The white light was annihilated, and Yan Jiuxi disappeared into this space with chaos.

Lin Yuan froze on the spot, and Bai Ze, who had just arrived, was also in a daze with him.

"Just...just leave?"

Before Bai Ze had time to react, Yan Jiuxi ordered him to stay where he was.

Suddenly, the surrounding space gradually dissipated.

Lin Yuan paused, watching the rugged rocks fade and then disappear into the air. Everything seemed like Mirror Flower Water Moon, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Looking again, the surroundings turned into a lush forest.

"Changed...changed back?"

Lin Yuan murmured a few words, and as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Luo Qinghan on the other side.


He shouted and walked towards Luo Qinghan.

Luo Qinghan heard Lin Yuan's call in the distance, turned around and saw Lin Yuan and Bai Ze walking over.

She frowned and said, "Only you? Where are Wuji and the others?"

"did not see it……"

"Why did your appearance change all of a sudden? Did you do something?"

Lin Yuan explained truthfully.

"I found Chaos just now, and after the empress took Chaos away, it became like this."

"The Empress is here?"

Lin Yuan glanced at Luo Qinghan subconsciously, "Well, here we are, the Chaos we found has also been taken away."

Luo Qinghan was silent for a while after hearing this, then she pulled Lin Yuan to the side, avoided Bai Ze and whispered: "Tell me... is there any problem in this... After all, this is a ferocious beast, What does the Great Emperor want the ferocious beasts to do? Moreover, the four ferocious beasts are imprisoned somewhere, if they are all released, what will happen to the world?"

"Master, I have thought about all the questions you asked me, but you also said before that we cannot guess the thoughts of the Great Emperor. Perhaps, the things they have come into contact with are beyond our reach, so it is better to take advantage of the opportunity. This is an opportunity to improve your level."

Lin Yuan was more open-minded than Luo Qinghan. After all, his natural destiny as a villain forced him to fall into dire straits. The appearance of Yan Jiuxi was just a sudden addition of firewood to the fire.

As for what will happen in the world, it actually has little to do with him. It is better to say that the more chaotic the world is, the better. In this way, he can devour everyone and reach the state of becoming emperor as soon as possible.

All living beings in this world are just a drop in the ocean, and the best strategy is to have your own strength.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were a little surprised, but then she covered them up.

"Find Wuji and the others first. Nanman is a very dangerous place after all. There are many Monsters in the forest. If they accidentally fall into the hands of a powerful Monster, their lives will be in danger."


Lin Yuan turned around and asked Bai Ze.

"What about you? Are you going to come with us or leave first?"

Bai Ze drooped his head, looking miserable.

"What else can I do? Of course I will go with you."

"How about you help me find where my junior sisters are? With your Divine Ability, it won't take a moment to find a few of them."

Bai Ze pursed his lips, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes. Usually when he heard this, he would have wanted to jump eight feet high. But now, when he heard this, he couldn't be happy at all.

After a while, she sighed.

"I can't find your junior sister."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows. In such a big place like Nanman, how could Qiu Wuji and others not be found?

"To be precise, your junior sister is not here."

"Not in this place?" Lin Yuan was shocked and asked quickly: "What do you mean?"

"The space we just entered was not created by chaos, but a real space. After all, chaos is the representative of reality and reality. If they can realize that the space they are in is very different, or they may notice something strange in it , or you may have encountered the ontology of chaos, otherwise you are very likely to fall into the space created by chaos.

Disappear in this world..."

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered the skill that the system can return on investment - Illusion.

Could it be that place?

He originally thought about using this skill directly, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to grasp the speed. After thinking about it, he still held his hand and asked a few more questions.

"When you say you disappear from this world, do you mean you will never come back?"

"That's not the case, it just simply disappeared into our space, just like..." Bai Ze thought carefully, "When you teleport, the space that is torn apart is called the void, although the void is very strange. It’s safe, but people are still hidden in it. Even if there is a person standing face to face with you, the person in this space can never find the person in the opposite space.”

Lin Yuan listened and understood half of it.

"Then they can come out on their own?"

"It depends on them. They will definitely be able to come out. It depends on how they come out. But don't think too much. The chaotic dream is a rare opportunity. Maybe your junior sisters After I come out, my realm will be higher than yours."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan both breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is a way out, it's not the worst thing.

Bai Ze stretched and grinned and said, "Since it's just the two of you, things will be easier to handle. Let's continue walking without wasting time."

Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

Yan Jiuxi said the same thing just now, don't waste time, what time are you wasting?

"Why do I think you are anxious? What's wrong?" Lin Yuan pretended to ask casually, observing Bai Ze's expression with his peripheral vision.

Bai Ze didn't notice Lin Yuan's temptation and said casually.

"It's nothing. My sister told me to hurry up, so I just did it. Why are there so many other reasons?" Bai Ze pouted, "But you two, why don't you worry about your own realm at all? It's been so long. , you haven’t broken through yet, you can’t even beat me, that’s too bad.”

Lin Yuan smiled dumbly.

"Do you think all humans are the same as you Auspicious Beast? You are favored by heaven since you were born. Even if you are cultivating, you only need to eat and sleep. Can you rise to this level after sleeping and eating? We humans have to work day and night. You may not be able to reach your heights even if you spend your whole life practicing."

Bai Ze rolled his eyes at Lin Yuan and rarely said seriously.

"You are not ordinary people. You have to grow up quickly, otherwise..."

As she spoke, she suddenly fell silent, then stuck out her tongue, swung her tail and walked forward.

"Let's go quickly. How can you do something more ink than me?"

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other, looking at Bai Ze's leaving figure, a trace of doubt appeared in their minds.

What does it want to say?

Or... is Yan Jiuxi hiding something?

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