The light in the cave is dim, and there is sparkling water on the ground. If one accidentally steps on it, it will splash mud all over the body.

Tick ​​tock.

The water from the mountain fell from the rocks above the head, and slowly dripped to the ground. I don’t know how long it has been dripping. The ground has formed several bulges in the middle. The center is concave, and there are a few small bubbles in the middle depression. It popped up like a volcano about to erupt.

As we walked further inside, the originally narrow cave suddenly became brighter, and the light that spilled in from nowhere filled the entire space.

Finally, they came to a sacrificial altar.

A natural cross was nailed to the center of the sacrificial altar. Bloody traces solidified on it and turned dark red. Judging from the solidified scab marks, it was not difficult to see how many people had died on it.

A sharp mouth was made at the lower end of the cross. If you look carefully, you can still see the groove of the cross on the back. It seems that the blood of the killed creature will flow into the groove and finally collect at the bottom of the magic circle.

Lin Yuan didn't think much, and directly used the dragon scale knife to make a cut in his palm. The blood instantly infected the blade, and dripped directly on the magic circle.

With every additional drop, the magic circle under your feet sparkled with golden light.

Traces of blood flowed along the lines in the magic circle, and finally filled the entire magic lines.


There was a loud noise, and the mechanism under the formation rotated rapidly, combined with the sound of gears, making it a bit noisy.

After a while, the movement gradually quieted down, and the place where the cross was originally was sunk in, revealing the stairs below.

There was no doubt that the direction the stairs led to was exactly where they were going.

When Lin Yuan stepped onto the stairs, his mind was still filled with Yan Jiuxi's words.

It will always this what you mean?

The stairs are very long. This is the only path in the medium-sized space. There is a wall made of solid stones next to it. It is several degrees stronger than the mountain wall I just saw. Moreover, the stairs are very long. Lin Yuan The two of them were walking on the stairs with no end in sight, and the only sound they could hear was the echo of their footsteps.

When walking, Lin Yuan deliberately stood a little to the side to give Yan Jiuxi more space.

Just now...

Lin Yuan couldn't help but cast his eyes on Yan Jiuxi's feet.

She seems to be walking a lot faster?

Is there anything else in this world that can make the Empress anxious?

Lin Yuan was puzzled and followed him.

However, the stairs always disappear. The two of them walked inside for a long time, and finally saw a light that was different from the candlelight.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw a huge creature. Just like Taotie, Chaos was also restrained by iron chains and lay on the ground unable to move.

Yan Jiuxi glanced at Lin Yuan.

"Go and untie it."

Lin Yuan did not step forward, "I don't know how to untie it. It was only by chance that I was able to untie it last time."

"You'll know."

Yan Jiuxi looked at Lin Yuan with determination, as if she had seen through the little trick in his mind.

Lin Yuan pursed his lips.

Could it be that he was too straightforward and was discovered by Yan Jiuxi?

He lowered his head and walked over.

Chaos, who was in a deep sleep, seemed to be aware of someone approaching, and moved subconsciously. With just one movement, the whole place trembled, and a hurricane rolled up along with his breath.


The ancient tree in the sky closest to it was bent and uprooted.

Lin Yuan would definitely not let Chaos fall into Yan Jiuxi's hands in vain, so as he was walking away, he asked the system.

"If Chaos is released from its confinement because of me, is it considered my investment?"

[Of course, the host’s investment allowed him to gain freedom, and the reason is naturally established. ]


Lin Yuan clenched his fists and thought about the last scene in his mind.

He really didn't know why Taotie's imprisonment was lifted that time, but he vaguely remembered that he seemed to be getting closer, and then the rock-solid iron chain fell off little by little.

Lin Yuan looked at his hands.

Is this the key?

He thought about it and didn't take action too quickly.

If Yan Jiuxi discovered the secret of the key in advance, he would have no trump card.

Just as he was thinking about it, a strong wind passed by.

"elder sister!"

Bai Ze's delighted voice rang out, breaking the silence of the space.

"How did you come?"

Yan Jiuxi was a little surprised when she saw Bai Ze, and her attention was distracted a bit.

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with light.

It's now!

He got a little closer to Chaos and found that there was still no change in the iron chain. He put his hand on it again and waited anxiously for a breath. The strong iron chain did not loosen at all.

Where is the problem handled?

When Lin Yuan was thinking about it, he inadvertently changed his hand.

That hand happened to be where the dragon scale knife originally cut the palm blade. Since the dragon scale knife was a Saint Weapon, the wound cut by the Saint Weapon was not as easy to heal as an ordinary wound, so Lin Yuan still had a scar on his hand. Holding the blood beads left behind just now.

The moment this hand was attached, the chain glowed with strong light.

Dong Dong——

The strong and thick iron rope fell down, hitting the ground with a loud bang.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully rescuing Chaos, and gaining the Chaos accompanying ability illusion (can fabricate a real illusion, dominate the illusion, and kill people invisibly) Chaos' loyalty +30%]

After listening to the system's declaration, Lin Yuan happened to meet Chaos' eyes.

Although Chaos has not yet completely woken up from his slumber, he can clearly detect a bit more obedience in Chaos' eyes.

The moment the shackles of chaos were loosened, the violent spiritual energy of ancient times swept over.

Yan Jiuxi reacted and came to Lin Yuan's side in a flash.

"You did a good job, leave her to me."

Lin Yuan did not leave, but pretended to be curious and asked tentatively.

"Empress, what's the use of gathering the four ancient ferocious beasts? Could it be that you want to summon a divine dragon?"

Yan Jiuxi glanced at Lin Yuan.

"The secret must not be revealed."

Before Lin Yuan could ask again, Yan Jiuxi waved his hand, and a golden rope fell on Chaos. When the golden rope covered Chaos, it was like a conscious creature, instantly tying up Chaos. , and Chaos' huge body also became smaller and smaller... and was finally sucked into the storage ring by Yan Jiuxi.

Before leaving, Yan Jiuxi said leisurely.

"Time is running out. I hope you can find the two remaining ferocious beasts faster, otherwise..."

Before she finished speaking, she disappeared into this space.

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