Chapter 982

Before Beigong Tianxia had time to rush out, a piece of silk thread suddenly came from behind, wrapped around a bone hanging from Beigong Tianxia's waist, and retracted towards the rear.

That bone, if nothing unexpected happens, should be the Noble Phantasm of Space in Beigong Tianxia.

"Old witch..." Beigong Tianxia was furious: "Give me back the things!"

Liang Lanlan is still experienced, there is no rush to fight or anything, the way to get something is king, after all, only when you have something can you have the initiative, you can fight but you can escape, if you can't get something, you can only chase after the person who got it Just run.


Liang Lanlan didn't succeed!

The silk thread pulled Beigong Tianxia's wolf bone and was about to withdraw it, but at this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out and held the silk thread.

Jin Shengyi looked in Qiao Ye's direction and smiled and said, "I came in time, right?"

Qiao Ye also laughed, but it was Jin Shengyi and Polaris who arrived!

Jin Shengyi came in time, and shot in time. After grabbing the silk thread, Polaris suddenly jumped up, and a pair of crystalline swords appeared in his hands, and he slashed forward, cutting off Liang Lanlan's silk thread. It was in Jin Shengyi's hands.

Liang Lanlan was furious, and lost all her possessions. She yelled at Jin Shengyi, "The juniors are becoming more and more ignorant now, so let me teach you how to behave!"

While talking, Liang Lanlan waved her palms forward, and silk threads appeared in the cuffs again, and she went straight to Jin Shengyi.

This time, the silk thread was not soft, but twisted into strands, like a javelin.

Jin Shengyi immediately jumped up, and the silk thread hit the ground, making a roaring sound, and then shattered a piece of the ground.

In mid-air, Jin Shengyi threw the wolf bone at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, go on!"

But at the moment the wolf bone was thrown, a figure passed across the sky, suddenly grabbed the wolf bone in the air, and after a tumbling, fell to the ground.

"The fight is so lively, how about counting me in?"

The visitor was in his early thirties, dressed in sackcloth, and had a huge saber on his back. The man was not short, about 1.9 meters tall, but the hilt of the saber was half a head taller than the man's. .

Wu Qiong, a master of the Heavenly Demon Department in the Spiritual Realm, the fifth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, the winter wind is like a knife!

Liang Lanlan shouted at Wu Qiong: "Wu Qiong, give me the things!"

Wu Qiong ignored Liang Lanlan. Although they were all from the spiritual realm, it didn't mean they belonged to one group. Liang Lanlan represented the guardians of the spiritual realm.

As for Wu Qiong, although he came from one of the three major divisions of the Spiritual Realm, the Tianmao Division, and has outstanding strength, Wu Qiong is neither a guardian, nor a guardian, nor a world mystic!

This guy is a knight-errant, and he doesn't belong to any faction other than being from the Tianlu tribe. The reason why he came to compete for Yuanyang stone milk is because Wu Qiong wants it himself!

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and jumped directly towards Wu Qiong, with black smoke swirling around her arms, turning into a black halberd, and slashed towards Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong's figure flashed, and the moment he dodged Qiao Ye's blow, he pulled out the saber on his back and stood it in front of him.


Qiao Ye swung his halberd and slashed again. The black halberd slashed on the saber, making a clear and crisp sound.

Qiao Ye looked at Wu Qiong, this guy is a bit strong!

Qiao Ye is naturally very clear about the virtues of the spiritual monks in the spiritual realm. Few of these guys are good at close combat.

But Wu Qiong is obviously an alternative among them. However, if you think about it carefully, if your physical body is not good enough, you probably won't use a weapon like a saber.

Not everyone can use such a giant knife!

The two wrestled, the saber and the black halberd collided, trembling slightly, and making continuous noises.

But at this moment...


A beast's roar suddenly appeared, and in the next moment, a beam of light suddenly struck from the side of the mountain forest, heading straight for Qiao Ye and Wu Qiong.

Qiao Ye and Wu Qiong glanced at the light beam, and immediately jumped back.


The light beam fell to the ground and pushed forward, like an unparalleled sharp knife, directly cutting a terrifying crack into the ground.

After a while, a giant colorful tiger walked out of the forest. It was not much different from ordinary tigers, but its size looked extraordinarily huge, almost two and a half meters high. Besides, that tiger had six tails. .

Behind the six-tailed tiger, there is also a huge humanoid terracotta figurine, footless, about four or five meters high, floating in the air, with a man sitting on the shoulders of the terracotta figurine.

Beast Master of the Beast Realm!

The beast master appeared, looked at Qiao Ye fiercely and said, "You are the one who attacked me!"

"Sneak attack?" Qiao Ye smiled and stretched out his index finger and said, "I am attacking by the legitimate light!"

The corner of the beast master's eyes twitched, then he looked at Polaris and said, "This is your beast? It looks quite novel, a type I've never seen before, dare to fight with me?"

"Want to fight? Wait for the young master to grab something and play with you slowly!" Qiao Ye took off his coat, revealing a short combat uniform, and sneered, "Now, the young master is not free!"


Qiao Ye didn't intend to pay attention to the beast master at all. Yuanyang stone milk was the most important thing. Apart from that, Qiao Ye was lazy about other things now.

With a little tiptoe, Qiao Ye quickly flew forward and went straight to Wu Qiong.

As soon as Qiao Ye made a move, Liang Lanlan and Beigong Tianxia were also not to be outdone, and directly killed him, wanting to snatch the wolf bone.

"Twelve Merry Sword Techniques!" Wu Qiong shouted, and swiped the horse-chopping knife in his hand, saying, "The east wind is like a knife!"

With a bang, after the knife was cut out, there was a bursting sound from Wu Qiong's feet, and then a tornado suddenly rose from Wu Qiong's feet!

Even though he used a saber, based on Wu Qiong's terrifying strength, Qiao Ye could deduce that this guy might be good at melee combat.

However, Wu Qiong is essentially a spiritual monk in the spiritual domain. This ability to manipulate wind is Wu Qiong's forte. .

Liang Lanlan made a move, and countless silk threads flew forward, directly turning into a big net, trying to catch Wu Qiong, but it was useless, the silk thread was directly twisted when it touched the wind of the tornado of crushing.

On the other hand, Beigong Tianxia's fighting style also has the characteristics of Ye Moren.

Ferocity and ruthlessness are the labels of night devils. They live in the wilderness all the year round and wage wars with the Daqian Dynasty year after year, which makes all night devils look tough in their bones.

Facing the tornado that rolled away, Beigong Tianxia directly chose to carry it hard, rushed out towards the tornado, and then slammed into it fiercely!


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