Several people set out to the northwest and embarked on the road to find Yongzhu.

The Western Desert was no better than the Southern Barbarians. They left the muddy and mosquito-filled place with their front feet and stepped into the desert with their back feet.

The yellow sand in the sky is comparable to the harshness of the Eastern Wilderness, but the water shortage here is even worse than that of the Eastern Wilderness.

The high temperature air combined with the extremely dry climate has scorched the entire Western Desert.

"It's terrible..." Bai Ze drooped his tongue with a bleak look on his face, "Why are there so many shabby places on your continent... If it weren't for my sister's order, I wouldn't want to let you two humans have trouble."

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other helplessly, no longer wanting to reply to Bai Ze's words.

After all, they had heard these words so many times since they entered the Western Desert that their ears were about to get calloused, but Bai Ze himself was still talking tirelessly.

For several days along the road, there was nothing but yellow sand.

Luo Qinghan wiped the sweat on his forehead, his mouth and tongue were a little dry.

"How many days until arrival?"

Bai Ze shrugged, "I don't know... I can't feel Yaozhu's breath at all, I guess it's still far away."


After Bai Ze finished speaking, he found that Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan's eyes were on him. His heart suddenly panicked and he quickly explained.

"Let me declare in advance that this has nothing to do with me! Who knew that the aura of Yongzhu was so cunning? I obviously followed the aura it exuded. Who knew that I couldn't feel its aura once I entered the Western Desert? The breath may be hidden by it."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"Can you still hide it?"

He vaguely remembered that Taotie and Chaos did not have the ability to hide their aura.

"Of course. After all, it is one of the four ancient ferocious beasts. As long as they are willing, they can be found by others."


Lin Yuan glanced sideways at Bai Ze.

"Then what are we going to do?"

After all, the time Yan Jiuxi mentioned was limited. If he couldn't find all four ferocious beasts within this time, he didn't know what would happen.

Bai Ze swung his tail, flapped his wings, and stirred up dust. His voice came through the yellow sand layer.

"Just take it one step at a time. My sister didn't tell me what to do. I guess the time is not in a hurry. It should be enough for us to squander it slowly."

Lin Yuan looked at Bai Ze's carefree appearance, with a few black lines appearing on his forehead. He paused and sighed deeply.

Auspicious Beast has spoken, what can they do?

The two of them followed Bai Ze in the Western Desert and made a long series of pitted traces. Not long after, the traces were covered up by the oncoming wind and sand, and everything returned to its original state.

Ding bell~

Ding bell~

The melodious bell rang crisply in the desert, followed by the sound of wind rippling in the desolation.

Lin Yuan and others looked in the direction of the sound, and a brown figure appeared behind a hill not far away.

After a while, the true face hidden behind the hill gradually emerged.

It was a camel caravan, and each camel was loaded with goods. It was bulging. I guess there were a lot of good things in it.

The people riding on the camels naturally noticed Lin Yuan and the others, and their eyes showed a bit of vigilance. When they were about to get close, they bared their teeth and exposed the snow-white swords on their waists. In the sunlight, Under the illumination, the sword flashed with cold light, falling into Lin Yuan's eyes.

The two sides faced off, and the atmosphere gradually became tense as the temperature in the Western Desert increased.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan grinned and said Shi Shiran.

"Guys, I guess there's a shortage of guards?"

"What do you mean?"

The leading man looked at Lin Yuan with vigilance in his eyes.

"I see that some of them are in a state of glory, and there are also fewer items carried on the camels. They must have met the robbers before. Otherwise, why wouldn't there be any guards accompanying them?"

There are many horse bandits on Dongzhou Continent, and generally traveling teams will be equipped with guards as standard. Although they may not be able to reach their destination safely, at least with the blessing of guards, losses can be reduced to a certain extent. However, the camel in front of him was loaded with goods, but there was no guard beside him. This was really strange.

When several people heard this, they looked startled.

The leading man snorted coldly and met Lin Yuan's eyes.

"So what? If you also want to come forward and take a share of the pie, then feel free to give it a try."

With a "swish" sound, the people sitting on the camels pulled out the swords at their waists and pointed them at Lin Yuan and the others.

"If you want to take these things away, then... just step over our corpses!"

The momentum of these people was fully activated, and a spiritual force field suddenly formed around them, blocking the movement of Lin Yuan and others. Once they made a move, the slightest fluctuation would be involved in the perception of the spiritual force field, so they would be better off first. React in one step.

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly, snapped his fingers, and the spiritual force field that was tense just now was instantly disintegrated.


With a snap, the rock-solid sealing cover was like a fragile egg shell, instantly scattered to the ground.

Several people looked at the debris on the ground in astonishment, their eyes full of shock.

"Who are you?"

Everyone took a breath, and when they looked at Lin Yuan again, there was more fear and... fear in their eyes.

Lin Yuan's fingertips twirled in the air, and the spiritual energy flowing in them twirled in front of him before disappearing into his body.

He raised his head and looked at everyone.

"Just a traveler passing by."

"Are you kidding...?"

The voices of several people were trembling when they spoke, and the hands holding the knives were also trembling.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Several people originally thought that if the group of people in front of them had bad intentions, they would make Lin Yuan pay a price even if they fought to the death. However, after seeing Lin Yuan's ability, they all retreated.

How to fight this?

There's no way I can beat him!

"We didn't want to do anything. We just didn't know if some of you would be willing to give us a ride."


Everyone thought that Lin Yuan was going to take away all their things, but they didn't expect that he just wanted this...

The few of them looked at each other. If they could be accompanied by Lin Yuan and others along the way, this trip would be safe. But those people who suddenly broke in felt something was wrong.


Lin Yuan touched his chin and said seriously: "We can't get out."


A few of them were considered half practitioners, but the big boss in front of them told them they couldn't get out. Isn't this a joke?

Lin Yuan looked at their wonderful expressions and felt helpless in his heart.

After all, without the guidance of the Taoist aura, they would be like headless flies falling into the Western Desert. Although they would definitely be able to get out, it would not be as fast as the locals who could lead the way.

Lin Yuan shouted.

"Have you guys thought about it?"

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