The ground shook and the mountains shook, and a lot of fragments fell from the entrance of the cave, rolling down to the soles of everyone's feet.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Wu Ren looked around warily, the weapon in his hand flashed out, and the white cold light was particularly eye-catching in the dim cave.

The group of people walked in cautiously. Monster's roar continued, but it could not stop everyone's progress.

call out--

A tip of hair suddenly appeared in the darkness and stabbed towards everyone with lightning speed, stabbing into someone's chest with a dull sound.


The tip of the hair thrust out fiercely, stripping away all the organs in the man's body. The surging blood poured out like a dam that had burst.


The man didn't even have time to moan in pain and died immediately.

When everyone saw this, their faces were full of shock. No one thought that this was just the beginning. Before they even went in to see Monster, they had already lost one of their personnel, and they were struck by Monster in front of everyone. And died.

Watching the warmth in the body of the man on the ground disappear little by little, his limbs gradually became stiff, and the heavy atmosphere gradually dispersed among the crowd.

There was a bit of sadness in Wu Ren's eyes, and he said hoarsely: "Everyone, this Monster is very powerful. If you are unwilling to take risks, you can withdraw now. I can understand your mood. Wu is still very grateful to you from the bottom of his heart for coming forward. Come help."

As soon as these words came out, many people in the crowd were shaken.

The danger continued. As the mountain shook, a thin arm was raised.

"I...I quit."

Someone took the lead, and people hiding in the crowd began to echo.

"I'm quitting too..."

One after another, several people raised their hands and turned around to leave this dangerous place resolutely.

Before leaving, one person patted Wu Ren on the shoulder and said with shame: "Brother... I'm really sorry..."

Wu Ren twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, I can understand."

After waiting for a while, the original team of about twenty people suddenly dropped to about ten people.

Wu Ren glanced at Lin Yuan and the two, and said hesitantly: "You..."

"We're not leaving."

When Wu Ren heard this, his eyes showed gratitude, and then he led everyone inside.

The four walls of the cave are dotted with shining stones. Although the light is weak, it can illuminate the entire tunnel.

Monster, who had just tasted the sweetness, cheered up even more, and shot out a few more thorns towards Lin Yuan and the others. However, everyone had learned from the previous lesson, and everyone became cautious, facing the oncoming attack. The burrs fell directly with one hand and were cut under the blade.


The Monster deep in the cave howled in pain, and the entire cave trembled with its miserable voice. After a while, the ground shook, and the Monster's attacks became more intensive.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Wu Ren's pupils shrank and his figure dodged to the side to avoid Monster's attack. The rest of the people did the same and did not dare to confront Monster head-on. Instead, they mainly relied on dealing with enemies.

"Brother Lin, get out of the way!"

After Wu Ren ensured that he was safe, he took a quick look and found that Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were still stunned on the spot, showing no intention to dodge.

"This Monster is very powerful, you two are no match for it..."

Before he finished speaking, two people turned into light and flew straight towards the cave.

"Brother Lin! Miss Luo!"

Everyone was shocked, but when they saw the two people going into the cave, they couldn't leave it alone. They gritted their teeth and followed them.

The violent spiritual energy filled this small space, and it was so chaotic that there was no order at all.

"This is……"

When Luo Qinghan landed in the cave, he hesitated for a moment and asked Lin Yuan at the side.

"Does it feel a little familiar to you?"

Lin Yuan looked solemn, feeling the familiar lines in the aura.

"The unique spiritual power operation method of Ancient Beast."

The two of them focused on the Monster in front of them, with some disappointment in their eyes.

The Monster in front of him was not Tao Zhu. Apart from the same rules of luck between them, Lin Yuan couldn't even sense any familiar aura.

"Maybe there's a connection between them."

Lin Yuan pondered for a long time and came to this conclusion.

When Monster saw two humans invading his territory, he roared angrily and flew towards Lin Yuan with the weapons that had just been chopped off.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan avoided the Monster's attack with ease, and even looked at the Monster in front of them leisurely and elegantly.

Although they are in the Cave Ruins Realm, under the influence of Bai Ze, their strength has already surpassed their own realm. It is not because of their improved cultivation, but because they have long been accustomed to the suppression of high-level Spirit Beasts. The Monster in front of them To them, he is just a little guy.

"Lin Yuan...they are coming soon."

Luo Qinghan knew that the reason why Lin Yuan did not take action was to explore the origin of Monster, but now that Wu Ren and the others were about to break in, the two of them would look a little suspicious.

Lin Yuan nodded and took out the Black Demon Halberd.

Clang clank.

The Black Demon Halberd may have not come out for too long. As soon as it came out, it trembled with excitement, and the sound of gunshots came in waves, as if it couldn't wait.

At the same time, he activated Taotie's swallowing skill and locked the skill range on Monster.

Monster, who had been very arrogant just now, sensed the aura of the two powerful magic circles. In an instant, like a blooming flower bone, there was no sound. He whimpered twice and a sense of fear gradually spread throughout his body.

Lin Yuan glanced at it indifferently, not giving it a chance to struggle. The Black Demon Halberd came out casually, like a sharp sword, automatically locking onto Monster's beating heart.


Monster struggled hard to get rid of the Black Demon Halberd on its heart, but the Black Demon Halberd had already sunk into its heart and was difficult to take out. The more it struggled, the more uncomfortable it became.

After struggling to the end, its movements gradually slowed down until it became motionless.

Lin Yuan looked satisfied. With a thought in his mind, the black magic halberd that was deeply embedded in Monster's heart moved and was pulled out.

It was the first time that Luo Qinghan saw Lin Yuan using the ability to devour. Even though he knew that Lin Yuan had this ability before, he was still a little shocked when he saw it in person.

The giant beast in front of him was not killed by Lin Yuan, but died by him sucking it bit by bit.

She felt the passing of Monster's life force, and looked at Lin Yuan with a more complicated expression.

At this moment, Wu Ren and the others finally rushed over. They were all panting and ran to Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan and asked hurriedly without caring about breathing.

"Are you... all okay?!"

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