When the wind stops, the trees stop.

The rustling sounds mixed in the air also dissipated, leaving only a few cicadas chirping.

When Bai Ze heard Lin Yuan's words, he looked a little panicked.

"How... how is it possible?" Her tone of voice suddenly became much higher. "Are you kidding me? I can feel the breath of chaos, so how can I not find it?"

The more Bai Ze spoke, the more excited she became. As if she was afraid of being wronged, she hurriedly explained something to herself. However, the more anxious she became when she spoke, the more her limbs and feet moved, and the ground began to tremble.


The soil that was still rock solid just now seemed to have been affected by some force majeure factor. The soil formed into plates cracked and collapsed. Then the land for several miles around sank one after another, taking everyone standing on it with it. Go down.

Lin Yuan felt his eyes go dark and lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of rolling rocks resounded in the silent world. It was like a rhythm, and matched with the sound of gurgling water, one after another in this empty space.

Lin Yuan felt the light, his eyes were moving under his tightly closed eyelids, and his long eyelashes were slightly raised. After lying on the ground for a while, he finally recovered from the deathly silence.

He opened his eyes, and a white-grey mountain wall came into view.

Tick ​​tock.

A ringing sound like a bell lingered in my ears, continuing slowly with each breath.

Lin Yuan searched for the source of the sound and found that it was the echo caused by the water droplets condensed from the stalactites extending from the top of his head and falling on the ground.

This is...where?

He stood up from the ground and looked around.

Weren't they still talking to Bai Ze up there just now, so why did they end up here in the blink of an eye?

Where are they?

Thinking about this, as soon as Lin Yuan opened his legs, he noticed bursts of pain coming from his body. He lowered his head and saw that there were several cuts on his arms. It seemed that he had been scratched by the falling sharp rocks when he had just fallen. .

With a thought in his mind, a ray of spiritual power flowed out from the fingertips and fell faintly on the wound. Within a moment, the scratched area had no trace of injury, and only a few strands of damaged clothes followed it. Flying in the wind.

There are exits everywhere in the stalactite cave. Lin Yuan was tossing and turning among the various exits, not having decided which exit he wanted to go to.

Ordinary methods will not work in this cave.

There is ventilation everywhere in the cave, and even the mountain walls are covered with small holes. You can even see a few streams of clear water spitting out of the cave entrance.

It is precisely because of the specialness of this place that Lin Yuan has not yet found an answer in his mind.

Where to go?

Lin Yuan calmed down and thought about his next move.

Suddenly, he heard the clear sound of running water.

have water!

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with joy.

The presence of water means there is an undercurrent. As long as you keep following the undercurrent, you will be able to find the exit.

Lin Yuan didn't hesitate much. He amplified his hearing, sensed the direction of the undercurrent, and walked step by step.

The huge cave was empty, and the sound of footsteps seemed particularly abrupt in this empty place.

As Lin Yuan walked, he was alert to the hidden dangers.

Now was not a good time to fight. If he accidentally caused the mountain to fall, he might be buried underground with the Monster living here, so he tried his best to contain his aura and avoid the scene of fighting Monster. .

Lin Yuan didn't know how long he had been walking, but when he got to the end, there was no road in front of him.

The sound of running water hidden nearby did not stop flowing, indicating that there should be a way after this. After all, the miraculous craftsmanship of nature can be traced, and...

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the mountain in front of him in trance.

This does not seem to be a naturally formed wall.

Thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and pinched the soil, then kneaded it carefully.


It's different from the soft soil around it. It seems like someone built it up later, and it's built so tightly... What's behind this?

Lin Yuan looked up and down at the wall in front of him, but without finding the switch, he simply smashed it with a heavy punch.

Sparse gravel was scattered all over the ground, and without the obstruction of walls, the scene inside was clearly displayed to his eyes.

There is a long painting engraved on the wall, which looks like a painted painting. Perhaps due to the disrepair over time, a lot of the colorful blocks on it have fallen away, but through the traces of the relief, the pattern carved on it can still be seen.

A group of Monsters are painted on the wall.

Those flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water are like a grand scene of the Mountain and Sea.

Why does it look familiar?

Lin Yuan took a quick look and felt that the mural was familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Walking along the painting wall, Lin Yuan felt like an outsider, watching the battle of the century.

In the dark sky and dark ground in the painting, gods from all walks of life are fighting on this land.

The flames of war continued, and everything they touched was burned by Karmic Fire, leaving behind scorched earth all over the ground.

The war of gods ended, leaving the ground shattered. As for the winner...

Lin Yuan's forward steps suddenly stopped.

The last scene on the screen was artificially destroyed, with no ending and only a mess on the ground.

He froze at the gap and didn't look away for a long time.

Was it intentional or accidental? Who is hiding what?

Countless questions came to his mind again, and Lin Yuan felt that he was so insignificant in front of Heaven.

First, he was dragged to this place involuntarily, and then he had to act according to the script. Now that he was here, he directly changed the script.

Lin Yuan's eyes were full of anger, and his sharp knuckles were clenched together tightly, and the joints turned white from the exertion.

At this moment, Lin Yuan noticed that the ground beneath his feet began to shake again, and then slowly fell down.

Lin Yuan did not escape from this place, but watched quietly.

Soon, the shaking stone stopped.

Lin Yuan looked up and found that he was in front of a boundary monument.

A boundary monument made entirely of white jade stands in the cave, incompatible with the gray surrounding it.

He took a closer look and saw two powerful characters - Taichu - carved on the white jade.

There are several firelights flowing in the grooves of the writing, filled with endless aura.

Looking closely, there are still a few residual blood stains on the white jade tablet. It seems to have dried up long ago, but the color is bright as if it had flowed out just a moment ago.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and just when he was about to touch the bottom of the white jade stele, the white jade suddenly flickered and emitted a strong light.


Lin Yuan felt that the land under his feet was constantly rising, and in the open space not far away, a circular array rose up. The lines under the array shimmered, and the pearly walls turned.

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