The Pure Land sect he came from is a rather gentle sect among the eight major sects of Buddhism and Taoism.

Therefore, seeing that Bodhizi fell into the hands of Long Linger, he did not directly fight for it, but chose to exchange treasures with Long Linger.

But this operation of Long Linger really shocked him.

After weighing the pros and cons, the holy monk of meditation chose to leave and no longer entangle with Long Linger.

After all, the world of Xian Ding is extremely huge, and there may be other Bodhi sons appearing, so there is really no need to entangle with Long Ling'er here.

And Long Linger is just a little girl, he is a famous monk in the world of Buddhism and Taoism.

For a little girl to take action, it is really a bit of a loss of demeanor, and the holy monk of meditation cannot hold this face.

But the more important reason is...

Although Long Linger is only young, her aura is not outstanding.

But the holy monk of meditation can faintly feel that Long Ling'er's petite and lovely body contains extremely terrifying power!

.... he has no certainty of victory. what.

Chapter 600: Siege of Chu Miaoyin

Looking at the retreating monk of meditation, Long Linger snorted proudly, this is the way to put away the Bodhi seed and the treasured sword.

As if he had won a big victory, he glanced around the crowd triumphantly.

Then he turned and left, turning into a rainbow light and disappearing.

Among the many monks around, there are many people with fierce aura, with fierce light in their eyes, but they finally chose to give up.

Although these desperados fought fiercely, their eyesight was also extremely high.

The holy monk of meditation retreated, probably not just because Long Linger was so young.

Moreover, the treasured sword that Long Linger sacrificed was extremely extraordinary, and the murderous aura filled the air, which meant that Long Linger's identity background was probably not simple.

Maybe there is a guardian behind it!

They really don't need to take big risks...

After all, this fairy cauldron has just been born, and there are still many opportunities...


Chu Miaoyin was dressed in a golden palace attire, which made her look even more elegant, noble and glamorous to the extreme!

She walked with her hands behind her back, crossing hundreds of millions of miles of void in one step, her divine sense overwhelming the sky and covering the continents, looking for the trace of the emperor.

In fact, Chu Miaoyin and the emperor were not from the same era. When the emperor rose, she just watched from behind the scenes.

But for the emperor, Chu Miaoyin still has the will to kill!

This kind of will to kill is not just because of the Chu God Clan. WeChat applet

Also because of Chu Xu...

The various backhands of the emperor, even Chu Miaoyin felt a slight palpitation in his heart.

This peerless hero's coveted heart for the great world of Xianmen is obvious.

And the various methods of the emperor have become the biggest obstacle to the Chu clan, or Chu Xu's struggle for immortal fate.

Or it can be said that the emperor is the biggest obstacle for Chu Xu to enjoy the opportunity of Xianmen alone!

So the emperor must die!

The birth of Xian Ding this time has been hidden in the dark, and the emperor who never shows a trace will definitely come in person.

This is the best chance to kill the emperor...

Chu Miaoyin is willing to become a knife and clear all obstacles on the way for Chu Xu!

Even if this obstacle is the emperor and the people of the world...


Chu Miaoyin stepped across the void, suddenly her expression changed slightly, and she stopped.

She looked blankly at the void in front of her, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

He said lightly, "Come out."

A chuckle sounded, and a white-haired old man walked out of the void, clad and hunted, occupying a hundred thousand li in the sky, suppressing the hundreds of thousands of miles of void almost to a standstill.

He was looking at Chu Miaoyin with a sneer.

This old man is extremely ancient, and even his whole body is filled with rotten death, and in the deep death, there is a faint vitality.

The cycle of life and death is endless!

His Taoism is really deep to the extreme, and he is a real emperor and powerhouse!

Seeing the old man, Chu Miaoyin raised her brows slightly, and her face showed a bit of surprise: "Ancestor Zhenyue? Are you still alive?"

The ancestor of Zhenyue smiled: "You are not dead, why am I willing to die?"

Although Patriarch Zhenyue had a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes, but a deep murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

He and the Chu God Clan, or Chu Miaoyin, have a bloody feud!

Over the years, the Chu God Clan has annexed countless Taoist forces, many of which are super Taoist.

And Zhenyue Immortal Mansion is one of them...

Zhenyue Immortal Mansion was once an existence on the same level as Guantian Daoyuan, Supreme Daoist and other super Daoists.

Hundreds of domains under his command, tens of thousands of disciples under his command, countless strong people, and even the great emperor Zhenyue Patriarch, who is very busy for a while!

But it is a pity that Zhenyue Xianfu and the Chu God Clan are located in the west of the one hundred thousand realm.

On the way of the expansion of the Chu God Clan, Zhenyue Xianfu, a giant in the eyes of the world, has also become a stumbling block for the Chu God Clan.

At that time, Chu Miaoyin, who was in charge of the Chu God Clan, brazenly led countless strong men to destroy Zhenyue Xianfu.

The once prosperous Zhenyue Immortal Mansion was destroyed with a bang, and the ruling realm was all owned by the Chu God Clan.


Almost all of them were slaughtered, and only the ancestor of Zhenyue barely escaped, his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown.

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