A person walked out from behind the door curtain, raised his eyes to look at the two of them, and then set his eyes on Lin Yuan.

"What? Master, do you know the slave family?"

The woman was holding a pipe, and the flowing white smoke in the pipe lingered in front of everyone, like a cunning white snake, shuttling among them.

Lin Yuan withdrew his eyes.

"The girl looks like an old friend I once knew."

"Oh?" The woman looked at Lin Yuan with interest, "That's really fate."

Lin Yuan smiled and said nothing more.

Luo Qinghan glanced at Lin Yuan and the woman in confusion, moved her lips a few times, but said nothing.

The woman walked up to the two men and took a drag of her cigarette.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Yuan didn't mince words and said directly: "We want you to help us find a Monster."

"What Monster?"


When the woman heard this, her movements in her hands were obviously paused, and then she looked at the two of them with a bright smile.

"Oh, unexpectedly, there are still people looking for Yaozhu in this world."

Lin Yuan's expression moved slightly.

"Is someone looking for you? Who is it?"

He always thought that only Yan Jiuxi would be looking for the four ferocious beasts, but he didn't expect that there were other people searching behind his back.

"It's useless to tell you this, anyway..." The woman's eyes wandered over them, "They are not people you can compare to."

In a few words, Lin Yuan roughly understood what the woman wanted to explain.

"In this case, I wonder if the girl can tell me the whereabouts of Yongzhu."

The woman stretched out her hand and said, "Ten gold ingots."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Ten gold ingots are indeed a bit much, but for them, money is just a peripheral possession.

Lin Yuan's fingertips lit up, and in the next second, ten golden ingots appeared in his hand.

The woman glanced at it and accepted it unceremoniously. A corresponding file appeared in her hand.

"There is something you want in here, but if you can't find it, that's your business."

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan accepted the file and left with Luo Qinghan.

After going out, Luo Qinghan bit her lip and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Do you know that person?"

Lin Yuan shook his head.

"I can't say that I know him, I just know that there is such a person."

Lin Yuan stared at the sign on the door of the shop, and some memories came to his mind.

Although this woman's identity and strength are not stated clearly in the original work, according to her role in the original work, she is more similar to an executive sent by Tiandao to supervise the world. Any dangerous behavior that will endanger Tiandao will be stopped by her.

But what he was not sure about was whether this woman was really what the original novel said.

After all, the timeline of the entire world has become chaotic now, and he is not sure whether women will change accordingly. Before that, it might be a good thing to avoid too much contact with her.

Luo Qinghan stared at Lin Yuan for a moment and then closed his eyes.

"Let's go, now that we have the map, don't waste time."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the street.

"What's going on here?"

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. At this time, they heard the comments from the people next to them.

"Why are the people from the Tyranny Guild back? Didn't they go hunting?"

"It seems that there is a new mission in the capital, and they need to come back to summon the monks."

"What kind of mission? Since you still come back to shake people, isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

Several people were talking in succession, and behind them, Lin Yuan and the two listened to all their words, but they were still confused and had no idea what they were talking about.

After a while, a few tall and powerful people walked over from the far side of the road.

Several people held giant blades and were covered in thick armor. Every step they took, the armor scales on their bodies rubbed together, making a "dong dong" sound.

Lin Yuan could tell the realm of several people at a glance.

The leader is from the Human Cave Ruins realm, and the people behind him are all at the Primordial Spirit stage.

Perhaps it was the ascetic's intuition. When a few people passed by, they looked at Lin Yuan, then withdrew their gaze as if nothing had happened, and walked straight past them.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and thought for a while.

"Master, how about we go with them? Maybe they have clues about Yongchu."

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly.

"If not, and it takes a lot of time, let's follow our own plan."


Lin Yuan didn't say anything more, changed direction and left the place.

There was a place marked on the file, but it didn't explain what it was. It just said that walking in this direction would bring rewards. Anyway, the two of them didn't have much to think about, so they just followed the guide of the file.

As for Bai Ze...

It volunteered to find the whereabouts of Yao Zhu, but so far there is no news.

Lin Yuan originally thought that they were going to experience the baptism of the desert again, but he did not expect that this trip to the west would be much easier than before.

Maybe they have reached a place with people. After that, although the road is not full of people, there are traces of human life everywhere. It is not desolate, and there are quite a few people traveling together. Lin Yuan and the two disguise themselves a little, and then Able to hide in the crowd without being noticed.

"Lin Yuan, have you ever felt that there are more and more practitioners on the road?"

Luo Qinghan was a little uncertain, and she kept watching the team behind her grow stronger from the corner of her eye.

"Master, do you also feel something is wrong?"

Lin Yuan had noticed this situation a long time ago. He originally thought that these people were just passing by, but as we went further, were there too many people passing by?

Unless their destination is the same place!

Luo Qinghan nodded.

"Does everyone know about the existence of Yongzhu?"

"It seems...yes..."

There was a hint of worry between the two people's eyebrows, full of worries about what would happen next.

Following the guidance of the map, they finally came to a huge city gate. Looking at the decoration on the city gate, it was not difficult to imagine how big the city behind it would be.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan stopped at the city gate and did not walk in blindly.

While they were waiting, the person who had been following them looked at the two of them doubtfully, and walked into the city one after another.

Lin Yuan looked at the size of the crowd and had a bad thought in his heart.

It seems that their goal is really the same.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Yuan made a deep voice and stood up.

"Master, let's go!" Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, "Since we all have the same purpose, we will bump into each other sooner or later, so why not take the opportunity to sneak into them and maybe get some information."

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