Waves of light circulated in the magic circle, and the nearby spiritual energy seemed to feel the call, and rushed towards the center of the magic circle like water overflowing the golden mountain.

The dim lines were supplemented by spiritual power, and the light became stronger and stronger, finally illuminating the entire cave like daylight.

call out--

The array suddenly lit up, and the lines under the array began to rotate as if they had been given vitality.

For a moment, the mountain cracked, and the undercurrent hidden in the mountain wall broke through the loose holes in the wall and poured in, filling the entire space in a short time.

The white light dissipated, and the flowing water reflected it, and the white jade stele was buried at the bottom of the river.

Lin Yuan used spiritual power to seal his nasal cavity in an attempt to block the influx of water.

However, the water was as flexible as a fish, permeable, and instantly occupied his nasal cavity.

Gulu gulu——

Lin Yuan watched as several circles of bubbles filled with air surged up, while he sank to the bottom along the river.

The moment before he passed out, a white light enveloped him, emitting a faint light like a lost pearl, and finally disappeared.


I can't see my fingers, and I can't sense the existence of anything around me.

The next second, a touch of white mixed in, black and white intertwined, making the black indifferent and burying the white.

Whoop, whoop, whoop.

Lin Yuan clearly heard his breathing and the strong beating of his heart hidden in his chest at that moment.

It just jumped like "thump thump", as if it was about to jump out of the body.

He thought about reaching out and holding his heart, but when it fell, he felt something was wrong.

Where are the hands? Where is the heart? Where is he again?

Lin Yuan felt a wave of panic in his heart.

what's the situation?

He clearly felt his body, but when he wanted to touch it, it always felt out of reach. As a result, when he let go of this idea, they seemed to be everywhere.

This state...

Lin Yuan's mind sank, and he exerted his mental power to the maximum, observing the subtle changes in the space.

He froze.

This space is him, and he is also this space!

The flashes of breathing and breathing that I just saw were the same as his breathing. Every time he moved, the world also beat with it.

After being shocked, Lin Yuan quickly calmed down and thought about what had just happened.

He saw the white jade monument, and when he was about to step forward and touch it, he was hit by a sudden undercurrent... and then he woke up and arrived at this place.

This must have been an accident and fell into a chaotic world.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan felt that everything became reasonable.

He immersed himself in it, not actively controlling this space, but letting the space mobilize itself.

Black and white weave into a wild landscape, and everything is indifferent and lifeless.

Suddenly, a white light suddenly appeared, and a hole was opened in the chaos, and the foundation of the lotus root was burned.

The black settled down, the white slowly rose, and the space between heaven and earth suddenly became wider.

The sunlight filtered in through the white skin and shone on the darkness.

The darkness gradually disappeared, and the ground revealed its original appearance.

The good times did not last long, and the peaceful place first lit up with little sparks of fire. These sparks scattered with the wind, and suddenly a large fire started.

The heavy rain fell continuously, but it was difficult to wipe out the source of the smoke.

Until, the lush forest turned into withered yellow, and the fire of karma, which had nowhere to vent, had to leave with its tail between its legs in despair, and the world once again fell into darkness.

A light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes.

What is happening in front of me is exactly the same as the scene on the mural just now!

The world is still moving forward, and the ever-changing world turns into frames of pictures in Lin Yuan's eyes, slowly passing by.

Different from the scene fabricated by Yan Jiuxi, the plot in the chaotic consciousness space is more detailed.

Before Lin Yuan had time to think about it, the picture suddenly collapsed, and a figure stepped out of the sky.

The emperor's power instantly filled the entire space, making people feel fearful.

"Female... empress?"

Lin Yuan clenched his teeth and kept his legs from kneeling down, his eyes filled with surprise.

Why didn't Chaos be found this time? Yan Jiuxi came instead.

He resisted the pressure and met Yan Jiuxi's gaze, trying to find any flaws in Yan Jiuxi's face. However, Yan Jiuxi's face had always been calm, let alone any subtle changes.

"Why are you here?"

Yan Jiuxi said calmly: "You were in danger, so I came."


What danger am I in?

Lin Yuan glanced at Yan Jiuxi suspiciously, always feeling that she was hiding something, otherwise why would she come in such a hurry? Could it be that there was some truth hidden in the scene just now?

It's a pity that Yan Jiuxi shattered the picture so quickly that he didn't even have time to notice what was wrong.

Yan Jiuxi seemed to have noticed the doubts in Lin Yuan's heart, and explained: "Chaos has eyes but cannot see, and ears cannot hear. What it is best at is defeating you in the spiritual world. If I hadn't stopped you in time just now, Chaos’ attack, you are now a walking zombie.”

"That's it. Thank you very much, Empress."

Lin Yuan bowed pretending to be grateful. The moment he lowered his head, his eyes became a little colder, but the moment he raised his head, his expression returned to its original state.

"Does the Empress want to go with me to find Chaos?"

Yan Jiuxi nodded, "Lead the way."

"I don't know where it is..." Lin Yuan waved his hand helplessly, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have been wandering around here for so long. Empress, if you don't let Bai Ze come over, maybe we can find it soon. Chaos."

"No, you can find it."


Seeing Yan Jiuxi's determined look, Lin Yuan gave up the idea of ​​asking Bai Ze to bring Luo Qinghan and others over.

Since Yan Jiuxi said he could find it, he would try to find it.

The illusion just now was destroyed, and Lin Yuan was able to see clearly what the original space looked like.

They were in a pit, with several holes around them, leading to different places.

"Empress, which one should we choose?"

Lin Yuan handed over the decision-making power to Yan Jiuxi. Firstly, he really didn't know where to go. Secondly, it was also to verify his guess.

However, Yan Jiuxi shook her head.

"I don't know, take your pick."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"Then I made my own choice? If I go wrong, empress, don't rely on me."

"No..." Yan Jiuxi paused, "We will find it in the end."

Will you always find it?

Why so sure?

Lin Yuan blinked, looked around, and led Yan Jiuxi in a certain direction.

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