As time went by, the number of people entering the city increased. Many of them looked dusty and looked like they had come from far away.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan mingled among the team, trying to reduce their presence as much as possible to make it difficult for others to notice.

However, the brother behind them is a talkative person. Even though both of them exude an aura of keeping strangers away, the brother is like a normal person, singing the oboe by himself.

"Hey, brother, where did you come from?"

"I heard that there is a lot of bounty this time, how much do you think we can get? Although I also want Monster's materials, those things are not what we want, so we should just think about how much money we can get."

"Also, I heard that the old gentleman will come out of the mountain this time. Could it be that we have worked so hard to come here and return in vain in the end?"

After hearing this, Lin Yuan looked a little moved.

"Old sir?"

Seeing Lin Yuan talking to him, the eldest brother said bluntly: "Brother, you are not from which Shankara, are you? Even Mr. Xi doesn't know about it? That is a magical figure of this generation." He approached Lin Yuan In his ear, he whispered: "I also heard that Mr. Yu is the great sage of the Dao Severing Realm. You said that even he has left the mountain, how difficult it must be to deal with this Monster."

Cut the road...

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Perhaps it was because he had been with Bai Ze for a long time, and a Monster from the Supreme Realm was dangling in front of him every day. Now, in his eyes, a person from the Dao Severing Realm was not even as threatening as Bai Ze.

The eldest brother didn't notice Lin Yuan's strangeness, and kept saying: "But, I think I can pick up a treasure, and this trip will not be in vain..."

When he was about to tell his long speech, he found that Lin Yuan and the others were walking away with the team, without any concern for him behind them.

"Hey, brother, listen to me..."

Lin Yuan automatically blocked out the sounds next to him, but focused on the guard in front of him.

The guard at the door seemed to be checking something.

He squinted and saw a jade tag that the person in front of him had picked up. It must be an identity tag that recorded personal information, but they didn't have an identity tag, so how were they going to get in?

After thinking about it, it was soon their turn.

The guard said calmly: "Check, take out the token."

Lin Yuan didn't panic at all and said: "There is no token."

"No token?" The guard was obviously unhappy, but he still acted impartially and took out an irregular stone from his arms, "Put Entering Spirit into it."

Lin Yuan took a look at the stone. It was probably a carved stone for testing one's realm.

He put his hand on the stone and poured spiritual power into it.

The color of the stone is changing rapidly, starting from white and finally stopping at purple.

"Dong Ruins..."

The guard handed the stone to Luo Qinghan again.

Luo Qinghan followed Lin Yuan's example and injected spiritual power into it.

Everyone waited for a while and saw that the color on the stone also stayed in purple and stopped moving.

Finally, the guards recovered the carved stone.

"Okay, you guys go over there. Remember to go to the guild to get an identity token later. Not every place can get in like this."

"Okay, thank you."

After the two of them thanked each other briefly, they walked into the city.

The big brother behind him quickly passed the checkpoint and hurriedly ran to Lin Yuan's side.

"Brother, I didn't expect that both of you are in the Cave Ruins Realm. Have you formed a team with others? If not, how about I come with you? After all, our purpose is the same. Let's go together. On the way It’s good to have someone to take care of you, don’t you think?”

"No need." Lin Yuan politely declined his proposal, "We are used to being alone, you should find other people."

" this..."

The man originally thought about saying something more, but when he saw that Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan had the same attitude, he gave up the idea.

"Okay, anyway, we have to meet in a few days. If you need my help, remember to ask me."

As if he was afraid of being rejected by Lin Yuan, the man left before Lin Yuan could speak.

"Really are……"

A weirdo.

Luo Qinghan's eyes moved slightly, watching the man leave.

After the man left, Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan curiously.

"Why, why don't you go up and get close to others this time?"

"His level is too low and he can't give us much help."

Lin Yuan told the truth.

After all, in this world of jungle, low strength is the biggest flaw. Moreover, if a man follows them, he may die faster. For his safety, it is better to stay away from them.

Luo Qinghan looked surprised.

"I thought you would accept anyone who came."

Lin Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "That's also a point."

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's unexplained smile, and something strange suddenly arose in her heart, and she said calmly: "Let's go quickly."

At first, they had guessed what was going on inside the city at the city gate. They thought it was just a relatively prosperous city. Unexpectedly, after entering, the scene inside still made their hearts tremble.

They had never seen this sight before.

There are buildings made of steel everywhere, and the heavy black iron straddles the sky in random directions. When viewed from the ground, it looks like a huge intertwined net, covering the city.

Dang Dang Dang——

While they were thinking about it, the sound of blacksmithing brought their minds back to reality.

"Sir, do you want to take a look? This is a blade that has just been beaten by our shop. It will definitely withstand use, and it can be cut through iron like mud."

"This heart-breaking meteor hammer is the treasure of our store. Sir, do you want to try it?"

The vendors on both sides were selling as loud as they could. Lin Yuan felt that it was a pity that these people didn't tell stories.

Lin Yuan ignored them and rushed straight to the largest place in the city.

Qinyun Pavilion.

Lin Yuan stood under the high tower. If he hadn't listened to others, it would be difficult to connect the thing in front of him with the so-called bounty list.

When they just came in, the guard asked them to come over and get an identity card. The two of them thought they had nothing to do, so they came here to take a look first.

Compared with Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, Qinyun Pavilion is a bit simpler and rougher. Maybe this has something to do with the character of the locals. They are straightforward and very different from their hypocrites.

When the two of them were about to enter, they were stopped by the guard at the door.


Lin Yuan used the guard's language and replied: "I don't have a token. I came here to register."

After saying that he could release his realm, the guard at the door immediately became respectful.

"Sir, just go over here."

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