Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 980: Thinking So Beautiful

Chapter 980 The thought is too beautiful

When Polaris kicked people out, Qiao Ye was also constantly calculating the time.

The time of thirty breaths is just right!

"Do not move and reverse!"

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, then knelt on the ground on one knee, and slapped the ground with one palm.

Boom, boom, boom!

With Qiao Ye's palm hitting the ground, all the previous attacks were diverted to the ground by Qiao Ye, and then a terrifying explosion sounded suddenly.

The street in front of it exploded continuously, directly shattered, and deep pits appeared one after another, and even the buildings on both sides were also affected.

Several buildings trembled and swayed constantly. First, large cracks appeared on the walls, and then burst into pieces, and then collapsed directly, one after another, and then a large cloud of smoke and dust rose up and swayed towards the surroundings!

The screams also rang out at this moment, some people were directly blown out, and some people were crushed by the collapsed building.

Blood appeared and swung continuously towards the surroundings.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 49,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the ninth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 36,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the second level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 16,000 points."


After one blow, Qiao Ye got up, then walked straight ahead, stepped over the ruins, and walked towards the entrance of Tianding Town.

Walking beside Qiao Ye, Jin Shengyi was also extremely surprised and said, "What are you doing now? This is too cruel!"

"Martial Emperor Realm is at the ninth level, and we are attacking the Emperor Realm!" Qiao Ye looked at Jin Shengyi and said, "Haven't you been promoted to Martial Emperor?"

Jin Shengyi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and said bitterly, "I'm also the Emperor of Martial Arts."

Jin Shengyi also broke through to the Martial Emperor Realm after experiencing bloody battles. In addition, because of the reason for Lin Ziyi's breaking through the sky-shattering demon butterfly and the twin golden luan butterfly, Lin Ziyi broke through the cultivation technique of the feathered butterfly in one fell swoop, and his cultivation base also broke through consecutively. Two steps into the Martial Emperor Realm, even before Jin Shengyi broke through.

Qin Jianchuan was a little bit mean. After all, he was practicing the way of swordsmanship. He specialized in swords, so his cultivation would be a little slower.


There is nothing wrong with the Martial Emperor Realm, but they have just broken through to the Martial Emperor, Qiao Ye has already reached the peak of the ninth rank, and is heading for the Martial Emperor Realm, and Qiao Ye is still a few years younger than Jin Shengyi.

Jin Shengyi suddenly didn't want to talk anymore.

Comparing people to people, it makes people mad!

No matter Jin Shengyi or Lin Ziyi, since they set foot on the path of cultivation, they have been highly expected geniuses. They have shown enough talent since they were young, but now, Jin Shengyi doubts whether he is suitable for cultivation. Thinking back then, When he first met Qiao Ye, his primary school boy was a rookie.

However, although there is envy, Jin Shengyi is not jealous. Qiao Ye is stronger, which is also a happy thing.

at the same time……

The two of them had already left the town, and the mountain road of Tianding Town was ahead.

Jin Shengyi said: "It was just an appetizer before, now we need to be more serious."

Qiao Ye nodded.

Those who are really capable will definitely get out of Tianding Town in the first time, and will not be easily trapped. Those who are currently caught in a melee in the town can only say that they are not strong enough.

But also at this time...

Suddenly there was a cry of an eagle in the sky, and a beast master rode a big white eagle across the sky, heading towards Tianding Mountain.

"Hey!" Jin Shengyi took a look and said with a sneer, "I don't know how dangerous the world is!"

"The Beast Master of the Beast Realm!" Qiao Ye said with a smile, "It's normal to live in peace for a long time!"

Qiao Ye and Jin Shengyi both have flying boats, but they don't use them. Instead, they choose to climb the mountain on foot. The reason is very simple. No one is stupid. They both know that flying up from the sky will be faster, but the problem is that they will definitely be shot down. A living target in the air!

Qiao Ye said: "We have to teach him a lesson and let him know that the Nine Domains Battlefield is not so messy!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, she pointed her mouth at Polaris!

Polaris understood, raised the crystal double crossbow directly into the air, and then pulled the trigger.

Two beams of aurora shot up into the sky, but the beast master reacted very quickly, and immediately urged the white eagle to dodge left and right.

However, in the state of direct fire without beast control skills, Polaris' aurora beam does not need to be charged, and the attack speed is much faster than expected. Just as the opponent dodged, the two aurora beams shot up into the sky again.

One, two, three...

More than a dozen aurora beams rushed up continuously, and the opponent suddenly felt pressured, but they could barely avoid it, but at this moment...

Beast-monitoring skill, flurry!

Polaris' body was full of light, and in the next moment, two aurora balls were condensed out from the front end of the crystallized crossbow again.

Polaris for real!

Boom, boom!

Two explosions sounded, and the two aurora spheres exploded at this moment, suddenly turning into twelve aurora beams, which fell suddenly from the sky.

This is impossible to avoid. Polaris's trick is very subtle. The top-down aurora beam has not yet dissipated. The speed of the falling aurora beam is even faster, directly blocking the entire area.

The speed of the white eagle is fast and agile enough, but when the space is completely sealed off, except for space movement, general dodge is meaningless.

Boom! Boom!

Two consecutive aurora beams hit, and after a loud noise, the white eagle was shot down from the air abruptly, and fell straight into the forest.

Qiao Ye spread his hands at Jin Shengyi and said, "I think after this time, he should understand the truth that the higher you fly, the harder you fall."

Although not fatal, the degree of serious injury should not be too high. The opponent's ability to break out of the encirclement must not only rely on the ability of the white eagle to fly into the air, but must still have strength, otherwise he would have been beaten down long ago.

But right now, he probably didn't dare to use the flying beast anymore, unless he wanted to be beaten down again. If the opponent was really so tough, Qiao Ye certainly didn't mind letting Polaris do it again.

Jin Shengyi smiled, and said, "Let's go too!"

Qiao Ye nodded.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye, Jin Shengyi, and Polaris flew forward at the same time, turning into three figures and moving forward at high speed in the forest.

The cave of Yuanyang Shiru is located halfway up the mountain, and the three of them walked along the mountain road all the way, but they did not encounter any attack.

First, there will not be too many people who can kill up the mountain in the first place, and most people are still fighting in Tianding Town, so it will not be so easy to meet them. Second, they are all for taking Yuanyang stone milk. What's the deal? It is purely a waste of time, no one wants to fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit from it, so it is not too late to start after seeing something.


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