This kind of teaching has no distinction, even more than Jixia Academy.

Jixia Academy's teachings have no distinction, and are aimed at loose cultivators and children of aristocratic families or disciples of major sects.

But there is also a premise, that is, it must be a human being!

The world of Buddhism and Dao is different. Human beings, monsters, and even demons and demons can all believe in Buddhism!

This kind of teaching has no distinction, so that the world of Buddhism and Taoism gathers the powerhouses of various races.

And more importantly, the powerhouses of all races have become extremely devout to Buddhism for whatever reason...

It is precisely because of this that the Great World of Buddhism and Dao has always been an existence that is extremely fearful in the world of 100,000!

And the identity of this young monk is also very extraordinary, he is called the holy monk of meditation.

He is one of the eight major sects in the world of Buddhism and Taoism, the Buddhist son of the Pure Land sect.

In the world of Buddhism and Taoism, he is a well-known young genius.

The birth of Xian Ding this time shocked the world of Buddhism and Taoism, and countless powerful people from the Buddha world came.

And the holy monk of meditation is one of them...

This Bodhi seed is a sacred object of Buddhism and Taoism. It is extremely rare in the world of Buddhism and Taoism. Every time it is born, it can attract many ancient Buddhas to fight for it.

Now that he has just entered this great world of immortal cauldrons, a bodhi seed has appeared.

Let the meditation saint monk be very pleasantly surprised.

It is to directly ask Long Linger for it.

The holy monk of meditation smiled and said softly: "Of course, the little monk will also use this thing to exchange with the little benefactor."

He took out another medicinal pill in his hand. This medicinal pill was filled with radiance, and various visions rose up, and the medicinal fragrance was everywhere.

Obviously not a fan.

Such an elixir is a divine elixir in the great world of Buddhism and Taoism, called the Foyun Good Fortune Pill.

The Buddha Rhythm Good Fortune Pill is extremely extraordinary, contains infinite medicinal power, and has the effect of calming the mind of the Tao.

The cultivator who has encountered a bottleneck in the cultivation realm, with this medicine pill, has a greater grasp of breaking through the realm.

It is self-evident that it is attractive to monks.

In all fairness, the preciousness of this Buddha Rhythm Pill is actually not as precious as that of Bodhi.

But Bodhizi is only useful to people in Buddhism, and it is like a chicken rib for monks of other Taoist traditions.

But the Buddha Rhythm Good Fortune Pill is extremely useful for monks.

Therefore, it is fair to exchange the Buddha Yun Good Fortune Pill for Bodhi seeds.

The holy monk of meditation smiled and waited for Long Ling'er to send the Bodhi son over. He was very confident in this.

After all, anyone who can weigh the pros and cons a little will make the right choice...

But Long Linger was very unhappy!

She pouted and looked at the holy monk of meditation angrily.

For her, collecting treasures is not because of the efficacy of treasures, but because of love!

She loves this shiny thing!

And this Bodhi child bumped into her arms by herself, so it's hers...

There is no reason to hand over the things that went into her Long Linger's pocket!

Long Linger's pretty face was icy cold, and she looked at the holy monk of meditation coldly for a long time.

Suddenly, the divine light flashed in his hand, and a golden scimitar appeared!

This scimitar is golden light, filled with deep murderous intent, the blade is covered with dragon patterns, and the dragon patterns swim like a living thing, and there are thunders surging around.

Obviously it is a very high-grade killing treasure!

Long Linger has a knife in hand, I have it in the world.

The petite and cute little girl took out such a murderous magic weapon. The impact of this scene is really strong.

And this also surprised the monk of meditation. WeChat applet

He didn't snatch it either, just negotiated with the little girl in exchange for the treasure.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Is this little girl going to work hard? ?

If you are not satisfied, just say it directly, I can add more, why do you have to work hard?

But just when the monk of meditation had something to say.

A scene that surprised everyone even more appeared.

Long Linger did not take action, but threw the treasured saber in his hand to the holy monk of meditation...

She stood with her hands behind her back, her expression unpredictable, and she said old-fashioned: "Go ahead, I don't kill unarmed people."

Meditation Saint Monk: "..."

He looked at the treasured saber in front of him, and then at Long Linger, who had a masterful look on his face.

The Adam's apple moved slightly, and the holy monk couldn't help swallowing.

He has to admit.

He was somewhat stunned by this little girl...

The cultivators around were also stunned by Long Linger. Most of them had been traveling for many years and had seen all kinds of people.

But it was the first time I saw someone who acted strangely like Long Linger.

Whose little girl is this... so weird?


The monk of meditation finally withdrew.

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