When you enter, you will be greeted by a delicate fragrance.

As the two walked inside, they vaguely saw a woman wearing a long blue silk dress standing not far away. The veil was swaying in the wind, as if she was waiting for someone.

Suddenly, she said: "Please come here to register your identity and receive the token."

Lin Yuan glanced at Luo Qinghan and followed the woman.

At the corner, there is a huge sky stone. The originally dark environment is illuminated by this soft light, making it look peaceful.

"Please two of you inject Entering Spirit into the sky stone."

Before the woman finished speaking, Lin Yuan put his hand on the stone wall of the sky stone. A trace of spiritual power flowed along his fingertips and entered the sky stone. The huge sky stone began to flicker, and the spiritual power injected into it finally... Several words condensed in the air - Cave Ruins Realm.

The woman glanced at it and took note of it. Luo Qinghan also went up, but still got the same result as Lin Yuan.

She stretched out her hand, and two green jade stones appeared in her hand.

"This is your token, please keep it and don't lose it!"

After Lin Yuan and the two took over the jade, the woman disappeared out of thin air.

"Let's go." Luo Qinghan put away the token and walked away one step ahead of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan clenched the token in his hand and hurried to catch up.

As we walked along the path, we gradually heard the noise of people.

"I didn't expect it to be quite lively here..."

There is a Grotto-Heaven in the Qinyun Pavilion, with dazzling lanterns hanging on the top. The hall that accommodates a thousand people is full of notices offering rewards. People are coming and going, and it is full of excitement!

The two walked side by side, and the scenes around them fell into their eyes.

Most of the people in Qinyun Pavilion were strong men with big shoulders and round waists, and the different auras were intertwined together, blending into an unspeakable smell floating in it.

Luo Qinghan frowned, unconsciously avoiding the big man beside him, and moved closer to Lin Yuan.

Feeling the support of the people around him, Lin Yuan was already prepared. With a little luck, the hand behind his back had a halo of light covering Luo Qinghan, and then disappeared.

Luo Qinghan turned to look at him, who smiled softly and said, "You can block the smell for Master."

Looking at the sly smile on his face, Luo Qinghan felt a little warm behind her ears, but she didn't say anything and continued walking forward.

When passing by a notice, Lin Yuan stopped, turned around and looked, "Catch a hundred water centipedes, reward three hundred Low Grade spiritual stones."

Water centipede is an ingredient for making poisons. Almost all poisons of level three or above need this thing.

Lin Yuan glanced at it, and Luo Qinghan, who was standing behind him, walked over. He first glanced at the notice, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"You want to pick up?"

After hearing the question, Lin Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: "This kind of cheap physical work is too boring. Besides, with Master here, am I still worried about having no money?"

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's yawning look and was about to make an excuse, but nothing came out in her throat, so she had to give up.

The two of them followed the notice board all the way and found that in addition to some low-cost notices, there were also some high-paying but very difficult notices. However, they were very difficult and not many people liked them. After all, the paper had turned yellow. No one has uncovered the ground.

While I was thinking about this, there was a burst of shouting from the crowd in front.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other and walked in the direction of the excitement.

There were too many people watching, so Lin Yuan gave up the idea of ​​walking to the front row. He tapped his toes and jumped into the air, and then he could clearly see the situation in front of him.

I saw three big men standing on a protruding stand somewhere. One was beating the gong, one was holding a reward notice in his hand, and the other was shouting.

"Everyone, this mission is only accepted by brothers who are above the Primordial Spirit Realm. Interested brothers please register here!"

As the words fell, there was another sound of gongs, and many people had already walked onto the stage.

"Shall we go?" Luo Qinghan looked at the stage and asked the people around him in a low voice.

Lin Yuan made no move, and he was also thinking about whether to participate in this reward.

"The reward for this mission is to distribute tens of millions of bounties, Middle Level magic crystals and a thousand-year-old magic grass!"

As soon as the strong man said this, the crowd who were watching just now immediately geared up, but they were helpless due to the restrictions of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Suddenly, the strong man who was in charge of shouting just now walked towards Lin Yuan, "Brother, I think your level is not low, why don't you give it a try?"

Seeing that Lin Yuan and the two were silent, the strong man said loudly and cheerfully: "Brothers, don't you think we have a good reward?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyes and met the big man's eyes.

"It's just a magic grass. With this little thing, you want to ask people from the Primordial Spirit Realm to help you. Why?"

Magic grass is not a rare thing. Although it is a bit expensive to grow for thousands of years, it is not difficult to obtain. Moreover, he himself has the companion skill of chaos, so a mere magic grass cannot enter his body. Eye.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The crowd began to whisper.

"It's really a bit...unreasonable for a magic grass to want people from the Primordial Spirit Realm to come and help."

"If you think about it carefully, the things he gave are not very good..."

"You can't be a liar, right?"

Suspicions arose, and the man's face looked a little ugly, but the officer sitting down told the truth.

When he saw the appearance of Lin Yuan and the two of them, he thought he was a good deceiver, but he didn't expect that this time he was on the hard end.

Facing the long questioning, the big man looked embarrassed, but even if he was riding a tiger, he couldn't run away. After all, this place was not big. Once he lost his credibility, no one would cooperate with him anymore.

He gritted his teeth and told everyone the truth.

"We brothers are collecting materials on this trip to treat my sister at home. We heard that the magic crystal of ten thousand years can restart people's body functions, so we planned to give it a try. Who knew that Monster was so powerful? There is no way...we can use all our savings..."

After hearing the reason why the man issued the mission, everyone who had just condemned him was like a loser, and instantly changed their tune.

"If you look like this... then you are quite pitiful."

Everyone began to comfort the big man.

"For the sake of treating my sister, I don't want the reward. I just treat it as a favor for you."

"Add me one!"

"And I!"

Several people echoed one after another. The big man heard the words and was busy thanking him.

At this time, Lin Yuan, who was standing next to him, also said: "Count me in."

The big man was a little stunned, with some hesitation in his eyes.

"you are not……"

Lin Yuan interrupted him.

"If you do one good deed every day, I will accumulate some virtue for myself. Don't worry about it."

There were a few tears in the big man's eyes.

"Thank you!"

The gathering didn't take long, and soon the strong man led more than 20 people, including Lin Yuan, to the deep forest.

"My name is Wu Ren, I am the leader of this mission."

Wu Ren, named Zhuang Man, walked in front and briefly stated the purpose of this trip.

"That ferocious beast is extremely powerful. The dozen brothers we brought last time all suffered heavy casualties..."

"And our goal is to obtain the magic crystal that has been cultivated for thousands of years in its body, no matter what method we use!"

Wu Ren's voice was very obvious in the silent forest.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan walked at the back. After listening to Wu Ren's introduction, he vaguely knew what was inside.

"What's wrong?" Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's frown.

Lin Yuan shook his head, "Follow them!"

After hearing what he said, Luo Qinghan didn't ask any more questions, but her luck accelerated.

The surrounding fog gradually increased, making it difficult for everyone to see the road ahead.

"Brothers, we are almost at the cave. Please be careful and don't make any noise to avoid angering the ferocious beasts inside!"

Wu Ren didn't know which direction the sound came from. After hearing his words, everyone slowed down their steps. But as soon as they stepped into the cave, a harsh sound pierced their eardrums, shocking everyone.

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