Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 981 Battle on the Mountainside

Chapter 981 Battle on the Mountainside

Halfway up the mountain!

This is a snake-shaped mountain road area, going back and forth from left to right, and at the top of the mountain road is the cave of Yuanyang Shiru.

Seeing that they were about to reach the place, Qiao Ye and Jin Shengyi suddenly sensed something, and suddenly looked up.


A loud explosion suddenly appeared, and then a large cloud of sand and dust swayed towards the outside of the mountain.

From the smoke and dust, a figure emerged, and crashed into the side mountain in some embarrassment, obviously being blasted out by someone.

Qiao Ye and Jin Shengyi looked at each other with the same meaning in their eyes.

Someone got it!

That being the case, there is no hesitation, just grab it and it's over.

Qiao Ye glanced at Polaris, Polaris also understood, immediately stepped forward, and raised the crystallized hand crossbow upwards!

Boom, boom!

Two aurora beams appeared, sticking to the mountain wall and passing upwards. The moment the aurora beams passed by, the gable wall was directly drawn with two cracks, from bottom to top, with a distance of up to 100 meters, like a mountain wall. It was like being cut open.

Until the two polar beams entered the smoke and dust above, the roar of the explosion suddenly appeared, blasting the flying sand and dust.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye glanced at Jin Shengyi and said, "I'll go first!"

Jin Shengyi nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qiao Ye jumped up lightly, and at the moment Qiao Ye jumped up, Jin Shengyi let out a low cry, and then his whole body was shining with golden light, entering the state of Wuhun, and a golden battle armor appeared on Jin Shengyi's body.

The next moment, Jin Shengyi raised his leg and swept forward with all his strength.

Qiao Ye's legs fell, and they just landed on Jin Shengyi's legs. As Jin Shengyi vigorously raised his legs and swept across, Qiao Ye flew upwards like a cannonball.

Qiao Ye escaped into the sky in an instant, and using this method, he directly crossed the mountain road below and came to a position halfway up the mountain.

Qiao Ye lowered his head and looked down. A man and a woman were fighting. Immediately, he raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to shake sideways.

The black smoke kept surging, turned into a black halberd and fell into Qiao Ye's hands, and then Qiao Ye's whole body fell downward.


Qiao Ye fell to the ground, slashed out the black halberd in his hand, and hit the ground with one blow. Immediately afterwards, the sound of an explosion suddenly resounded.

With Qiao Ye as the center, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters exploded on the ground, two or three meters deep, and the layers of air waves were like waves, layer after layer, pushing away frantically. , rolled up gravel and rolled, and dust rolled up the sky.

The face of the man and woman who were engaged in the battle also changed, and they had no choice but to give up the fight and retreat towards the rear for the time being.

After a while, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed!

Qiao Ye slowly walked out of the pit with a black halberd on his shoulders.

Qiao Ye first looked at the man. The man came from the Demon Realm and had already entered a demonized state. His whole body had scales like a pangolin. Under the palm, there were two flat bone blades piercing out.

The other party's clothes are very distinctive, fur waistcoats and fur skirts, and some accessories made of wolf bones are also hung.

"Moyu, Yemoren..." Qiao Ye hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Beigong Tianxia!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she looked at the woman on the other side.

The clothes of the guardians of the spiritual domain seem to be quite old, they look close to forty years old, their years are passing away, but there is still a kind of beauty called charm that still exists.

"Lingyu, the guardian of the realm!" Qiao Ye said with a smile: "Thousand knitting needles, Liang Lanlan!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she spread her hands.

"I don't care who owns the Yuanyang stone milk." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "Anyway, if you hand over the things, you can leave alive. If you don't hand in the things, I will take them from your corpses. The two of you Pick your own!"

"Qiao Ye, what a big tone." Liang Lanlan sneered and said, "A brat dares to speak wild words. When my mother became a guardian, you were still not born in the mother's womb!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said: "Auntie, this only means that you are old, and you are too old to marry. I really don't know what you are so proud of!"


Liang Lanlan yelled angrily, and suddenly made a move. After raising her hand towards Qiao Ye, countless white silk threads flew out from the cuffs of the skirt with flowing sleeves, flying towards Qiao Ye.

On the other side, the moment Liang Lanlan made a move, Beigong Tianxia turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, so it turned out that Yuanyang stone milk was obtained by Beigong Tianxia.

If the thing was in Liang Lanlan's hands, this woman would not attack her immediately. After all, she is too old to be so indistinguishable. After getting the thing, of course the first goal is to take the thing out. Instead of fighting against Qiao Ye.

On the contrary, Beigong Tianxia is very suitable for the characteristics of getting things. You hit you, anyway, I got the things, so I will run first and then talk.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye slapped it sideways.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

A rift in the void suddenly opened in the air, and then, a huge golden handprint appeared and slapped it in Liang Lanlan's direction.

In the next moment, the silk thread sprayed out from Liang Lanlan's cuff wrapped around the golden handprint, and then...


A bursting sound suddenly appeared, and the silk thread directly split and shattered the golden handprint.

As a veteran guardian of the spiritual realm, Liang Lanlan's level of cultivation at the seventh level of the Linghuang Realm is still very high, but Qiao Ye has no intention of entangled with Liang Lanlan at all.

The moment the palm was slapped, Qiao Ye had already flashed out, like a ghost, and blocked Beigong Tianxia.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the Yuanyang stone milk!"

Beigong Tianxia didn't say a word, just raised his palm and slapped it down towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye sneered, not bothering to dodge at all, just watching Beigong Tianxia's palm fall.

Seeing the moment when the palm was about to slap on Qiao Ye Tianling's cover...

Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye suddenly entered the state of Nine Turns Golden Body, her whole body glowing goldenly, and then with a "bang", Beigong Tianxia's palm fell, but was blocked by the golden light, no matter how hard Beigong Tianxia tried, he couldn't get an inch in. Half a point, breaking through the defense of the nine-turn golden body.



Qiao Ye suddenly jumped up, kicked Beigong Tianxia's chest with one kick, and kicked Beigong Tianxia three to five meters away with the other.

This kick is not very lethal, but it is a bit insulting. At least it is the fifth level of the Demon Emperor Realm. Qiao Ye's martial arts skills are useless, and he directly kicks people away.

Beigong Tianxia also had an angry look on his face, and he slapped the ground fiercely, his whole body rolled up, wanting to pounce on Qiao Ye again.

But also at this moment...


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