Several people looked at each other, then looked at the only remaining goods beside them, and were silent for a while.

The man at the front of the queue gritted his teeth and said, "Excuse me, everyone."

Lin Yuan smiled and naturally followed their team, like a bodyguard escorting them.

After walking for a while, the leader couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked.

"Young hero, where are you going?"

"Western Desert."

Several people were a little surprised when they heard this.

During their business trip, they had never seen anyone go specifically to the Western Desert.

After all, that place was full of war, like a place abandoned by God. The father did not love the mother, and the people living there had already been brainwashed by the law of the jungle. Survival became their most basic goal. How could there be any discussion? On life.

"It's not a good place for sightseeing."

He saw Lin Yuan and others dressed in gorgeous clothes. They must be disciples of a certain aristocratic family. It was really unbelievable that they would travel thousands of miles to such a place.

"We're not here for fun, we're looking for something."


Lin Yuan glanced at a few people and then changed his gaze.

"You don't know even if I tell you."

After hearing his words, several people suddenly became angry.

"We brothers have been doing business for many years, and we haven't seen any strange things. You just say it doesn't matter. Maybe we brothers have actually seen it."

Lin Yuan curled his lips.

"That thing... it looks like a tiger and is as big as a tiger. Its hair is two feet long. It has a human face and tiger feet, a mouth with teeth, and a tail that is one foot and eight feet long..."

"wait wait wait!"

They interrupted Lin Yuan's description, and there was some confusion in their eyes.

"What are you talking about? Does such a thing really exist?"

"The tail is eight feet long. Even the biggest Monster is not that big, right?"

Lin Yuan whistled.

"I told you you wouldn't know, yet you still ask."

A few people touched their noses angrily, but they became more restrained along the way.

With the caravan leading the way, Lin Yuan and the others didn't have to worry about anything. They just had to follow them. After a while, everyone walked out of that ghost place.

"This is the nearest small city. Even though it is small, there are still many people hiding behind it."

Once inside, the leading man introduced Lin Yuan to the situation inside the city.

"The big city has long been dominated by the strong. As for some old, weak, sick and disabled people, they will be expelled. In the end, those who have no way to go will end up in this place. It is similar to a shelter."

Lin Yuan didn't know what the scene the man was talking about was like. From the perspective of his eyes, this was just an ordinary small town, with pedestrians walking on the street and vendors selling goods.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn't feel that this place looked like what the man described.

As he walked, the tassel around Lin Yuan's waist suddenly relaxed and fell to his feet, falling into the shadow of the alley next to him.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, it was not a good sign that the fastened things slipped.

He squatted down and was about to pick up the fallen things. Who knew that as soon as he squatted down and was about to grab the tassel that fell on the ground, a bloody hand emerged from the dark place and grabbed it in front of the forest. He snatched the tassel from the ground in front of Yuan, and then ran into the darkness of the alley without looking back.

Lin Yuan's extended hand paused.

The hand he just saw looked like a child's hand, and... it was a pair of hands that had been swollen by black water... and was covered with mottled blood.

what happened……

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked into the darkness in front of him. Suddenly, he found dozens of pairs of green eyes in the originally dark alley.

It turns out that this is the refugee camp that the man called...

It's not that they don't exist, but they hide in the darkness where no one cares during the day, because no one will enter such a dark place, so they will naturally not be discovered.

But this place has become their refuge.

Although Lin Yuan didn't know what happened in the West Desert, the sight of this situation was really heart-wrenching.

"Young hero, what's wrong?"

The man leading the way saw Lin Yuan squatting in front of the alley and stopped moving, so he walked over to check the situation.


Lin Yuan stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Didn't you say you wanted to take us to the intelligence office? Let's go now. If it gets late, another day will be wasted."

"Yes, I will take you there right now."

The man turned around and left without thinking much.

After all, they were accompanied by Lin Yuan and others along the way, and their remaining goods arrived at this place without any danger. There happened to be a place where they could help, so they happily became guides and led the way.

As the brothers moved forward, Lin Yuan carefully observed the surrounding environment.

This place is not big, but it has all the places that should be there. Rather than saying it is a city, it is more like a transit station, just for people to rest.

After walking for a while, the man pointed to a dark place in the corner of his house. There was a plaque hanging casually on the door of the store, which read: Qitian.

Lin Yuan looked up and raised his eyebrows.

Ha, quite arrogant.

"That's right there. The wizard inside knows everything. If you ask him, he might have the answer."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome." The man scratched his head, "You have all helped me so much, and this little thing I have done is nothing."

"Okay, there's no need to refuse. Let's meet again in the future if we have a chance."

"Well, see you in the world."

After Lin Yuan said a simple goodbye to the others, he walked into the shop with Luo Qinghan.

The lintel of the door is decorated with sandalwood, and the dark color is deposited in it, carrying the melodious flavor of time. When you step in, the wind chimes on the door ring, and the sound is very clear.

Walking further inside, the agarwood inside hits your face and lingers in your nose.

Lin Yuan looked around for a week and found no one there, so he began to look at the furnishings everywhere.

Lin Yuan's heart trembled every time he looked at an artifact.

Is this kind of collection really what this small place deserves?

Not to mention how many High Grade weapons there are, the herbs planted randomly nearby are all spiritual plants that have been around for thousands of years. As for the medicinal properties, they are naturally superior.

Just when Lin Yuan was filled with emotion, another pleasant wind chime rang.

Before Lin Yuan could say anything more, the other person spoke first.

"What do you want to do?"


"Find someone?"


"Or do you want secrets to improve your realm?"

She talked in a long way, as if what she said were trivial things.

Lin Yuan raised his head and was suddenly startled when he saw the person in front of him clearly.

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