On the way down, after crossing a large river, the opposite side is the land of the Southern Barbarians.

As soon as they stepped into it, everyone felt the harsh environment of the southern barbarian land.

There is mud everywhere and mosquitoes are rampant. If you are not careful, you will fall into the danger hidden in the corner.

Even if Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were walking among them, they would trip over hidden pits from time to time, not to mention the Qiu Wuji people who fell behind the team. They had suffered from the harsh environment of the Southern Barbarians along the way, and their normally fair skin was stained There were little red marks everywhere.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Yuan looked at the road in front of him with no end in sight and couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

Bai Ze had previously vowed to reach the place where Chaos was within half a month, but who knew that it took them almost more than a month on the road before they finally entered Nanman.

First of all, the changes in the Southern Barbarian region are complicated, and it is not easy to pass through certain places. And in this harsh environment, the aura of chaos has become vague. If you want to survive in such extreme It is not easy to find the breath of chaos in such an environment.

This is not only a test for Bai Ze, but also a test for them.

Bai Ze walked in front to defend everyone against the mosquito army, his eyebrows filled with disgust.

"How come the Nanman looks like this? He's so dirty."

Even though Bai Ze's whole body exuded a terrifying aura, the southern barbarian mosquitoes didn't seem to be afraid. They still rushed towards him and bit him accurately, which made Bai Ze, a Supreme Monster, painful under their mouths. Have to scream.

Lin Yuan shook his head, crushed a bottle of green potion in his hand, and used his spiritual power to control it into a stream of mist, which fell evenly on Bai Ze's body.

"What's this……?!"

When Bai Ze saw the green liquid, his eyes instantly showed panic, and he thought about escaping from the rain and mist. However, Lin Yuan was faster and stopped Bai Ze's figure for a second.


Bai Ze looked at the white hair on his body and fell down a little helpless, still shouting.

"I'm not clean anymore...I'm not clean anymore..."

Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly, ignoring this mysophobic guy, and led Luo Qinghan and others forward.

Although he does not have the ability to sense the breath of ferocious beasts, he has eliminated many wrong routes over the past few days. As for the remaining routes, there will always be one that points to the place where they ultimately want to go, and among these routes , the general direction is the same.

Not long after they left, the wailing behind them gradually became quieter, and then there was a burst of surprise.

"Hey, why don't they bite me?"

Bai Ze didn't believe in evil and went up to him. As a result, the mosquitoes seemed to have seen the god of plague and hurriedly avoided it.

Bai Ze, who was puzzled, took two steps, walked directly to Lin Yuan and asked.

"Hey, Lin Yuan, what is this thing you sprinkled on me?"


"Have you never heard of... a very powerful medicinal strain?"

"Well, it's like you have several plants under your feet."

"Ah?" Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, then moved his feet and looked at the green plants on the ground that had been trampled into shape, "Can this thing drive away those bugs?"

"All things are in conflict with each other. It's not that they are driven away, it's just that they don't like the taste of this plant. Sometimes, likes and dislikes are also very important."

Bai Ze was confused when he heard this, but he turned around and pulled up the soil on the ground, kicked the small mixed green plant into his arms, and walked forward happily, like the arrogant demon in the world. Head, trying to capture the whole world in his eyes.

Fortunately, not all areas in the Southern Barbarians are as they first saw, and they are full of corruption.

Outside the lush forest, many houses are built on the mountain, row after row.

When they came down the mountain, they even blended into the group of villagers. When they saw Lin Yuan and the others, they not only were not timid, but also approached them enthusiastically and asked.

"Hey, young man, where did you come from? You don't look like us. These clothes are better than those bought by the village chief's son from the city, right?"

Several villagers replied in response.

"Yes, yes, and some of them look like they should be rangers."

"I've heard that monks can go to heaven and into the sea, but I don't know if that's true."

"It must be true..."

Lin Yuan seemed stunned.

The villagers said they were asking them, but they only mentioned themselves in passing. Instead, they started talking to themselves, without giving Lin Yuan and the others a chance to speak. However, following the villagers, they took less detours. Then he went down the mountain.

"Young heroes, you can reach the city by walking more than ten miles to the west. There is an inn for you to stay there." An enthusiastic aunt said, looked up at the sky, and said to her about to leave. Lin Yuan and others warned, "It's getting late, you'd better set off as early as possible, otherwise the city gate will be closed and no one within a hundred miles will take you in."


"There are monsters in this mountain, and they always like to come and eat people at dusk, so no matter who knocks on the door at night, you must not open the door."

The aunt looked around nervously, and after hastily saying goodbye to Lin Yuan and others, she was still mumbling something while walking.

The girls made no move, but glanced at Lin Yuan first, and Lin Yuan looked at Bai Ze.

"Have you found the whereabouts of Chaos?"

Bai Ze sighed helplessly.

"The aura here is too complicated. Every breath seems to contain information about chaos. Of course, it may also be a deception emitted by Chaos itself to confuse people."

When Lin Yuan heard this, his pupils brightened slightly.

"Doesn't that mean that Chaos is nearby?!"

"No, no, no, you think too simply."

"What's the meaning?"

"We beasts can emit a specific fragrant scent. When it is different from spiritual power, this scent symbolizes the status of the owner, and it can also be regarded as a kind of territorial awareness. Even if the breath of chaos is mixed in, there is still a lot of it. They came along with the wind and finally gathered in this place.”

Lin Yuan had some trouble in his eyes.

"In this case, the process of finding it will be much more difficult."

"That's natural... The last time we were under the boundary sea, the water was flowing. Even if there was fragrance, it would be diluted by the current. But it is different on land. Even if it would be diluted, it would not be diluted. It will disappear or even linger nearby, declaring its territorial sovereignty.”

Lin Yuan glanced at Bai Ze and said, "You don't want to say... that you might not be able to find the location of Chaos, right?"

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