"Only if you can compare with yourselves will your cultivation be worthwhile."

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, the women fell into silence.

Luo Qinghan and Lin Yuan looked at each other, with a faint smile on their lips, lowered their heads and started eating by themselves.

It was quiet everywhere, except for the sizzling sound of barbecue in the boss's stall and the smell of food rushing in. The other sounds seemed to be isolated from the outside.

Suddenly, Qiu Wuji picked up the chopsticks, inserted them into the bowl of noodles that was about to fall apart, and stirred the noodles and soup evenly. He abandoned his previous elegance and ate the noodles like a person who had not eaten for a long time. Started eating with big mouthfuls.

The same goes for Ye Chuxia and Long Xi. Although they are still silent, their expressions are more determined.

After eating and drinking, they found an inn to rest for the night.

This time there are enough rooms, even one room for one person is more than enough.

After the shopkeeper led several people to his guest room, he went to do other things.

Just as Lin Yuan closed the door, he heard Luo Qinghan's voice coming from outside.

It seemed that he wanted to talk to Qiu Wuji and several others, but he couldn't hear clearly what was said.

never mind……

Lin Yuan lay on the bed, thinking about the next step.

Not to mention whether the appearance of Yan Jiuxi will break the original plot setting, it is hard to say whether it will cause any timeline deviation by forcing the heroine group into the plot line.

Now Luo Qinghan's level has risen, and he will continue to improve with him, but Qiu Wuji and the others don't seem to be able to break through the level so easily.

What went wrong?

As he thought about it, Lin Yuan felt that his upper and lower eyelids began to fight, and then his vision fell into darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, the black space suddenly trembled, cracks appeared in the originally airtight sky, and the light from outside spilled in.

The cracks grew bigger and bigger, and soon they covered the entire sky. The intertwined cracks were like stars, hanging high above and twinkling.

Suddenly, the fragmented sky was shattered by a huge palm, and scattered pieces fell down.

Lin Yuan's breath froze, and he stared at the huge thing, trying to see its whole picture clearly.

The rough skin like ravines was attached to the strong limbs like pillars of heaven, and the space was shaken to the point of becoming somewhat precarious. However, the behemoth was not aware of the current crisis and was still wreaking wanton destruction.

Lin Yuan tried his best to stabilize his lower body. On the one hand, he had to avoid falling with the space debris, and on the other hand, he had to be wary of the Monster's attack on him.

His eyes gradually moved upward, and just when he thought he could see Monster clearly, there was a thick smoke that blocked Monster's entire first half of his life.

But the next moment, the smoke seemed to sense someone's gaze falling on it, and became a little thinner.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Lin Yuan, fear rising from the soles of his feet...


Lin Yuan suddenly sat up, his other hand still firmly grasping his heart. The beating heart at that moment was opening and closing, but the speed was much faster than before.

It turned out to be a dream...

He looked down at his hands, breathing heavily, and the scene of being intimidated by the behemoth was still vivid in his mind.

What the hell is that?

Although it is a dream, it is extremely real, as if... through a spell constructed by someone, one can see the scene in a certain corner.

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and thought of someone.

Yan Jiuxi.

While he was thinking, the door to the room was opened.

"I go……"

Lin Yuan subconsciously pulled up his quilt, and then Luo Qinghan and the other girls walked in.

Luo Qinghan was a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Master, it's my turn to ask you, why did you come in so coldly and without knocking?"

"You are a man, what are you afraid of?"


Several black lines were drawn on Lin Yuan's forehead.

That seems to be true...but he, a man, also needs privacy among so many girls!

He composed a few words in his mind and walked down as if nothing had happened, preparing to change his clothes.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that all the clothes he had placed on the chair were gone. When he looked again, he didn't know when those clothes had ended up on the bodies of Qiu Wuji and the others.

"Junior sister, what are you doing with senior brother's clothes?"

The women looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course I'm helping senior brother get dressed."

"No need, senior brother can do it himself..."

Not allowing Lin Yuan to refuse, the women directly helped Lin Yuan get dressed.

Lining, lining, binding...

All the things in the hands of the women were installed, but Lin Yuan always felt that something was missing from his body. What was missing...

Lin Yuan looked himself up and down and found that his waist was empty.

Where's my belt? !

When he raised his head, he met Luo Qinghan's eyes, and Luo Qinghan happened to be holding his belt in his hand.

"Master... I will do this myself..."

Lin Yuan didn't think Luo Qinghan would help him put on his belt, but Luo Qinghan seemed to have not heard his words and walked over on his own.


Faced with Luo Qinghan's sudden hug, Lin Yuan did not dare to move. He just stayed in place, letting Luo Qinghan wrap his arms around his waist a few times, tied the belt around his waist, and then slowly tightened it. tight.


Lin Yuan took a breath of cold air.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Qinghan stopped what she was doing. There was no emotion in her eyes. Lin Yuan even saw a chill in her eyes.


He grinned in pain and watched Luo Qinghan's hands twisting his waist a few times in a playful manner.

That sour and refreshing...

After fastening the belt, Luo Qinghan patted it, as if admiring the handicrafts he had made.

"Have you all rested?"

"Get some rest!"

"Then let's set off."

Luo Qinghan led the women one step ahead, leaving Lin Yuan alone at the end of the group.

Lin Yuan felt as if he was lying in a minefield in the morning, being struck by this ball of lightning and was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. It seemed that Luo Qinghan and the girls had a long conversation all night yesterday. It was rare to see them. The front is so highly unified.

After walking out of the city, Bai Ze was already waiting for everyone outside the city gate.


She stretched lazily, tried her best to open her droopy eyelids, and yawned carelessly.

"Then let's go on. I walked along the route again yesterday. If nothing else happens, we will be able to find the whereabouts of Chaos in a few days."

At the same time, Xiao Fan, led by the old man, came to a treasure land with abundant spiritual power.

"You can practice here."

"Master, why can't I improve my level?"

Xiao Fan often fell into self-doubt during this period. His talent was not low, and he also felt the shackles of his cultivation. He only needed to work hard to break through this shackles.

Who would have known that such a long time has passed, let alone a breakthrough, the seal of the upper limit has not even moved, pressing down on his Dantian like a rock.

He clenched his hands, remembering his Dantian that had been destroyed several times.

"Is there something wrong with my health?"

The old man smiled, with a smile hidden in his eyes.

"Don't think so much. With the master here, you will definitely become emperor."

Xiao Fan looked at the old man's appearance, his usual dependence overshadowed his independent thinking.

"Okay, I believe Master."

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