Golden Body (disabled)."

Qiao Ye's first reaction was that he was extremely happy. He was able to absorb the Martial God Iron Book again, which meant that his previous guess was correct. The reason why he couldn't absorb the Martial God Iron Book before was that the Nine-Turn Golden Body hadn't reached the first rank, so he couldn't. If you continue to supplement, you will not be able to absorb it.

But now, the Martial God Iron Book can not only absorb it, but the Nine-turn Golden Body has been promoted again!

The promotion of a first-rank martial skill, that's...

Super class!

However, Qiao Ye didn't have time to be happy for too long, her eyes became ferocious, and her expression became distorted.


Qiao Ye turned her head directly to the bed and fell into a coma.

When light appeared again in that dark world, Qiao Ye remained calm.

Every time he absorbed the Iron Book of the God of War, Qiao Ye could see some strange things, and Qiao Ye was quite indifferent about it.

Looking up to the front, Qiao Ye found that there was a pass in front of him. Right in front of the pass, there were four big characters "Tianmen Nanguan" written on it!

"Tianmen Nanguan? It sounds familiar..." Qiao Ye murmured, then widened his eyes and said, "Tianmen Nanguan?"

To the west of the land of Jianmen is the center of Wuyu, which is Tianmen Mountain.

The four passes in the south, south, northwest, and northwest of Tianmen Mountain are the most powerful passes in the world.

Today, Tianmen Mountain still exists, and the four passes of Tianmen still exist, which are the four oldest passes in Wuyu.


Qiao Ye was wondering how he would appear at the Tianmen Nanguan, but at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the tower.

There was a sound of armor shaking. Immediately afterwards, one shield after another was placed on the wall pile. In the gap between the shield and the wall pile, archers kept showing their heads and raised their arrows to aim.

In the next moment, the bed crossbows were set up one by one, and the huge trebuchet was raised and quickly fixed.

This is the preparation before the coming of the big war, and a big battle will break out at Mennan Pass that day.

But also at this moment...

At the end of the horizon, a black line suddenly appeared, continuous, looking towards the sides, it is difficult to see the end.

This seemed to be a big battle, but Qiao Ye didn't take it too seriously. There were constant wars in the military domain, so what's so strange about wars?

But at this moment...

An extremely frightening beast roar suddenly sounded, which startled Qiao Ye too!

Qiao Ye looked up, and was horrified, the black line was not a person!

What appeared at the end of the horizon turned out to be one after another of evil beasts.

The Nae beast is two meters tall and two and a half meters long. Its body is like a lion or a wolf. Its four claws are dragon claws, with two horns on its forehead, six ears on both sides, and a wide mouth and nose.

The next moment, those evil beasts attacked, rushing like a black wave, and almost killed them under the pass in an instant.

"Fire arrows, throw stones!"

There was a roaring sound from the city tower, and immediately after that, arrows rained down, continuously passing through the air, attacking and killing the beasts.

Huge boulders were continuously thrown out one by one, falling towards the group of evil beasts, smashing the bodies of those evil beasts to pieces.

Even so, there were too many of those evil beasts, and they were desperate to crawl along the city wall towards the pass.

The kerosene was continuously poured down and fell on the bodies of those evil beasts, and then the torches were thrown down one by one, and the raging fire burned instantly, burning the bodies of those evil beasts.

This was an extremely fierce battle. The corpses of the Evil Beasts were piled up under the city tower, but in the end, they couldn't stop the Evil Beasts from climbing the city wall.

The burning beasts began to slaughter, and there were endless screams from the tower.

Seeing that the city gate will also be in danger, it will be broken by the evil beast.

But also at this moment...

A golden radiance suddenly fell from the sky, like a golden meteor smashing into the herd of evil beasts.

With a bang, a huge hole was opened in the ground.

The man walked out of the golden light, holding a gun in one hand, surrounded by crazy beasts.

The next moment, the man raised the gun and whispered, "Kill!"

When the spear pierced out, the golden light bloomed like a star!



Qiao Ye suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly raised her body from the bed, her whole body was drenched in sweat as if she had been fished out of the water.

The feeling of exhaustion spread all over Qiao Ye's body. Fortunately, it was not the first time he absorbed the Iron Book of the Martial God. Qiao Ye didn't care too much. He got up and pushed the bathtub, poured water into it, and leaned there.

The next thing Qiao Ye cares about most is naturally...

Nine-turn golden body!

A light curtain appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes!

Nine Turns Golden Body (Wushuang) (0/200000000): The supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god.

Immobility Reversal: Absorb the attack with the body of Jin Zun. After absorbing the attack, within 30 breaths, the attack can be transferred to any target.

Qiao Ye looked at the Nine Turns Golden Body and almost cried, Wushuang has finally surpassed the first rank and became Wushuang martial arts!

There is a level above the first rank, which Qiao Ye has already determined through the will of the Martial God, and the exercises, martial arts, treasures, and martial arts can all surpass the first rank.

Among them, martial arts and martial arts, after transcending the first rank, they are Wushuang, Tianxia, ​​and God's family.

Wushuang and Tianxia are taken from the meaning of Wushuang in the world, and the gods, in Qiao Ye's understanding, should be exclusive to those who are strong in the divine realm before the three realms and nine realms are broken.


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